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Unfair gameplay for killer and survivor!!

I play both killer and survivor and the new update is unfair... Survivors Don't stand a chance at all especially with the dead hard nerf! I keep having games where i have hooked everyone on second hook and the survivors haven't been able to do 2 gens and games are too quick and struggle to rank up mainly on survivor!!

Not to mention the medkit nerf.. Its hard enough trying to play as a team but 90% of the time people play solo because they can't heal themselves to save the team at all/killer is camping the hook for easy downs and wins. Again leading to quick games and no rank up with loss of pips!!!

As a killer and survivor main i want dead hard returned back to how it was as it at least gave the survivors a chance instead of getting off hook to only use dead hard once and be out of the game. Its unfair on survivors as i am having quick easy games as killer, like i Don't have to try and i win. Dead hard was good before the nerf because it gave me that challange as well gave survivors a chance to escape and have a chance if they get tunneled.

I can understand wanting survivors to work as a team but the medkit, selfcare and dead hard nerf makes it hard. First off if a killer camps the hook and you are injured there is no defense to try save that survivor... You can only use dead hard once so renders the perk useless if you have a camping and tunneling killer. Plus medkit penalty for self heal and healing taking longer makes it almost impossible to save a team memer without instantly going down after unhook, or survivor going to second phase or even death hook yet they were hooked only once!!!!

Personally i would be happy if dead hard was changed back, medkits had self heal efficiency removed and healing speed was back to how it was. At least then it would give survivors better odds to survive against tunneling and camping killer and make the game enjoyable again. Plus would actually bring back a challange when i play as killer instead of quick easy games and easy kills!!!

Hopefully this helps explain my frustration when playing killer and survivor!!


  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I disagree.

    As killer Oni main (survivor I run gen jockey builds) at mid to high tier I get a lot more 2k games that are very hard fought for both sides.

    I feel this patch utterly crippled gen pressure for killers and somewhat crippled the ability for survivors to heal quickly (injectors tho? Hello? Those are still op as hell lol).

    Gen times are now VERY LOW and has a competent team can just focus gens without healing very effectively.

    Of course, at lower mmr I feel like, without DH, noobs that were using it as a crutch for their overly bold EARLY plays get punished hard... but that is AS IT SHOULD BE.

    I still see some very clutch DH plays mid-late games on my end and more importantly...

    I finally see DIVERSITY in the survivor's perk pool!

    That update is a step in the right direction to me!

    Don't let the less experienced survivors at low mmr dictate what is good after a few games they played to confirm their biais.

    Low tier is easy for killers by virtue of solo queue players being ... well... solo and inexperienced (they don't play as a team)

    What I like right now is that "meme builds" are finally able to pull their weight in a game and it's a good meta shake up that was impossible over the oppressive pick rate DH had.

  • gamebo5000
    gamebo5000 Member Posts: 3

    Worse than bad. I never run dh, and have no problem in most of my matches. My secret? I learned the game.