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Giving up at a higher rate?



  • Member Posts: 1,719

    People quit even when you aren't engaging in play others might consider scummy.

    Hence why my initial comment faulted the Survivors' lack of patience as the reason, rather than the Killer's specific actions.

    It was only after telling OP why survivors ragequit, that I proceeded to inquire about specific behavior they do that might be adding fuel to the fire.

    I can't tell if you believe I'm trying to justify certain Survivor behaviors, or if you actually know where I stand on this topic and you're just taking the opportunity to vent and/or express an opinion you feel needs to be expounded upon.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    If you want to take the path of continuous improvement and to face greater and greater challenges, you sure picked the wrong game. It isn't that the game is without skill, but the band of skill is so small it isn't worth the time and energy in developing mastery. That isn't to say there is no enjoyment to be found, just mastery over a game with so many core flaws is like trying to be a pro at Mario Kart.

    If you like the 'macro' of the game more, I'd recommend Starcraft 2. There is still micro in managing combat units and spellcasters, but the grand strategy and countering your enemy is more so at play. This also has the advantage of 1v1, with more accurate matchmaking, and a loss is truly only your own fault. I believe the multiplayer is free also, but I may be mistaken.

    If you like the 'micro' of the game more, I'd recommend Counter-Strike. There is still macro in mindgaming opponents and routing and travel times, but the precise aiming usually reigns supreme. This also has the advantage of working with others, with unit cohesion also being tantamount to your success, and rallying strangers from a losing game into a winning one is always exhilarating. There also is the rush of a 'clutch', or winning a 1v5 with the team cheering you on. I think this is free at the moment, but at one point ranked was locked behind a 'buy the game' paywall.

    If you insist on sticking with this game, I'd just recommend sticking to scrims. OhTofu has the community scrim nights, and people also try to practice to be ready for scrim night or for their own improvement. You can join his Discord for no reason other than to play against other people intending to get better. The problem with taking DBD 'seriously', is how comp and soloq play differently. Comp encourages minimal interaction in favor of victory. Normal DBD is a video game where the interaction with your adversary is what drives the fun, otherwise it would be a single-player game instead. When you bring a comp mindset into soloq, it is little different from intentionally ruining the opposing player's experience, but is still technically legal. It still is in the realm of what I would call uncool behavior (to bring comp into soloq).

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    I like playing killer, but my want to improve in any video game will always be there for the most part.

    When I talk about skill I mean chase imparticular. I don't tunnel because I the survivor I am chasing to show me all of their capabilities with what they are given, I don't camp because that's boring. Pretty any comp strats are relatively skilless.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I think many people consider proxy-camping in the scummy realm, because it tends to be done by the same caliber of Killer that hard tunnels off hook and then claims 'why did you rescue the Survivor if it wasn't a safe rescue?'. If a Killer never allows for the opportunity for a safe rescue, then blames the opposing team for it, I would argue they are acting scummy.

    This silly party game is best when everyone has a chance to play the game, and forcing someone to sit on hook for 2 straight minutes is hardly fun. I generally try to go into matches only doing what I would want done to me, but many people (on both sides) play without that basic empathy. When the Killer isn't a snowball Killer, and is 0 hooks at 3 gens remaining, I ease up on the gas and do totems or chests or co-op gens w/out Prove. Dude is just having a bad game, I know I've had them. On the other hand if its Oni (or other snowball Killer) or someone intentionally camping their 3-gen, their victory is always within grasp. I don't need to give them an easier time.

    Sometimes when I'm Killer, and the Survivors start to genb4fren, I understand needing to camp the extra hook state in the final 15s of a hook stage. I typically don't like doing that though because the person I'm punishing isn't the person who is responsible. That is just one of the weird facets of the game. I usually try to focus out players that I would hate to have as a soloq teammate. My (delusional) hope is that they will stop being bad teammates, and start being good ones.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I know that I'll give up on first hook. I do if the killer is extremely good. Cuz who wants to play a game where you don't even get one generator started in everybody's dead in 3 minutes. I'll give up on first hook if nobody else is playing the game well. I've literally had to start three to four generators all by myself. And especially now that they've changed the ability to heal yourself and Boone of healing. I give up probably at a higher rate. Because it's not like I can go off in heal myself, I have to wait for teammates who often aren't very good players or maybe they're new to the game. Or they're just messing around not doing anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    If you still want to focus on this game, I would still recommend the OhTofu scrims (group). Just don't tell your prospective opponents that you plan on not tunneling or camping (you could even say you are trying to play around them playing around camping/tunneling). Alternatively you can still let them know, and just 1v1 each member of a team to practice chases instead of going against the full squad.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I haven’t seen anymore than normal. People still DC against merchant but I’m not surprised about that

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    This was an issue near the end of last chapter.

    players would complain about being tunneled or camped and bounce on hook to quit. Most often though it was just a skill issue. Either the player was terrible at sneaking or had no concept of scratch marks, terror radius, noise notifications, auras, etc.

    pretty sure it was a wave of loyal followers believing the “tunnel meta” conspiracy.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    You make some fair points and I'm not saying you are in the wrong.

    But... even if tunneled out that really doesn't mean your opponent was out to ruin your fun its just part of the game.

    You appear to have built up in your head this list of good and bad play and you'll punish or reward opponents and players accordingly with how the conform to your list of good and bad play.

    Which you rightly identify as... well... delusional.

    Now play however you want and if dolling out a sense of justice increases your enjoyment of the game then go for it, but keep this in mind and I can't stress this enough...

    Doesn't matter what happens in game none of it means your opponents or team mates are bad people. What happens in game should stay in game.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Been having issues with matches crashing ever since the latest update, I'm on Series S as well but it seems like DDossing is back

  • Member Posts: 20

    This thread reeks of "your fun is not my responsability" Killers going full "if you don't play with me i'll cry".

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    You’re absolutely right. It’s not my responsibility in the slightest. Taking it into consideration is out of the kindness of my killer main heart.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Yeah if I every have 'choice words' for any player, it only stays in the post-game chat, never outside of game messaging.

    The only time I have ever contacted someone out of game was when someone falsely accused me (and all Survs for that matter) of cheating. (The greatest compliment!) I was checking the other profiles to make sure there wasn't like 'VAC Ban 180 days ago' or other red flags of legit cheating, and I hit continue, but I saw the guy said another paragraph as the screen was swapping. I asked him if it was important, as I didn't want him to think I was ignoring him. He promptly blocked me because apparently it wasn't.

  • Member Posts: 280

    Its so annoying, cause half the time we were already winning and then they get all salty cause they got downed. I swear like 60% of my survivor losses are from teammates killing themselves/dc'ing rather than being outskilled.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    That’s even worse. When they DC in a winning game. Super scummy.

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