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Why is the matchmaking so unfair?

Member Posts: 1,959

Why am I getting matched against multiple P100s almost every other game while big content creator fog whisperers with 10k hours get to smash babies live on Twitch every night? I'm playing on console playing Pig and I'm getting this. Why aren't they getting matched with killers that can actually handle this? It's cool getting Entity Hungers every other game when a game is 100% unwinnable. It's just silly.

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  • Member Posts: 1,554

    BHVR's matchmaker doesn't work.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    This is the correct answer. There aren’t enough players at any given time for a given region to make fair matches without extremely long queue times.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    This. I've been seeing tons of killers dodging lobbies the past two days for whatever reason, not just high prestige survivors.

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited April 2023

    This kind of crap is why I don't believe anyone from BHVR when they talk about how matchmaking stats look good. There's really only three possible explanations at this point.

    • The stats they're looking at aren't correct; perhaps whatever code they've written to collect data isn't working correctly. (I've written code to collect and analyze huge amounts of data for my company, and a single tiny error is amplified when you're looking at millions of data points that all got wrongly skewed. Think of all the bizarre bugs that we experience in the game client -- what are the odds that the stats the matchmaker is using were derived from bug-free code?)
    • They don't know how to interpret the stats they're looking at.
    • They're not telling the truth about the stats.

    Of course, we have no way to verify anything they say about matchmaking because they don't make the raw data public (which is understandable; no other company does, either). But at this point I simply don't trust any stats we see from BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 165

    I'm guessing you are a pretty good killer and thats why you were matched against this seemingly super squad. You were playing as a Pig (not a top tier Killer) against four P100 Survivors and yet still scored over 28K (even though all four escaped). I'd wager that you likely don't main as a Pig but your overall Killer matchmaking rating is probably much higher than P12.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Either backfill or they purposely have low MMR to bully low mmr killers.

  • Member Posts: 533
    edited April 2023

    It's an indication of experience. You have to put in a lot of time to acquire enough bloodpoints to get to P100.

  • Member Posts: 796

    Virtually every time I've vsed a P100 they are a god looper.

  • Member Posts: 21,229

    You clearly haven't met me yet.

    P100 Steve and I don't even play Survivor

  • Member Posts: 796

    I have a rule I follow now. If 3 gens pop within the first 60-90 seconds of the game starting I just go stand in a corner until the games over. It's stupid and unbalanced as all hell and I'd rather move on to the next game. I'm not going to sweat my @ss off against 4 other people who just wanna rush gens and leave when I'm miles behind the 8 ball. 3 gens 1 hook, nah I'm good. Tired of it.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Seconding the backfill like everyone else suggested, but hard doubt on MMR tanking. Do you think people are really going games back to back killing themselves? It is far more likely that is a SWF, and naturally lose (more) during soloq since they play more than the average. So (most of) their wins are during SWF, and (most of) losses during soloq, balancing out at an average 50/50 escape rate.

  • Member Posts: 6,353

    Backfilling most likely. Those survs prolly were dodged 5-7 times before the matchmaking widened considerably favoring queue times.

    So thank both the system for prioritizing queue times (we asked for that actually) AND fellow killers with much more experience either exercising their protest at a group of 100's, or seeking a perceived easier game. Sad that we are doing it to ourselves.

    I too run Piggy on console, and I think you did pretty well considering.

  • Member Posts: 1,070
    edited April 2023

    In this case problem no so much in MMR, but in "killer win expectation".You had been winning all the time and got to top MMR where only smash teams exist, they are probably above your skill level, nothing wrong with it, but IT REALLY FEELS OFF to lose as the killer. I'm guilty of that myself. I was staggerd yesterday when got 0K on my perkless doctor while fixing controls (that all gone completely to default after patch), then I just realized my impudence and pamperedness.

    I don't know what aspect of the game make it so harsh, probably assymetry (because it is not that close in any other multiplayer game), but we have this here.

    Killers got very upset, used to constant winnings and suddenly they got to lose. Survivors, on the other hand, accustomed to constant losing, therefore suicides and DCs at first inconvenience (because what the point).

    I think Entity got to us all and dryed us emotionally to the end.

    By the way, psycologically comfort win rate is 30%-50%, which is much higher that we have as survivor, and much much lower as a killer. Therefore frustration: most survivors have loser mentality, most killers tilted over a single loss.

    As for your current solution: just play and don't afraid to lose few games, your MMR will drop and you get easier teams.

    P100 doesn't mean a lot, btw. Constantly matched with P100 on both sides, and they die like flies, while some P3 Cheryl can carry whole team to the end or be complete nightmare to chase her down.

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