having a way to DC (aka hook suicide) without penalty for survs is bad for the game.
And it's literally illogical in a game where that have DC penalty, it hurts literally everyone, skew the "statistics" and ruins all the match it happened.
We don't need those kind of mechanics anymore, buff kobe to make it impossible or outright remove it, there is no place for such things in this game today.
Doesn't really matter how much things that has to be reworked, this is EXACTLY what game breaking is, you could simply kill switch kobeing too.
You didn't use exactly good example. It just means you are tilted because of your team and decide it's not worth your time. Yeah, so there is no reason to have DC penalty at all with your logic. You are basically one of reasons why there is a DC penalty.
Better example would be last two survivors alive, one on hook kill himself so other have chance for hatch. That's valid.
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I'm not here to sit and watch team do nothing. If they're not trying why should I? If they are trying I'll stick it out even if we're losing. But if my team isn't even trying why should I try? Your example is also a good one as well
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If killer is camping, just wait it out, otherwise just rescue him until one is on death hook.
There is no necessity for hook suicide at all, it's not like hiding is difficult or anything at that point of the game too, killers don't really have much of perks to find survivors except that locker perk which is inconsistent.
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And if killer found second survivor? My suicide will give him a chance to escape.
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If killer somehow managed to find second survivor in that extremely survivor favoring situation, he deserves to get a kill too I guess?
Is there any reasons last survivor that failed at hiding should be able to escape through hatches?
Or, you could just make it so third hooked survivors automatically gets sacrificed once last survivor is on chase, if you somehow REALLY want to keep that.
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This right here says it all. Someone eats the hook to get out of the game and we get penalized in the end game emblem system why? Oh wait because we didn't hit 12 hooks again why? Oh wait because someone died purposefully on hook to get out with out the DC penalty. It's bad enough that Dc's kick our tail now we have this too. Come on guys..
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I don't much care about the last survivor escaping hatch because they hid. Personally if you can play hide and seek so well that I never see you then I deserve that hatch escape in my opinion.
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The fact you even said there was a good example for killing yourself on hook, would suggests it should stay.
They don’t ban tunnelling, so why should they ban this?
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Because it is entirely different from tunneling which is literally playing the game, lol.
It's literally just disconnecting but without penalty, we should just fix this bug, no ban, everyone's happy.
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I think it should stay.
I just thought his reason for it is bad.
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Tunnelling isn’t ‘playing the game’, it’s bad sportsmanship and shows a lack of skill in my opinion.
people ‘play’ the game to ‘play’, not to spend time doing loadout, lobby and so-on, to then be kicked out the game in a few minutes, get few points and de-pip, just because a killer can’t deal with four players, or someone that adds challenge to the round.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
My reason? This isn’t my thread. That was my first reply lol
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Using insta heal and brand new parts, 4x toolbox / medkit and map offering is also considered bad sportsmanship and shows a lack of skill in your opinion?
Unless it's 3 hook only kill tunneling, it's fine. But even that just means survivors didn't try to protect each other. You can just take hits against most killers.
Simply put there is no reason to not do it. It's currently best way to win as a killer. Nothing to do with sportsmanship and your personal moral code.
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I’m not sure what you are talking about ‘moral code’ or your initial hypothetical.
I rarely see 4x toolboxes and ‘instaheal’? That still takes 17 seconds to activate, I really have no idea what you are talking about…
Anyway, to answer… this has nothing to do with a moral code, it’s to do with parlaying a game, having fun and enjoying the experience.
I am assuming you may be someone who lives and breathes this ‘to win’. I personally don’t care if I win, I just want to have a chance to ‘play’. I’m not the best nor worse player, I use whatever’s available and I change loadout regularly to make it entertaining.
If people play unfairly, then I just stop them getting more points and exit the game, I’m not spending ‘time’ wasted in games like that.
I say again, I play for ‘fun’, sorry… used to play for fun, I’m just moving on to a better game now… this odd, pointless game causes a lot of friction between people.
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It's called insta heal, because it used to be instant. But even now your action is instant so 0 time wasted. You just can't easily use it in chase.
I see brand new parts quite often...
I don't really care about winning. Just don't like whole complaining about tunneling overall.
You can play against it, you get to have a chase. It's nothing like from 5-gen face camping we used to have. That was boring and hard to stop. Tunneling is not.
Why you care about tunneling when you don't breathe "to win"? You got to have chase whole game and can move on next game faster if you fail.
Way better than wasting 30 min on 3-gen situation, but you would complain against that too.
Basically killer is not allowed to have fun, when survivors don't have fun.
If you don't want it connected with moral code, don't call it bad sportsmanship. You can try unfair, or unfun. Bad that doesn't sound so good for your point, right?
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Whatever the term, you are being pernicious and symantecs makes no odds to the point. Call it what you want.
If you think tunnelling someone out the game is good, ‘you’ are the problem. It’s not whining.
I completely agree it should be fun for the killer… but hook and move on.
Hopefully they will get the AI sorted so survivors can just play against BOT killer if they choose.
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If you want to play against Bot killer you clearly like an easy games.
I have never said tunneling is good, but it's not really bad for the game either.
If you simply implement something to prevent tunneling without implementing an effective alternative. It wouldn't end well. Simple as that.
Feel free to think of way to prevent it and alternative way. Most fixes I have seen suggested would be possible to abuse by survivors, so wouldn't work.
I can see why you wouldn't like tunneling from start, it's hard to deal with without good SWF. But tunneling to remove player from the game on 2-3 gens is not bad imo. It's simply way for killer to win.
Alternative way to win was 3-gen, you didn't have to tunnel anyone out. But we have seen how that went. Survivors hated it, so it was nerfed into oblivion.
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I would agree that hook suicides should be removed, but only if survivors are given more information to consent to the match that they're about to go into, such as knowing what killer they have in their lobby.
I know that everyone is going to jump on me for that statement, but here is an example: I cannot play against Clown. Getting hit with his bottles gives me severe motion sickness and can have real-world physical detriment to me. If I am shown that the killer in my lobby is a Clown before the match, then I can leave and queue again and no one suffers. If I am not shown that info and get into a match with Clown, I have only three options, all of which suck: push through sickness, hook suicide, or DC. The best of these options for me is hook suicide. If hook suicide is removed, then I am down to two options: get physically ill or suffer from loss of item/offering, lose BP, de-pip, and get a queue penalty. In other words, I am stuck between two awful options for no other reason than the killer's choice to play as Clown and the game preventing me from consenting to play against that character.
Are all survivors that hook suicide doing so for legit reasons? Definitely not. But you can't remove the option without affecting the people that do.
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Accessibility is an issue, but I don't really see it related to hook suicide at all.
Ultimately, "if you can't play out the game for 100% of time, you shouldn't match up at all no matter what" is the basic rules of online game, it's not like your reasoning is "legit" for throwing the game and ruining everyone else.
Also do note with that change survivors will be able to always counter any killer by perk choices, we need to remove the capability to change loadout in lobby too.
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Accessibility is absolutely related to hook suicide. This game intentionally plays into phobias for horror elements (e.g., puking Plague) and mechanics that are specific to one killer (e.g., Clown's screen distortion). It's not fair to say that if someone has issues playing against just 1 out of 30 killers, then they shouldn't queue to play the game at all. I should be able to play a game that I thoroughly enjoy while also not being made to puke all over myself from a 1-in-30 matchup because someone else disagrees that my illness is "legit" reasoning enough and cares more about their own win.
If survivors can't consent to the killer match up that they're given so that they can go next, then there needs to be a way for them to quickly leave the match without getting increasing queue penalties and losing earned BP/pips. Thus, hook suicide is an option.
However, if the change is made to allow killers to be shown in the lobby, then I agree that survivor perks should be locked so that perks can't be tailored to that killer.
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Strong agree.
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If hook suicides are penalized, camping and tunneling should be punished as well. It's unfair to punish someone who wants to end the game quickly after having a teammate tunneled out with 4 gens remaining. The match is already lost and it's a waste of time.
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Yup, a "tactic" that essentially secures a victory for the killer. You WILL NOT come out on top as a survivor if it's a 3 vs 1 with 5-4 gens left to do. The game isn't designed for that. It's a lost cause at that point. Anyone who has played for a decent amount of time understands this.
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I disagree, for the simple fact that there are too many good reasons for survivors to suicide on hook. If a match is obviously lost for example, there are times where you do not want to waste any more time in the match.
Then there are matches where you have teammates that are just trolling or throwing the match on purpose. And of course there is also broken crap like Nurse still in the game. I generally do not condone rage quitting against any killer, even the ones you dislike going against, but against something like Nurse, or Alchemist Ring Blight, I can definitely understand why people would want to go on to the next match.
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You do not need a good reason. If you want to stop playing for whatever the reason is, then you have the right to do so... the difference between DC and hook suicide is that hook suicide doesn't negate the chance of a killer to get an adept achievement or anything, hence why DC and hook suicide can not be in the same scale.
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I am not sure I understand. Isn't this a casual game? Why there should be a punishment in the first place?
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Okay, first you're assuming that the people who you play or are paired with are being childish.. and unless you know those in real life, you can not know why they suicidate, maybe they had deliverance, a luck offering, they just wanted to try their luck?
And second. I've been seeing this thread since the start. Do you really care about the game for other people? Because I can say tunneling or grieffing does that to me, yet you've said "strategy", hence you're basing your statement with something entirely related to YOUR experience, or POV. Not everyone will have/share your POV and that's okay. What is not fun for you, may be for me, what ruins the game for you, may be one of the few reasons I play this game.
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Hook suicide is a gameplay tactic to get out of a game. Think of it as self-tunneling, do you feel better about it now?