Is anyone able to uncap their FPS after update 6.7.0?

I had my FPS uncapped by changing the Engine.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files, but now I'm back to being capped to 62 FPS. It happened right as I updated to 6.7.0 so I am thinking Unreal Engine was updated or something of the like
Best Answer
They changed the config path for Steam from %LocalAppData%\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor to %LocalAppData%\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsClient try to see if changing the file there works.
No, mine is locked to 62 after the uncap trick i ahte it
i have a 144Hz Display ultrawide and when I play DBD everything looks ass now. Why lock the fps on PC? On console sure it's a performance thing, but on PC? Srsly..
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You, Sir, are my man of the day.
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Tested and it works! Thanks man, much appreciated. Played a match on 62 and holy hell was it noticable and so bad.
Also, Vsync is turned back on so make sure its set to False if you want it off/use G-Sync.
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😂 I wouldn’t count on it. We’ve been asking for basic graphics settings for years and we’ve gotten nothing
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Probably not anytime soon. Ugh.. I mean they kinda promised anti-aliasing options back in 2020 (apparently it was already in late developement for the in-game menu)..
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It's always good to remember: they promised us an in-game option to disable anti-aliasing back in May 2020, and they said they were already working on it. Nearly whole 3 years later, we got nothing.