Med Kit Addons ???

I came back playing dbd and I just realized, after the medkit nerfs, that most of its addons are now useless. I mean some of them have been for a while now (surgical suture im looking at u).
But now every single “extra charge” addon is basically useless without the iridescent Gel Dressings, as any combination without it doesn’t add up for another full heal. I think it’s time bhvr stop with the lazy and overhaul this bs. It’s about time.
we get nerfs left and right for the most senseless things (billy im looking at u mu boy 🥲) and get very little improvement in exchange.
what are you guys thoughts? It doesn’t have to be the medkit addons only. What addons u think need overhauling?
The charge addons not being enough for an extra self-heal was kinda the whole point. You now need two charge addons (and one of them has to be Gel Dressings) in order to get two self-heals. It limits how many times you can heal yourself. Multi-heal medkits were an issue when used for self-healing.
For altruistic healing, even just Bandages alone will get you enough for 2 heals and you can even push it to 3. And the weaker medkits are actually better at that than they were before.
I will admit the new addons that increase the size of the great skill check zone are pretty bad though.
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But now every single “extra charge” addon is basically useless without the iridescent Gel Dressings, as any combination without it doesn’t add up for another full heal.
Did you know medkits can be used on other players?
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U do realise it still not enough charges? Lmao thats the whole point of overhauling the addons
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You don't need the full 16 charges in a medkit to heal another player. You can just use the medkit for extra speed until it runs out then finish healing them normally. It's still time saved.
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Heck with the changes to CoH I bet we will see more CoH/Self Heal come back.
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Sure but thats not the point, consider charges before were strong like nurses range addons. Pretty powerful in the right hands. But now that healing overall takes longer theres very little point in bringing more charges for “altruistic” heals instead ud bring speed addons to counter the longer heal time. that’s why overhauling not only medkit addons but addons in general would be best, dont u think?
(also do u have playtesting for the bandages? Cause 8 charges us not enough tbh)
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Its 24 charges in each kit now bruh. Also if u want extra speed, just use the speed addon. And that’s exactly my point. Why use charges? If u want speed use speed addons, if u want efficiency use Botany Knowledge. They should change charges is what Im saying.
dont u think removing it and adding something else would be better?
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Changing it to something else wouldn't be instantly better. Think about what you're trying to say for a second and see if the way you're expressing it actually makes sense with what you are thinking.
Are you saying you want the healing system to be changed? Because that what it sounds like when you talk about changing it from charges to something else.
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Changing the addon means changing the addon. They did it with nurses and billys just last patch without changing how their power works. Idk what u dont get. Also yes it doesnt mean it would be better, but u can’t tell me my aforementioned exemple - the suture - is worth the bp u spend on it. Or even the gloves lmao
even gimmicky addons are fine, cause at least u get to have fun (just watch people play killer eith their meme addons it’s hilarious)
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Its 24 charges in each kit now bruh.
It takes 16 charges to heal another survivor. More speed makes two heals faster. More charges makes more heals.
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I unserstand it's for the sake of balances but medkits are now too complicated
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yes 16 to heal Others, but the kit has 24, enough for 1 self heal. No one is gonna bring a one heal kit to waste 16 charges and do what with the rest? Anyone who plays solo q is gonna use it for selfheals. Now more than ever.
the only scenario where 16+8 bandages is realistic is in SWF. And even then it’s far fetched
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Its called “waste”. A bunch of addons that barely do anything is called waste. Like I said before, and if you cared enough to comprehend, even gimmicky addons would be best than charge addons if they were fun enough
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Tbf, they're not any more complicated than a lot of other things in this game.
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No one is gonna bring a one heal kit to waste 16 charges and do what with the rest?
Heal someone else.
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Fast medkits with multiple heals was way too OP
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BHVR want you to use your medkit to heal other survivors a bit faster. The problem is that even with the changes to medkits, it's -still- far more efficient to ONLY use midkits to self heal, and if you can't use addons to get a full extra heal, there's no point in getting half a heal.