Thoughts on survivor DC and Gens?

Five games in a row the first person downed has instantly DCd or killed themselves on 1st hook. Each time the killer either plays as normal or slugs the entire team. I agree that killers shouldn’t have to “pity” the others when someone DCs, but completing objectives designed for four people when you only have three or two is very unreasonable. So usually if 1 person gives up when the match starts the rest do because the chances of winning are very very low which makes for a string of nothing but horrible matches where you lose everything.

Having someone give up on first hook would be too complicated to track so to speak but If a DC could make the gens number go down, I think it could be reasonable. I don’t believe this would endanger the killers chances of winning as it would be similar to a regular match if someone hasn’t DC, but it gives the survivors who didn’t quit a chance to actually play the game and possibly win. As it stands right now, DCs don’t hinder the killer in anyway and it only increases their chances of winning and makes the game much easier, while at the same time punishing the survivors who don’t DC. I don’t understand how that could be considered balanced. If the game was meant to be played that way then it would have been designed that way.



  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Made a thread about this exact problem yesterday. DCs, be they literal or "soft"DCs (hook suicide) should be punished harshly imo.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited April 2023

    The feature of reducing gen count upon DC would need HEAVY and complicated case by case restrictions to not be abusable.

    For example, 4 gens done, 2-8 hooks, one survivor goes down and instead of getting deathhooked they DC. Last gen gets auto finished/deleted and the other survivor can already wait at the further or both exit gates. A "DC for hatch 2.0".

    But also an early DC is detrimental for a killer with this feature. If a DC ends up in an auto powered gen, then the killer loses all the time they wasted on the DCing survivor with nothing to show for it.

    In the worst case: one gen deleted, 3 other over 50% done and probably no idea where the other survivor are. So the 3 survivors aren't pressured which might end up with 1 gen, 3 survivor alive and 0 hooks.

    Which is way worse for the killer than the old "4 gens for 3 survivor when one didn't load into the match".

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    How would such a system not be abused to auto complete the last gen via dc or dcing just before you get killed to give your team a free gen?

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    This system would be abused and no way I can think of unless like @burt0r said jea y and complicated systems in place to make sure I can't be abused and with the current set up of the game would probably cause more unforseen issues and bugs

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Wouldn't be so bad if killers didn't go so hard even after a DC. I've had a game where two people dc and the killer still slugged for that 4k.


  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593

    Hm yeah I could see how that could be hard to counter for killer. But does this mean that there is nothing to be improved upon with this? I don’t think anyone is arguing that it’s fair but is the answer; yes it’s unfortunate it’s difficult/nearly impossible for the survivor but since it would make things difficult for killer then it is what it is? Not trying to sound rude it just feels kinda unfair. Sometimes DC are legitimate as well as in bad connection/lag. It’s happened to me before. It feels kinda scummy to acknowledge the issue but not try and figure out a solution for it. (Not saying you’re doing that I just mean in a general sense) Again not trying to sound rude I’m sorry if I come across that way! Just genuinely frustrated with this and I think it’s an actual issue.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593

    Maybe DCs could get punished more? Even though that’s unfair to those that actually lose connection but maybe that would discourage it more?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited April 2023

    Hey, all cool, didn't sound rude, even without the apologies 😜

    But DC in any game is a unsolvable problem and has to be severely punished.

    I play/played lol, R6S, rocket league, overwatch and a few other (maybe smaller) team based games and nowhere was there a satisfactory solution for DC. It was frowned upon everywhere and rightfully punished.

    The best (but with bhvr unrealistic) solution would be bots as substitutes for the missing player. They could give the killer something to divert their attention from the remaining 3 survivor and/or would passively do gens/heal them.

    But i don't expect bhvr to manage to implement bots with behaviour that on one hand satisfies the survivor and doesn't outperform average casual killer due to too much optimized pathing or something like that.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    It have to be restricted to early games... if there are 5 Gens and somebody does that then yes... but if a Gen has been done then no

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    People shouldn't be required to stay in a game where they're being abused, or if they're downed within the first minute and have had no chance to engage in gameplay.

    Just move on to the next.