Would You Prefer: Weaker Windows, or Weaker Pallets?

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,768

Time to ask an interesting (and difficult) question for the community to answer.

If you were forced to choose (even if you feel as if it were unnecessary): Would you prefer it loops had weaker windows spawning OR weaker pallet spawning?

  • Weaker Window Spawns: The walls along window spawn locations are shorter which ensures less runs around a loop can be made; only applicable to certain loops; forced pallet drops faster than before; pallets still retain the same strength as before.
  • Weaker Pallet Spawns: The walls/structures around a pallet spawning location are reduced, making most pallets more unsafe than before; already unsafe pallets are not changed; windows still retain the same strength as before.

Keep in mind that the windows will remain there the entire match, you can break every pallet on the map but the windows will still remain for Survivors to use. This is important to keep in mind, so do not rush with your decision.

Would You Prefer: Weaker Windows, or Weaker Pallets? 54 votes

Weaker Window Spawns
F60_31BlazelskiChordycepssiyke26BrokenbonesHex_LlamaGlow_BladesSeraphorSleemAurelleIron_CutlassCaptainHustlesnot_requested49imakepeoplehateme1ettuceBigSwoodHugTheHagVhillainAssortedSortingdgbug 33 votes
Weaker Pallet Spawns
BlueberryIWasLrft2DieGlamourousLeviathanCrowmanbigZ_RomitoDhurl421LunarApoc_NIGHTMARE_IWasLeft2DieHalloulleAlbert_WeskerBrandon48CharleetuttoinunavoltaGensByDaylighteheDeathslinger1of2Boons123xPrinceHarlequinxxMultyCaPx 21 votes


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 949
    Weaker Window Spawns

    Why can't we make Pallets spawn over the duration of the Trial and reduce the initial amount of them?

    But if given the choice I'd choose weaker Window spawns, specifically for the loops with the longest loopable pathways that also interconnect with other Window vault pathways, EG: Haddonfield house.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138
    Weaker Window Spawns

    I'm bad at looping pallets and I'm extra bad at looping windows.

    Might as well preserve what I'm the least worse at !

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,050
    Weaker Pallet Spawns

    The thing is. I wish pllets were handled differently altogether. Like you say; windows stay, pallets go. Like someone else says they are abundant at the beginning on a few maps/with favourable rng (though, the opposite can be the case as well) - either way their depletable nature makes them "assymetric" in themselves. There are "pallet shredder" killers, those who kinda don't care about them and those who get absolutely demolished by a few pallets thrown in their path.

    However, pallets are more fun to play around because of the whole will-it-be-dropped-or-not" situation.

    So why still the weaker pallets? Simple, it's about what I would want. And since I'm horrified of dropping pallets (thank you early teammates for going "WhY diD yOu dRoP tHaT???!!!!!!!!" like it's a serious crime) I don't drop them if I don't absolutely have to anyway. I've gotten somewhat decent at the whole playing around windows and looping on nothing though. So, personally, I don't care about weaker pallets.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,666
    Weaker Window Spawns

    As a killer main, I have to say windows. Strong pallets will eventually be dropped and then destroyed. Strong windows are permanent and you just kinda have to deal with it.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,773
    Weaker Window Spawns

    If you get someone who's good at looping, they can chain windows for a really long time -- at least with a pallet there's an end to it at some point. Conversely, when I play survivor, I get hit every time I jump through a window because I don't have the magic touch, so I lose nothing if we take some windows.

  • Sleem
    Sleem Member Posts: 179
    Weaker Window Spawns

    I'd love to not have to run bamboozle on every killer except nurse.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,155
    Weaker Window Spawns

    Simple logic

    Strong Pallets can be permanently broken

    Windows can be abused all game for a minimum of 3 times per survivor before they are forced to move on

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,043
    Weaker Window Spawns

    Even with Bamboozle equipped I hate the window loops. Pallets can at least be permanently removed once broken.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,828
    Weaker Window Spawns

    The most 'problematic' loops are window loops.

    Pallets are required to be used first, survivors have to drop them, and killers can break them. That gives room for misuse, and counter play.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 238

    I mean if there weren't many pallets there would be so many dead zones and killers wouldn't even need to use their powers. They could just chase us and down us.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 949
    Weaker Window Spawns

    And if given the tools to build pallets, that could be a time-sink instead of just upping Gen repair times.

  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136
    Weaker Window Spawns

    I've actually mentioned this a little in a discussion, I think for the endgame collapse, since it is the endgame I though if the timer started after the last generator pops. Slowly, the map starts to morph chaotically, the cataclysm will change most tiles to be unsafe, broken, and pieces of the world will fall through. I though this would seem cool, since that part of the Trial is called the "Endgame Collapse"

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 238

    Yes because we need more time sinks in solo Q. About a third of my games are over in 5 minutes because my teammates suicide into the killer.