Killer nerf instead of survivor nerf ?

DrFrozen Member Posts: 144

I can't believe that upcoming patch is going to nerf killers so hard. I mean many survivors can say that "HEY, THEY NERFED MED KITS AND COH AND EVEN DH!" but look... DH can be used also by person who saved certain survivor... It just doesn't work for only 1st chase. CoH is actually buffed... placing 2 boons grants you large area with insane healing speed boost.

CoH was trashy on PTB because of more time required to heal. With only 16 seconds 50% of extra speed is seems decent and that isn't too opressive for killer.

And so... they nerfed probably every single regression perk in the game. CoB or OC weren't too strong, they were chosen frequently because killers have no other perks but dead lock or Pain Resonace which was nerfed as well...

Probably every singe not too bad SWF will benefit from this patch and killers like the Trapper or Trickster are going to be even worse...


  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    The buff to heal speed on CoH is only to make up for the time it takes to place it, and the time it takes for other survivors to come to the boon area to heal an injured player. And since that healing bonus doesn't work with med-kit heals, it sounds like a smart change to me.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,241

    survivor's only change is an increase in 8 second healing when using med-kit. your not going notice 8 seconds of more time healing from med-kit as killer.

    DH is strong perk however few players can utilize it consistently for the perk to major impact a match. when only 0.05% of player-base would produce game-changing impact from the perk, your not really going to notice much in regards to this perk.

    The survivor changes will be unnoticeable in a few months. What will remain noticeable in a few months is killer having no regression perks or consistent generator defence perks. The few perks that vastly improved killer winning chances are low impact perks. I suspect that survivor will have one of strongest updates that they have ever had.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You will.

    Suddenly, since you can't heal quickly multiple times, injuring Survivors and spreading pressure is worth it.

    DH was hard nerfed. CoH was hard nerfed. CoB and Overcharge were hard nerfed.

    PR got a sidegrade.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited April 2023

    Im looking forward to the most boring Meta ever: Corrupt, Deadlock, No Way Out and NOED

    And no, dear devs, these perks are not overpowered, the rest of the roster is just too bad or demolished with your nerfs.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    We'll make it gives you a 100% healing speed buff aswell, it's good perk but not a meta perk, so I expect the new CoH to fall in the same category.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    PR is better until the 7th hook of the game. If you've got 7 hooks, you should be winning.

    You also get rewarded for not tunneling. Good design.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    It’s rng on top of rng. You have to hope you get a scourge hook against different people on different occasions. I think that’s design that will guarantee no one uses it.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Because that perk has seen more use since its buff last year?

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    If you think COH is getting overall buffed idk what to say to u lmao, pain res is also still going to be good but of course coh only got buffed and pain res only got nerfed makes a lot of sense

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 368

    Not it doesn't.

    The CoB and Overcharge got totally destroy.

    PR nerf that it doesn't only get less maximum value but also let it can't use together with tunnel and 3 gen playing style,which is the only 2 viable strategy in this patch so if the medkit nerf can't save the hit and run play style ,PR will be as trash as CoB and Overcharge......... maybe not that kind of trash, but you know what i mean.

    And in the same time

    All the nerf survivor got is DH can no longer use in first chase,and make survivor need to bring a different heal perk.

    I don't see these two is near to even,and don't forget the truth that killer's regression perks are being nerfed multiple times in last few patches too, which makes killer doesn't have too many choices to replace the perk being nerfed this time.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    I am more shocked as Killer main that survivors need a bandage for this patch. We killer mains are used to have limbs severed in patches, so the fact that survivors got a "boo-boo" is cause for celebration. But yeah, run Devour Hope and End Game perk builds if you want any ounce of play NICE in your killer builds, and march on. If they break your Devour Hope, then they deserve the camp/tunnel they get, because you simply can't 12 hook against even AFK survivors.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Happy times are coming: Deadlock, NOED, No Way Out, Perk X

    This is the build you will see in a lot of matches now. Probably with STBFL, Bamboozle or Lethal

    Sometimes the good old Spirit Fury/Enduring.

    Everything else vs. good teams? Into the trash bin

  • imakepeoplehateme
    imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125

    What a good and detailed post from someone that knows their stuff and plays versus good survivors.People don't see the bigger picture that medkits are still the strongest item survivors can bring,Dh while still usable can easily be replaced by a different exhaustion perk of similar value,CoH still has value for good coordinated teams.

    However killers lost all regression, and have barely a few blocking perks left.While we need to wait and test out the new Pr before an accurate rating can be made,i fear the high rng and poor perk synergy will make it unviable.(You need to mix hooks,hope you have a scurge hook near that survivors can't bodyblock or sabo,once you make it to the hook hope a gen doesn't pop,and hope you don't get denied by Deadlock a vastly superior perk).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    I find breakdowns of hard numbers like this kind of interesting, in a way- but I think the most relevant part of them is that your numbers towards the end of your post there, regarding getting a hook, very much misses a pretty major part of the game, which is that getting a hook while all four survivors are alive is an immediate -50% penalty to generator efficiency. The very second that one survivor peels away to get the save, that is two survivors who cannot be working on generators, and since you're aiming to maximise your pressure as killer, you're going to be going and chasing one of the remaining two before the save happens if you can help it, to ensure the maximum number of survivors are occupied with something that isn't a generator.

    That's what your slowdown perks are for, to give you windows of extra time to generate that kind of pressure. That's why a lot of the perks that are left are still totally worth running, because the point of them is to buy extra time to disable the survivors naturally, not for any one of your perks to be the actual main pressure preventing the survivors from finishing generators.

    Now, I know there's a few issues with that framing- for one, toolboxes and a handful of other tools do make generators fly too fast for that to really be as effective as it should be, and that is a problem that should be addressed, but luckily the slowdown we have left is still good enough to mostly combat that against a majority of teams. Second, there is the pretty glaring question of, well, what if someone isn't hanging on a hook that long? What if the save happens almost immediately? In that case, it's pretty clear whoever got the save wasn't on a generator to begin with, they were lurking around near the down to get the unhook. It's not as good for you, but it still means the generator efficiency went down noticeably- and let's face it, that kind of save happens while you're still around, so you've got a choice of two targets to pressure if you deem it a good idea.

    Your job as a killer isn't to regress the generators down as far as possible. Your job as a killer is to prevent the survivors from escaping, and from that lens, the most important aspect of generators is binary; are they complete, or are they still being repaired? That's why perks like Deadlock and Merciless Storm (when a skillcheck is missed, anyway) are still good despite only affecting one generator for a short time; they prevent the generator from being finished, giving you time to generate more pressure with your downs and hooks. Obviously progression matters, it's easier for survivors to finish a 99'd generator than it is for them to finish a completely empty one, but that element only matters insofar as it relates to the binary mentioned above.

    Now, of course, some slowdown perks could and should be buffed to better reflect this, they aren't all on an equal + neutral playing field. Grim Embrace should show all auras, Oppression should have its cooldown lowered as far as possible, DMS could stand to have a longer duration now that it can't be as effectively paired with Pain Res, and so on and so forth. However, that doesn't mean we don't have anything worth running so long as we understand what it is we're trying to achieve with our perks in the first place.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292

    CoH was trashy on PTB because of more time required to heal. With only 16 seconds 50% of extra speed is seems decent and that isn't too opressive for killer.

    CoH on PTB is going to be identical to CoH coming out of PTB.

    With base healing being 24 seconds, a +50% CoH would shave off 8 seconds.

    With base healing being 16 seconds, a +100% CoH would shave off 8 seconds.

    So if PTB CoH was 'trashy', then it will still be trashy coming out of it. Overall, while this isn't the change I would've gone for, I do think this will work for the perk and put it in a fairer position.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    You're saying dh is bad perk even now? I disagree it's too strong it changes game completely if used succesfully. Most survivors do get value from it at least once and usually in first chase so the nerf will make first chases shorter.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    You need to take advantage of the survivors either being injured all game, which is a quite underated advantage (i usually doing fine as legion because there will be the one moment where you see 1 or 2 survivors being outzoned, easy down), or having to heal for a long time which means they're not doing gens. That's at least the idea behind the update i think. We'll see if it works. I was trying out aura- and anti-heal builds and they're fun, but i think they should definitely up the basekit gen regression a little bit and rework Prove Thyself. It will all come down a little bit more to your skill in chase and your game sense and i think that's great.

    Jolt has been a joke for a while now, people are overestimating it's value. Most of the time you will not regress more than one gen and then the regression value is way to low. Corrupt is still a good perk in my eyes, if you're good at finding survivors, it definitely helps when you have a bad first chase, but can have no value at all if you get an early down. It's not gamebreaking but something literally every killer can still use to some value. Lately I was playing Grim Embrace with other "hook 4 people"-perks and was having a lot of fun, but against a good team it's nothing to write home about.

    Killer has always been about gaining time and fast chases, i hope the new anti heal-meta will help here but i'm indecisive