Matchmaking Gone Haywire

Xernoton Member Posts: 5,605

I have no idea what BHVR did but something is off. Way off. My matches have been absolutely ridiculous today.

I'm currently trying for Artist's adapt. I have played her maybe 10-15 times (including 6 today), I know that I'm incredibly bad with her and have lost (4 escapes) all my matches today and if I remember correctly I only got 2 kills in total with her but the game still decides to pair me with multiple P100s every single game. And these are not your "P100 but playing with their feet" survivors. These are survivors with thousands of hours each and always in SWFs (checked their steam profiles, when they didn't have matching names).

Has anyone had the same experience today or am I just that unlucky?


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I've played survivor yesterday evening / early this morning, and games have been pleasantly random on my end.

    I've had a very sweaty Blight tunneling ruthlessly and 4K'ing, and a couple of games later a very gentle beginner Pinhead.

    Might be unlucky ?

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666
    edited April 2023

    That's what happens when there's a higher than 4:1 survivor:killer ratio queuing for a game. Lots of killers are going to get thrown into the group that's been waiting the longest, not the one that's the best match for them. The groups waiting the longest are going to be those at the extreme ends of the MMR pseudo-bell curve (as modified by the soft cap).

    One way you could solve that is to incentivize some people to play the other role, which is exactly what the PTB build would have done if it reached live.

    Of course, enough people complained about that to cause BHVR to cave, as expected, so you will continue seeing the same poor matchmaking for the foreseeable future.

    (You could also solve it by dispensing with the absurd soft cap, but I doubt that's happening soon.)

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Artist adept is rough of you aren't good with her. Hope you get it before the pain res nerf kicks in. Hope you have better luck with it soon.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,605

    Yeah, that might be. I'll try again today and see, if it's any better.

    I'm not exactly new to DBD, so I've had my fair share of that as well. Though, it's never been this extreme. Usually I'll have a range of matches that goes from way too easy to pretty much unwinnable for me (mostly due to my own lack of skill and experience) and sometimes a match in between. That wasn't the case here. I'm a bit baffled.

    Thanks. I've never really cared to get better with her as she's just not my kind of killer and my win rate with her is abysmal (though that's mostly fine). I'm just confused how I was consistently paired up with groups that are so much better than me.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Match making is just bad. Probably doesn't help if you're high mmr with other killers it does pull up your base mmr with new killers that you aren't familiar with yet and it can feel unwinnable. Teams I could easily mince with demo and spirit would run rings around me as blight or hillbilly.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Always said that killers should have separate ranks, so that you don't have to get smoked when playing a much less played killer. Suppose we have bot modes now for practice thus makes my point somewhat obsolete.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Believe killer's did have a separate matchmaking system per killer for a time at least. Couple of years ago and when the old rank system was still a thing.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Mm i agree personally. No reason why all killers should be a nightmare because you can sweat well with one.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    its simple killers are leaving cause this is getting ridiculous how fast gens are going ., how sweaty it is to even win a match, less killers , means you will eventually get way better survivor. they are tunning this game for survivors solos , but killers are totaly letted downed. We get nerfs after nerfs.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 104

    Skill issue

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Over the past week I've consistantly had terrible killer games. Almost every game I'm being matched against survivors way above my skill level and it's just awful.

    Conversely as solo survivor I've been escaping a lot more recently.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,605

    Oh, 100% true. That is beside the point though.

    Matchmaking shouldn't put me up against survivors that absolutely know what they're doing, when I have little to no experience and (obviously) no talent on this killer. At least not consistently.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I'm both glad that other people seem to have the same experience as I do and I'm not going crazy, and of course also sad, because it confirms my suspicions that something really wonky is going on with MMR and this time around it doesn't seem to be fixing itself which is highly worrisome.

    Ever since SBMM was introduced, every month there would be 2-4 days where my survivor games were utterly hopeless, very experienced killers who are all on top of their game and mechanics while my teammates are literally bush crouching Claudettes hiding the MOMENT they hear a heartbeat and conversely, the survivors I faced as Killer were significantly more often in a SWF than usual (there are only so many Hex: sex joke names out there for them to be in the same lobby with no repeat, plus Steam friend list) and would genrush the hell out of me. One particularly sad moment stands out when I saw 4 toolboxes and 4 hook offerings, hoping that it would be one of those insanely fun meme matches where a sabo squad would completely throw the game just to have fun. 4 BNPS and 4 hooks, balanced like all things should be.

    For the past two years this random MMR anomaly would go away and my matches would become significantly less frustrating for the rest of the month. But two weeks ago it started again and this time it doesn't seem to be going away. Last week I played 76 SoloQ matches for 1, that is 1 out of 76, escape. Ludicrous even by Dead by Hockey standards and more than double my worst loss streak up to that point. I stopped playing the game altogether yesterday . Killer games are equally as bad, maybe one match out of ten I 3k, the rest is 6-8 hooks and everyone is out (although I don't tunnel so some of those matches are in principle perfectly winnable and as such the killer side of things isn't very reliable as far as percentage is concerned). But SoloQ has never been this horrendous, not even close and it has been gradually getting worse every patch since SBMM was introduced though I really didn't think we could hit the point of single digit escape rates because 10k hour Nurse mains need to go up against 60 hour Claudettes so that the people who are most vocal about killers not owing survivors chill games can have chill games themselves. Beyond parody.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,605

    I played Artist again today and to my surprise I was not paired with a group that would completely wipe the floor with me. Instead I was put against a group of players that just started the game. I checked their steam profiles and talked to them in end game chat. They felt a bit helpless because none of them could really do much against me in chase. This is even worse.

    I could maybe comprehend, if I slipped into high MMR with her somehow because I hit the soft cap (I usually don't speculate about that) and then got unlucky, but these survivors literally had no idea what they were even supposed to do against me. Meaning, now the matchmaking didn't just ruin my experience as the game naturally was won from the moment I started moving but also the survivors' because they were completely destroyed. I tried to play it a bit more chill, when I had 4 hooks with no gens done but still.

    The rest of my games were not much better. Either the survivors would completely dominate me (most matches today) or die at 5 gens.

    I've had days when all my matches felt awful and I would just lose no matter what killer I played but I would usually experience that on my mains and not get a match where the survivors had no idea what they were doing.

    I would really like to know what is going on.