Which is the weakest killer without perks and addons?

In your opinion, which killer has the weakest basekit? when playing without perks and addons?
I'm between Myers, Trapper, Hag and Wraith. But I guess Myers has the worst early game of these killers. So maybe Myers?
I'd make an argument for Freddy. He's a significantly weaker Clown. Sure, he has map pressure with his teleport, but its cooldown is so long without add ons, unless multiple survivors are sleeping, and even then, thats a hell of a cooldown. At least with clown, you can shut down every loop in the game
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In my opinion, it's Trapper mainly because of the fact that his base power is already not really that good, especially with how many maps just don't have thick grass anymore. Myers at least has the benefit of not being that map dependent and having a bit of anti-loop and lethality when he finally makes it to T3 but Trapper really doesn't have much going for him. He's a Killer that is not only very map dependent. but also very weak to callouts and just good survivors in general.
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Trapper is so damn weak. The fact that you have to find your power on the map, put your power on the map again and having luck the survivors fall off on them (when they still have the chance to free themselve) is insanely weak.
Playing Trapper is asking to lose.
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Tough choice, but I'd say that naked Trickster is the weakest. Trapper would be completely fine if he had all traps with him from the start.
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Leaning towards piggy or sadako. Piggy is an m1 killer that has a lethal slowdown requiring a down first with an ambush that rarely works against attentive survivors. Sadako is an m1 killer with a fast slow teleport (teleport itself is fast, tv cd is slow) and a lethal gimmick thats hard to exploit without add ons. At least Trapper can get alot of pressure real quick (though requiring luck and unlucky survivors) and technically some anti-loop while Freddy has mobility and ways (or 1 way since no add ons) to help in chases.
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Trapper- cause he loses so much pressure right off the bat picking up and setting his traps
Hag- same as Trapper (minus picking up traps)
Pig- her crouching it too slow, her dash is best used at "unsafe" loops, and her RBT's still have RNG (which has pros and cons) but relies on getting the first down
Hot take.... Huntress- (Seems that I am not as good at her then I thought) but the cooldown between hatchet and axe is too long (for me) and I'm not a sniper so all of my hatchet throws are kinda telegraphed
Mickey- being one of those Killers whos power grows over time... just meh at this point
Freddie- having Dream Pallets or Snares... but having to wait for 15-20 seconds (I don't remember... Geez I sound old) to teleport to a Gen then having to wait 30 (give or take) seconds to do it again plus it's a dead give away which Gen you are Teleporting to
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Probably Myers. Unlike a lot of killers who don’t necessarily need add-ons to do well it feels like a liability for him. His power is just too slow for the game.
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Probably Sadako. I would say Pig but she can slow the match down significantly with her traps. Sadako has no real pressure besides her TV teleport which can be stopped as well, essentially making her walk everywhere. She's just an M1 killer at that point and you can loop/chain tiles pretty easily since she doesn't have anything in her kit for anti-loop.
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Not the worst,but spirit goes from the 3rd strongest killer in the game to a below average one if you exclude her addons.Her power lastly barely enough to catch up to a survivor,after that you have to wait 15 seconds to use as anti loop .Unless you are close to a survivor you have to use it either for mobility or anitloop,unless you have her ring or amulet.
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I think pig, doctor, freddy, trapper
The weakest thing here is the doctor.
It's better not to use abilities that don't have addons.
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Probably Blight. He is very addon / slowdown dependent.
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Myers. He can't do anything against actual competent survivors if they are efficient and predrop pallets. A good team will have at least a few gens done before you ever reach tier 3. You might make it to tier 3 but they will play so safely that it won't matter. You might get a few downs at best.
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I think Freddy. There is no situation where a base Freddy becomes dangerous. He does have a teleport but cannot really get a quick hit or down after that. His anti loop is basically a significantly weaker version of Clown's purple bottle and he doesn't have any potential to snowball like basement Trapper or Myers.
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And the funny part: even with Addons he is the weakest killer in the game, because they are unbelievably bad.
His strengh was Gen-Defense. Thats his Design. He can teleport to gens for old Pop, he knows where everyone is with old Tinkerer, he defended it and buyed time with old Ruin, he blocked gens with his fakes with Dead Mans Switch (45sec-Version) etc.
In 2 days, EVERYTHING what Freddy is designed for is dead. The nerfs to CoB, Overcharge, Pain Res are his final nail in the coffin.
So you have an M1-Killer with no antiloop besides the survs are asleep, which takes 60sec Basekit to fall for it while your Teleport can be used once per 40sec or so? What keeps him up was the synergy with Gen-perks. Thats gone. People asking me in the endgame-chat: "is this a new killer?"
It hurts my gamer-soul to see how he gets killed with every patch more and more.
Trapper? Run Agitation and STBFL and Basement-Trapper most of the time. You will mostly get a 2K at least.
But Freddy? Oh boi, he is back to F-Tier!
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I'm honestly surprised by the number of people saying Myers or Freddy. Against competent survivors, it's got to be Trapper right? If we are talking about who I personally would be the worst at with no perks or add ons then it would be nurse. I'm terrible with her. I'm just better off with literally any killer with normal base movement speed and no power.
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Against competent survivors, it doesnt matter if you are Freddy, Myers, Trapper, Sadako or Trickster. Youll lose by default (even with Perks and Addons a 2K is good).
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Tough to choose one tbh. So many Killers are terrible without add-ons. I guess I'd pick Sadako or maybe Trapper.
Huh? Blight has one of the best base-kits in the game. His add-ons just push him from A-tier to S-tier.
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Trapper or Myers I'd say. Before he got a second trap basekit it would have easily been Trapper but now it's a lot closer. Addonless Myers is miserable, takes ages to tier up and you don't even get the tombstone to make up for it.
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michael myers imo since it takes him to long to get anything going compared to other killers
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I'll also go with Myers, very slow early game and with no perks or addons even his T3 isn't that impressive. No antiloop, no mobility, nada.Even Trapper can, if nothing else, shut down a god loop and force the survivor to go somewhere less safe.
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Probably Myers. He's limping across the map slowly, needs to slow himself down even more to build up his power which at least takes 5 seconds to charge up per Tier.
Has no real anti loop, cuz base Tier 3 vaulting is still to slow at most loop and his longer lunge is negligible.
The only thing he has going for him is the surprise factor of sneaking up with Tier 2 akd popping Tier 3 on a Survivor, but even that is mostly difficult on open maps without Rabbit or M&A.
His area control is weak because he doesn't have traps unlike Trapper. Trapper can at least snowball and shut down an area. Myers cannot and he is the only Killer where his power can run out.
He is really outdated, needs a rebalance on his kit and Add-ons. His Add-ons alone boost him from D Tier to B Tier if not A Tier with Tombstone Piece and some good Perks.
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I will pretty much always say Myers for these kinds of questions. Only killer in the game with a hard cap on how much use you can get out of his power and for that alone he deserves bottom tier at the very least.
And then without early game slowdown perks to help him get out of tier 1 before too much generator progress is done, the match is going to blow by before you can get the ball rolling.
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I know lol. I was kiddin’.
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I would say the bottom 3 would be Trapper, Myers and Pig. If you include add ons then i wouldn't have Myers or Trapper in bottom 3 as both have some very strong iri's and purple's.
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It’s not Wraith.
Probably Trapper, Sadako, or Freddy.
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Trapper for sure. Even comparing him with addons to several killers without addons he would still be in the discussion for weakest
Hag can still tear up a team without anything.
Myers is slower early game but he can snow ball pretty well even playing without addons.
Wrath if the killer is good enough to know effective positioning I think they could still do very well.
Trapper, even really good Trapper players, have not a whole lot going for them
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I'd say trapper. He's the face of the game but is one of the worst killers sadly. They should make it to where if they're already injured and step in a trap, they can't free themselves unless theyre the last survivor or if everyone else is either downed hooked or dead. If nor trapper probably onryo
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I would agree with Trapper.
There are plenty of things annoying me about him.
- Your Traps spawn all around the map, so you need to walk to them, grab and place them at a good spot (huge waste of time)
- Most Maps don't support Trapper. Thin grass and bright maps...its just getting harder to find some good spots.
- If Survivors find your trap and disarm it, you are just left behind powerless. You need to get back to that trap and open it manually. Again a huge time waste for an already weak killer.
- 100% Escape after 6 tries.
Its sad to see Trapper where he is right now, especially as the Face of Dbd.
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Currently, Legion. He can injure well, sure, but his power is incapable of bypassing or working around any perks, he gets shut down by survivors working together and splitting quickly (which is meant to be his strength), and he cannot down in his power without 5 hits. At least once trapper gets set up he can be a menace and have every loop locked down in his territory.
Next patch tho, he might just beat out trapper.
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Pig? Never. She has the best Basekit-Slowdown next to Cenobite in the game.
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Yeah but have you ever played pig against sweats. 3-4 gens will pop before you can down.
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i actually play her a lot, but of course not perkless.
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Not wrong lmao but hes still so fun. I wish they would show him some love with some QOL updates to his kit or a rework
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He really should have his traps on him basekit at the very least. Maybe even his addon on that hurts survivors for disarming as well. I think he'd still be in the back half of killer rankings but he'd be better than he is now
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Otzdarva actually did a video with each killer without perks or addons, and with giving survivors a 30 second headstart for those interested
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not myers i tried this its still ez he is op in a fun way
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Agreed on the traps to start with. As far as the disarming thing maybe give it an RNG percentage chance for balance purposes.
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Yeah I think that's hard to know. I'd be interested in seeing how a PTB would work for it.
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i play pig and dont use ambush she stil has stealth in her basekit
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True, but so does spooky girl and spoopys has been more effective for us everywhere but lerys.
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Otz is a good player... sure some of the Survivors were good as well but if they played the game instead of taunting and BM'ing he would have lost more matches
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Yeah I 100% agree with you
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Most Killers have an advantage in the mid-game:
Oni, Pig, Legion, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Wraith (I was debating on putting him another category)... ETC
Some Killers need Survivors to make mistakes:
Nurse, Bubba, Hillbilly, Ghostface, Deathslinger, Freddie
Other Killers need to have a plan and stick to it:
Hag, Trapper, Sadako, Knight, Skull Merchant
Not one Killer has an advantage at the start of a match
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Trapper, idk why he does not start with all traps. Dev are likely kinda stupid.
Pig, unhook someone with a trap should active it
these 2 killer are pretty bad
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I'd be inter3sted in seeing how pig would be if all survivors started with traps basekit in a ptb