New meta speculations

Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

Now that we know which changes are gonna happen, what meta changes/shifts do you expect for killer/surv?

Sadly, with survivor healing having dodged changes to altruistic healing altogether (PTB was overturned, for sure, but I would have expected a middle ground fir live servers) I don't think there will be much of a change. Less DH, and that's about it I think. Maybe a slight increase in team-finding perks like bond, empathy, empathic connection and aftercare - or continued stacked coh to cover a large area.

At least if killers don't switch it up a lot. I see quite a few people still focusing on regression and how they now have fewer regression choices. Personally, I don't see the big issue. I see endgame builds that include one or more of the perks: No Way Out, Terminus. Remember Me, Bloodwarden and NOED. (Personally, on a non casual build I'll probs go for Painres or Jolt, NWO, Terminus and Spies or Sloppy)

And now that I think about it; If end game builds become more popular on the killer side (which I'm rooting for) we might actually see an endgame-meta where endgame perks on both sides become more popular. (Hope abusers? No one Left Behind might see some appreciation, Wake Up!, Leader, Vigil even)


  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Killers won't change that much either i think.

    No more overcharge and CoB which will probably be replaced with deadlock and maybe some kind of anti heal perk or franklins as medkits will still be the best choice overall when it comes to items

    PainRes is going to dip for a week cause this community sees any change as a nerf only to come back to about the same after they realise it's practically just as powerfull as before, if not more powerfull

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389 in other words... this meta shakeup round is probably gonna be unnoticeable apart from three genning and DH being less common :/

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604


    Well... I think they would be:


    Lethal/Floods Of Rage/Deadlock







    Prove Thyself/Resilience/Vigil

    Oh crap I can't think of another couple of perks... LOL

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Nothing all that major except gen rush gets worse, tunneling gets real worse, and killers run meme builds since they no longer have a meta outside of tunneling. Also weaker killers get even weaker and SWF's get stronger/

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,366
    edited April 2023

    The telport killers like freddy and sadako will become much weaker given they best attribute is applying gen regression quickly.

    the 3gen/ area deniers like knight and Skull merchant will be way weaker.

    The sniping killers like hillbilly, huntress, and slinger will be the same i imagine given they don't use much gen defense.

    All the high Mobility killers pick rates will sky rocket beside legion and billy. Lithe/SB won't be that good vs them and most of them can injure fast. so the lack of medkits heals definitely make them way more dangerous.

    so overall i think u will see more wraith, blight, wesker, spirit, etc. Aura reading perks rising on both side and a drop in all the b tier and lower killers.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    Survivor: Lithe, SB, Adre, Hyperfocus & Stake out, Inner Healing, OFR, Prove, Resillience, Windows, ig gen rush builds will be popular (you will see more toolboxes)

    Killer: Corrupt, Dead Lock, Eruption, Pentimento (if inner healing get meta + D-Hope), Noed + No way out, Undying + Ruin (special on Blight, Nurse), Jolt, Pop, save the best, Gift of pain, Sloppy

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    I don't see how you people think dead hard is dead, it barely got touched. It's still gonna be the number one exhaustion perk used.

  • foods
    foods Member Posts: 76

    survivors whined and cried so hard the devs backpedaled on everything so nothing will change on their end

    killers will move on to whatever the least useless slowdown perks are for a few months before those are nerfed again