Nurse is out of control

With a very low skill ceiling with maximum reward for doing nothing since the changes nurse is unbearable to play against people can say otherwise but she really is even people like hens are complaining about it and I’ve for sure seen a lot more nurses The nurse is a very poorly designed killer that negates any sort of recourse a survivor has other than luck you go one way she goes the other break line of sight and hope she does not blink on top of you but with 2-3 blinks it’s very easy my solo queue team will give up all the time but ya know devs dead hard was the problem and I agree with healing but honestly you take away a good recourse it’s one of the only ways to stop a nurse from sniping you out of the game same with spirit blight ect these killers just feel unbearable camping and tunnelling is more rampant than ever so is Gen rushing do you not get you are killing you are killing the game for solo survivors or do you just not care and want to appease who ever cries the loudest cause guess what killer mains are already asking for more nerfs and complaining just why add killers that literally break all physics of the game if you are gonna try to “balance” it the whole reason dbd was fun was because it was a goofy party game with lots of cheese moments now it just feels like a sweat fest
Funny, we got one nurse last night and it was an easy 4 out.
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sorry JRM chill out
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I never felt like it was a funny party game in the 6 years I've played. Its always been competitive feeling just by the very nature of a 4v1 game.
I do agree nurse is obnoxious since 95% of survivors tools don't work on her. You can do well with if you aren't experienced with her. I got 2 4ks today back to back using her and I've never played her. I'm also on console
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Nurse is hard to play as against skilled survivors who know how to counter her. You just need to learn counters.
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Saying Nurse has a low skill ceiling is pretty deceptive when her skill floor is the highest in the game. Like sure mastering a nurse is easier than mastering killers like Blight and Artist, but she's still a harder killer to play than both of them.
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I love going against Nurse. I'm not very good at juking her, but I always have fun trying.
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The Skill Ceiling of Artist and especially Blight is way higher than the skill ceiling of Nurse. In general, the difficulty of Nurse is really overexaggerated.
There are so many Killers which are weaker than Nurse but have a higher skill ceiling. And those get more Nerfs in general and those are more impactful than the slaps on the wrist which Nurse received in both her Nerfs.
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Thank you people saying the nurse has a high skill ceiling can’t be serious and i didn’t mention I play killer but I like survivor more
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Holy wall of text, Batman
- Her skill ceiling isn't low, and neither is her skill floor. Her mechanics break the game, and once you hit that skill floor you're bringing a gun to a knife fight, but saying she's low skill is just trying to crap on Nurse players because they play Nurse.
- Her power itself is the problem, so the only way to fix her would be to remove her, which unfortunately isn't going to happen. We can toss this topic on the pile of the 978,798,216 other "nerf the Nurse" and "OMFG, Nurse too OP" threads.
If you just started playing surv, that is probably why. Nurses who haven't met the skill floor range from bad to hella bad. I once faced a Nurse who barely know how to Blink and tried to play her as an M1 killer. Saddest thing I ever saw in game.
People say that, and most of the Nurse counters work...up to a point. Against Nurses who are at or nearing that skill ceiling, well, to quote OhTofu, it's a matter of picking a direction to die in, regardless of how good your or your friends are.
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Nurse has a low skill ceiling? Is the floor raised off the ground 9 feet and the ceiling 3 above that?
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If you can’t play nurse that’s a skill issue tbh from a person who plays both and learnt nurse pretty fast she’s overpowered not and 0 skill required maybe a lil muscle memory at that
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I said high skill floor. You people should actually read first.
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Nurse has gotten a lot of nerfs and soft rework that were very impactful, but the reason she shrugs them off is because her power ultimately is what it is. Being able to ignore terrain is such a huge strength in a game where your ability to navigate to terrain determines your success a great deal. Her skill ceiling is quite high it's on par with Blight's, but Blight has extra considerations to make that she doesn't have to worry about as much.
There aren't really many killers that are weaker than her and could be considered as hard to play as her. Perhaps Pinhead, but at the very least he can fall back on being an m1 killer. People seem to ignore that fact that Nurse lives and dies on her power alone as she under normal circumstances can't walk survivors down.
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i never meant 0 skill at all just really once you learn nurse you Barely even have to try I play both and I have had good chases with a nurse before but I get sniped more than anything and not saying I have the highest mmr but I get really good killers all the time I never go against baby’s or decent they are always good I win 80% of games as survivor
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My point exactly not that nurse players have no skill it’s just a very easy skill to master lmao when you can get up to 3 blinks to correct your mistakes
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Why don't you read people's post first before commenting then?
Nurse has a high skill floor, so calling her ceiling low is being intentionally deceptive. Nurse regardless how you feel about it is still one of the harder killers in the game to play. This is because of the nature of her needing to actually land power hits compared to other killers who naturally move faster than survivors and therefore don't need to use their power for hits.
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Yeah I get it but she does make basically every loop in the game useless I don’t even loop her I just hug things and hope she misses her blink lol
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i misread no need to get your panties in a twist my friend and she’s not hard she’s more of a medium killer tbh I can play her very well I just don’t like playing her cause it’s not fun and very very boring
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She's definitely not a medium difficulty killer as very few killers really compete against her for difficulty. Being one of the hardest killers to play in the game isn't the deal you are making it out to be, because frankly DBD isn't a difficult game overall.
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Bro she’s easy to play just accept it you have about 2 days playing her and you are already a pro if I wanted easy 4ks i would play nurse but I don’t cause what’s the fun in easy wins if you can’t play nurse just say no judgement here
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Nurse can be easy to play while still being harder to play than the rest of the killers. You just want to refuse to accept that Nurse is still one of the hardest killers in the game, because accepting that would mean the premise of your topic falls apart.
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Most of the time tbh I do get good killers maybes once in a blue moon I get a baby or something I more get baby team mates also depends what server you are on I play EU and It’s full of sweats I don’t get why people are so pressed I think she is easy to use as someone who does play killer and can play nurse very well who knows her power in my opinion she is easy not like I’m ramming it down peoples throats
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I’ve been playing DBD religiously since release lol. I’m not new. Nurse just isn’t crazy anymore.
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right I’m gonna stop replying to you cause anything I say just you say the same stuff nurse is medium difficulty at best my argument is valid tbh and you don’t need to be here or anything like that go do something else we ain’t forcing ya to sit and talk about it
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Good for you bro I’ve been playing since Halloween release and I still think she is a pain I don’t lose to every nurse but I’m solo only and a lot of nurse games she wipes my team out or my team dcs or they are just cracked at nurse
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Nurse harder than blight? I have to disagree on that even I don't like blight. But with nurse I 4K 90% of the time and with blight usually lose 0-2K and im on console. Certainly he is lot easier on pc with 4K dbi on mouse but so is nurse.
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But anyway nurse is fine she was nerfed very hard last time startruck on her was too powerful but range was fine at least on console.
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I know there is nothing they could do with her at this rate because that would mean changing her power but It was more of a rant
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I think nerfing Nurse, Blight, and Spirit paired with a BNP nerf would be really good for the game. I think making matchbox base kit would push Nurse's power level out of S tier and Blight/Spirit really don't feel like they are S tier without their add-ons. Feels like they are only this strong because of what survivors have been able to bring. With the med-kit changes I honestly don't see anything seriously broken outside of BNP on survivor.
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Blight tbh as annoying as he is sometimes I’m fine with cause there is counter play to blight same with spirit a little less but then again still counter play BNP would need removing from the game if they nerfed it anymore which tbh I wouldn’t mind as a flashlight enjoyer myself thank you for being civilised as some people on the forum can’t be lol but I don’t know what they would even do with nurse to nerf her they practically buffed her last nerf just took her ability to one shot away but give her the 3 blinks back as a add on
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I really don't think Spirit and Blight are fine with their top add-ons. I would even say Spirit duration shouldn't double dip like it does now and maybe Blights speed add-ons could be a bit lower.
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Blight really does have broken add ons that should have been looked at ages ago same with spirit but some of her best add one talking about skill require a lot of it or just amazing head phones but blights I totally agree with should have been nerfed a long long time ago and I would predict without them add ons his s tier status would fall greatly which wouldn’t be a bad thing tbh
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Spirits add ons are broken but also stuff like MDR require a lot of skill imo not a spirit main or never really been into spirit but from what I’ve seen not very easy to use but other add ons that are weaker in tier than MDR do need looking at and blights add ons need a complete rework because most blights crutch on them for wins too hard
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But MDR is still problematic. That+ amulet is gross for controlling the map. I would say for Killers best add-ons it's more like Blight and Spirit are around equal and Nurse is lacking. I actually don't think Nurse's top end competes with the other 2 and she really is just strong at her base+mangled area. With the changes this patch they should just go forward by nerfing BNP and those 3 killers to make it less sweaty all around. If you keep MDR in the game but change the other, then players will just use that add-on instead making the problem still exist.
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Honestly I would love for them to sweep both of their add ons and give them a look but they seem to avoid it for some reason when it’s one of the main reasons people complain and have a miserable time with these killers Like In my opinion these killers should of been toned down heavily before the meta shakeup cause now you got one side that feels lacklustre and stale and one side that feels over powered and strong like the only thing to do on survivor now is rush gens and On the killer side half the killers feel lacking because of them killers a perfect balanced killer in my opinion is wesker has the right amount of chase power and right about of counter play with add ons that aren’t problematic
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I'm fine with the way they are doing things if they keep on the road of fixing problems. Nurse did just get an add-on pass and I think with 6.7 they should just follow the path of nerfing the top stuff on both sides.
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Nurse will be nurse, but giving her a sloppy addon when it was one of the best m1 perks on her is baffling. Medkits were the only way to cope with nurse in solo queue since she gets tags so quick and now you could have 1-2 people go down by the time you get a chance to heal.
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Not every is a 4 person comp swf doing clock callouts on where the nurse is going. 80% of situations nurse is going to be guaranteed a tag in 15-20 seconds if they're competent if the map isn't 99% LOS blockers
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You don't need callouts to mindgame her or even be in a SWF. Mind gaming a nurse just takes the player's own personal skills and not a team.
Her biggest weakness is guessing where the Survivor will go in a chase and if the Survivor does a common route and don't change it up then she will easily get a down. If the Survivor makes random changes when she is "blind" to where the Survivor is then looping her is easier and will aid in a escape.
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Do you play nurse at all? You can't mindgame a nurse that just zones you and safety blinks and with recharge being gone there is very little incentive to go for risky blinks with the full cooldown. Good nurses don't go for blind guesses they zone you and then get their guaranteed tag. Unless you're on some of the few maps where there so many LOS blockers you can't ever realistically get vision without burning blinks on nothing the chase should be very quick.
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Also I don't think you're equipped to say there have been more nurse killers "since the changes", seeing as how this is day 1 of those changes and you've probably played 10 matches. I played all day and only saw one nurse. A bad one. So do you see how easy it is for small sample spaces do corrupt the data?
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
I am absolutely shocked that after getting all of the good slowdown perks nerfed, people are back to complaining about Nurse.
Perhaps you are suddenly seeing more nurses because M1 killers can't compete against gen rushing with no viable slowdown anymore?
Another "be careful what you ask for" moment.
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I main Nurse and the person you’re responding to is right. You choose not to learn.
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I just had a 3-man escape against this nurse. People really overrate how easy she is.
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There is nothing to learn I know how to vs nurse and play as her I have over 1.5k hours on nurse and 2k on survivor this has nothing to do with any type of "counterplay" this is about nurse being too strong with m1 perks and her losing basic attacks but getting one of her strongest m1 perks back as an addon AND the new medkit nerfs. Solo queue survivors can't realistically deal with the new tag pressure nurse can bring with medkits being a 30s heal.
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No there are many bad Nurses out there, because she isnt that hard to lern but hard to master. Last Nurse match were a 4 man out and I had a min 4 Minutes Chase.
I enjoy play against Nurse if she is a god Nurse you dont suffer long and if she isnt its very very fun
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I have not a bad time against a Nurse unless she is close to God Tier or if I'm on any of the farm maps.
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Nurse is fine if you are good at survivor you can beat one easy
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Nurse is fun imo and I personally enjoy her even if its a god nurse that can down me in 10 seconds. Spirit is more 0 skilled and brain dead imo with that lame md and cherry add on. That audio que means nothing and dont help people who dont play on headphones or people who are hearing imparied .A nurse can maybe predicted since you can see her red stain during a blink and in 2 story maps you can fake her and let her teleport up or down depending on situation. A spirit on ither hand is more of just pray amd hope