Stop Buffing Killers!
I just played vs a 3 gen demogorgon in solo que and it was miserable. He wasn't that good but by holding a 3 gen he managed to win. And its only gonna get worse with the killer buffs. Pain res buffed, hillbilly buffed, gearhead buffed, dead hard and coh nerfed to the ground. I lost almost everygame in soloque. Facecamping and tunneling already have no counterplay as it is and then killers hit on the hook for some reason. I find killer pretty easy and i win most of my matches. I want a challenge please.
Also p.s delete feng min from the game, Thank you!
Well it is very easy to win games as Nurse tho. She is "Dead Hard" for killers. The real challange? Do this as Trapper.
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Disagree She 1) hard to play and 2)she has the lowest kill rate
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This is the most based thing I read here in a while as a true surv main. Not these fake -surv main btw- guys who just ask for surv nerfs sneakily.
Thanks for speaking up bro.
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Nurse mains loves to say this lol. But she is not even challange to win. Just pick the killer and win the match.
1) Hard to play for beginners. And most of killers are hard for beginners anyway.
2) She has high kills on high ranks. Unskilled Nurses makes rates a bit low.
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you should know especially since the killer in your avatar has the most overpowered addons in the game.
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You got me, I will change my avatar as soon they add tombstone piece as an option.
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myers is already good scary killer, you dont need those addons. toxic players use them
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we all play the same game and have the same bad experiences
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right!! Solo q is ok but if a Killer hold a 3 gen then is solo q horrible and misarable... otherwise solo q is ok and nearly to swf 🤡😂
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its almost always miserable
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Are you really complaining about Gearhead getting buffed???
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hehe yeah xDD its still will be misarable... it will stay that way until dbd gets a new dev team or bhvr changes their mindset or solo q dies and people pretty much only play swf :D but people who stick to solo q i just want to ask one question, how long did it take bhvr to understand that some things are way too op, how long did it take bhvr to fix Nurse (when the blink bug was there) ? spoiler years! xD ( i mean there are things in dbd that don't work till date and are unfair, forget it all and PLAY SWF! don't swim against the tide (solo q) that only makes you tired but let the sea carry you and enjoy it (swf)
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tho try for the achievement like me
btw thank I wanted make a thread going to now
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Already did it. It was easy. Solo que is easy pickings
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How could pain res,OC,COB change in this patch be a buff for you?
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Pain res 25% percent. I like it as killer hate it as survivor
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
It is a four time pop now.
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False. Try doing it against high level survivors
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Might i ask you what your relative survivor/killer playtime ratio is?
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Holy ######### I can't believe they actually buffed the Hillbilly! I might actually have to play against him TWICE a month!
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Oh, I'm sure all the killers will be running that new and improved Gearhead 😑
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Yeah, after you lost your first 5 games you will not really find her hard to play anymore.
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First, Hillbilly does not get a buff to anything but his ability to camp. If you want to complain about that please start a post in Feedback and Suggestions.
Also gen regression is getting nerfed massively. The change to Pain Res makes the perk somewhat usable but still bad. It can activate 4 times and then it's gone. The real problems for 3-genning were gen spawns and CoB, Overcharge, Eruption. After the next mid chapter all of these things will be changed in the survivors' favor. I would hardly call that a buff to killers. You will not have to deal with CoB anymore and I expect OC to be the same. They are too weak to be considered viable. Though, I do agree that camping and tunneling are issues that need to be dealt with. I'm affraid, when this update goes live and we'll see more Deadlock and Corrupt Intervention, camping will be more prevalent than ever. After all, the perk that rewarded the killer for winning a chase were nerfed at some point in the last 9 months.
My SoloQ experience has been quite good lately. We haven't been 3-genned too often because it is easy to see where a potential 3 gen could be and break it before that happens. With the new HUD everyone plays much more efficient and it helps you know exactly who is getting chased, who works on gens who is healing etc. Overall, I think it's fair to say that SoloQ is in the best spot it has been for at least 1 1/2 years.
Try playing killer for a change. You're likely to feel like an absolute power house at first before you realise how ridiculous 5 seconds self-heals and losing 3 gens in 90 seconds is. Btw, Nurse is literally the strongest killer in the game. With a bit of basic muscle memory you already destroy most survivor groups. Your experience with her is not the same as with any other killer. All other killers are bound by the game's rules and mechanics such as looping. That's a big difference.
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Another victim falls to the dreaded Demogorgen 3 gen. How many more people must suffer before this rampage ends.
Nerfing Demodog out of the store was a good first step but maybe further action needs to be taken.
I suggest adding a 100 auric cell pay everytime you want to queue up as demogorgen
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I dont know where u see the buff on Pain res sincerely
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Of all the killers to whine about, you choose Demogorgon?
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Who said i did not?
It does not means it is false just because some survivors defeated you when you are playing Nurse.
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15% to 25%. Don't know how people keep ignoring this. That's a 66% increase
Only 4 scourge hooks needed for full vallue where with the old one every missed scourge hook was vallue you lost forever so less hook rng
It is pretty much around the same or stricktly better in most scenarios.
Only times it's "nerfed" is past scourge hook 7 at which point does it really matter? Or if all of your first 3 hooks are on a single survivor at which point you pretty much win against bad survivors and lose against really good ones anyway
I sincerely don't see the mind gymnastics people do to say it's dead
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Its not about buffing killers its about having situations created by design that make the game useless to play as survivor. Like you said, 3 gen. In old times 3genning was a failure of survivors. Now its basically a given on several maps right off the bat. Killers dont need anything but defending their 3 gen. Those games are worthless, and theyre not rare anymore.
Same thing with getting tunneled and/or camped. Nothing you can do about it. If you play soloQ youre dead, and your mates are mostly dumb enough to make it an ez 4k too. And those situation are a given by design and BVHR refuses to do anything about it for -what?- 5 Years?
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i fear for the dbd community. this person's obviously trolling how do you people fall for this
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It's nearly impossible to tell if they're trolling or serious. You know, this community is full of noobs and so being here can also be serious. Also because for many surv mains who have never played killer in their entire life, killers are really broken, when in reality, killers would need a nice buff (or rather, survs would need a nice nerf, obviously for all perks for gen speed and toolboxes)
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"Pain res buffed"
You're either fear mongering or completely missing the fact it got nerfed and this still doesnt bring it anywhere near its power before. Hillbilly is weak already, and his "buff" basically already had 0 impact unless you're already stomping him in the first place.
"I find killer very easy and I win most of my matches" Congrats, you're playing killer for the first time, cause you obviously not seen the hell that is mid-high MMR.
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no need to get super defensive, just admit you guys screwed up and fell for bait
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Tombstone or all other "overpowert" addons arent toxic the only toxic thing that can be toxic happends after the match in the end game chat for example
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Honestly disappointed in this community lmao
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I live for high mmr
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people def go to the forums to fight, no doubt about it. sounds exhausting but honestly i'm kind of a petty ######### sometimes so i don't mind a good fight myself so i can't blame them too much
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Sorrowful be the heart, penitent one.
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People really think pain resonance has a buff?
4 time max use, sure you get 25% each but you consume a token even if no gens are worked on or if a gen has much less progress than 25%. In am ideal situation yes its stronger than old pain resonance but that's with everything lining up just right (which isn't realistic to expect in many games)
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Maybe i'm just really experienced in seeing troll post but it was painfully obvious for me too.
Some people seriously need to take a step back when it comes to DbD. It looks a lot better if you look at it with a clear mind
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Of course Nurse has this killrate. All Console-Players are welcome to decrease it, because this killer cannot be played on console. On top of it normal players wont be good at her. If you are, you are nearly unbeatable tho.
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I highly doubt it, op literally sat here and said Pain Res got buffed when you can now only use it a max of 4 times vs the previous 12 (technically 12 at least).
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the game isn't balanced for solo queue. get some friends to play swf and the demo will be the miserable one.
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Then stop playing solo q maybe? you should complain about randoms, not about killers