Stop DCing

Omg, it's a Spirit, a Blight, a Wesker...etc. Stop dc'ing In the 1st minute survivors it's getting pathetic.
I'm playing survivor and can't play a single real match cuz of you quitters. Go play Animal Crossing or something
Amen to that lol. It’s a pandemic.
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- BHVR releases changes that are generally an improvement to the game
- Survivors throw a tantrum and dc over nothing
- Adaptation
- repeat
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I think the problem is that people would rather DC against things that ritualistically bring them misery. Waiting in lobby is more fun for them than dealing with how a good majority of players that use these killers play. Like, let's be real, there's also a pandemic of completely awful gameplay unprepared teams cannot deal with.
That said people also DC for nothing. I'm not going to excuse crybabies. I am, however, going to emphasize that an increased number of people DC'ing while the penalty is up indicates bad game health. Or just a phase after a substantial change has been implemented. Give it a week and if things are back to normal, then it was the latter. If things persist, it's the former.
I would love it if the means to make the game miserable for one side or the other were severely gimped. It'd be way more enjoyable.
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i dont understand people who dc when theyre dead too, like mid mori or when theyre on death hook, boo hoo, youre losing
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Dcing and suicidng on hook really need to be changed up. I hate playing as survivor and in doomed to depip because a player quits right away.
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I had a double dc as so proud...he's dc worthy now.
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I also agree, I suppose. I don't have that much of an issue with DC'ing, but that's probably because of the Era of DBD that I joined in.
I am gonna say though. We had two people DC against a Nurse last night after she took us to Midwich and downed someone in like 20 seconds. I don't condone that, but I get why they'd want out of that.
I know for a fact one of them just shut his Xbox off and went to bed 😂
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I paid for my game so I have a right to not play it /s
On a serious note why even play if you’re going to do that? Seriously if the game tilts you so much just play something else (Borderlands 3 is currently my “tilted from dbd” game)
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Ah yes, the survivor exclusive behavior that a certain other side never exhibits. Classic.
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I giggle at the thought of that. 😂
*hears nurse screech*
*immediately shuts console off*
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Idk i can play 5 games where i don't get a single killer dc. But if one of my survivor teammates/ if i down a survivor to fast with even someone agreed to be low tier like billy. Its the fastest leave in the west. (But ik ik 4 survivors 1 killer so you'll always pretty much see a survivor leaver more than a killer) i can just see the stigma.
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Yeahhhhhh, we kinda convinced him to do another game.
"######### you guys, I'm going to bed"
It was a little funny tbh 😂
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Out of all survivor games I played last night, we had one killer dc.
When I play killer, it’s upwards of every other game somebody DC’s.
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Haaaa I love it. We’ve all been there 😂
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Telling people to get over it is useless because it solves absolutely nothing. People have been saying get over it for awhile now and the DC rate still continues to get higher with each major patch. We're at the point now where solo survivor is practically unplayable because of how often people either DC or kill themselves on the hook. What I do know is the DC rate was nowhere near as high when I started playing years ago. There's obviously a major issue with the game that is making it unfun for people. There are a number of possible reasons why.
- Perceived hopelessness. Can you really blame a casual solo player for not wanting to deal with another sweaty blight/nurse? It's going to kill someone's desire to play if they feel like winning is impossible.
- They think they're going to be immediately hard tunneled out and would rather just go next. To be fair this is the case more often than not. Being hard tunneled is not fun for newer players and I feel like it contributes a lot to why people give up so much. People who DC on the first down may have been tunneled five games in a row and it turns into a "here we go again" scenario that they don't want to deal with.
- You don't get any sort of meaningful rewards and there is no incentive to stay in game as survivor. You get significantly less bloodpoints than killer on average. Even in a bad game I will get 20-25k bps as killer. In a bad survivor game I might get 5-10k depending on how one sided it is. If the game looks like it's going to suck then there's really no material reason for you to stay in game as a survivor. You can just suicide on the hook and get a new game immediately.
You need to actually address these types of problems if you want the DCing to stop.
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don't make the game so frustrating for solo survivors and you'l fix the disconnecting ...
I'm sick and tired of wasting my time joining games to find out i've got useless team mates that don't do gens and hide in a corner....
i'm sick and tired of coming up against sweaty try hard blights etc when i'm matched with awful team mates meaning the game is over before it even started so why would I want to waste my time?
If I've ever felt like DC it's either because of bad team mates or over tuned killers like blight making the game pointless.
What makes it worse is the fact that Most killer players don't realise that unless they're with a very good SWF team they're already at a massive advantage before the game even starts.
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because you play blight nearly every single night ... you're a try hard blight coming up against casual solo survivors who don't put 100's of hours into the game like you and Blights skill ceiling is a joke compared to even good survivors.... You're 1 player playing against what could be 4 random people that are constantly getting cheesy camping killers, horrible team mates that make the game impossible. So as soon as they come up against a try hard blight that's took the time to get to a point of showing how broken he is (like people have done with nurse) they just can't be bothered and want to move onto the next game.
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the skill celling for new survivors going against these killers are almost impossible to survive because they are balanced around high skilled survivors their no point to continue move on and start another game especially if they are 1000hour blight again 85 H survivors because that's what a lot of the matches are so yeah they are going to DC and keep DCING until the EOMM matching-making gets fixed if a survivor has 85 hours the killer should max have no more the 150% of that it's not fun what so ever to keep playing against try hard every match
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It's debatable that these were improvements.
I've always assumed a large number of DC's are from people who had a string of frustrating games and that one was the last straw. Not saying I agree with what they do but I can understand it.
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I made this post after a survivor dc'd in 6 straight games so I do understand how easy this game can cause frustration.I also understand that if a killer wants to camp and tunnel at 5 gens, it's frustrating. I doubt there will ever be a solution to players dc'ing given the divide among survivor and killer opinions. The thing is though, a survivor with more than 200 hours should expect to be playing vs the top 10 most frequently used killers. If your just gonna dc if you are fed up with a certain killer or play style, then why are you playing the game? I'm so damn tired of seeing Wesker right now but I start a match knowing that he has a high pick rate. I'm sick of him, but juking at the last second and watching him miss me and zoom over a vault from using his power is hilarious. Survivors can't find that middle ground if they just dc right away. Idk, it's just my opinion
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This happens with all killers bro.
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I'm not saying they should do it. I just understand we all hit our breaking point.
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it doesn't happen anywhere near as much vs other killers as it does with blight and nurse.... you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
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Sure, I may have more DC’s when I play blight. But I still get a substantial amount of DC’s when playing killer in general. It’s almost indifferent.
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just dc'ed 20 times while reading this
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Quite literally. My high mmr Blight gets less DC's with alch ring than I do when playing survivor vs random killers less than A tier. People just don't really want to play the game and you are wrong.
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Not a bad idea to give double bp in order to maybe convince the rest of the survivors to play out the match. Killer too.
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They do it to spite the killer. Yesterday I had a guy who dc-ed at the end of sacrifice animation probably thinking that I wouldn't get adept (dude may have noticed that I'm using Hysteria and Eruption). Joke was on him, I got my achievement and he got nothing.
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You can completly bug the game of the killer by doing that. Had a match as Twins in which a survivor DCd when the mori was about to start and my HUD completly disappeared for the rest of the match. Couldn't tell who was healed, who was injured, who was downed, how many gens there left, if someone escaped, etc. A year ago when Nurse was bugged if you DCd when she was about to grab you you would completly break her and she would just sit afk there in the grab animation for the rest of the match.
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This may have been true a few months ago.
Right now, players will rage quit over just about anything.
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I dont even know why bother make these stop dcing post, You all knew that that since 6.1 and on going of every patch the dc rates will go up, we all know the main reason is not just people wanting to dc/rage quit , there are many factors and the major ons is gutting any useful perks survivors have which every survivor perk to killers are crutches, when also said perks for killers there are just as many crutches too. Thank god I have friends to play with, I do not even touch solo que no more, the few times I do its always an early dc/kamikaze on hook.
List of perks killers find that are crutches and qq everyday
Iron will=counter by aura reading perks/add ons/perks such as spies/whispers/infections/killer instict and finally even some killer powers.
DS= counter by not tunneling or leaving the survivor for 60 seconds
Self care/coh=countered by sloppy since you cant 99 heals if hit with it
sabo perk=
endurance stacking
exhaust perks =counter by fear monger(dead hard=counter by playing patient and baiting it out)
object of obess
Reassurance= the perk to address camping/prox camping gutted by qq bad killers before going live
boil over =countered by agitation/iron grasp(when it use to be goood and killer qq nerf nerf nerf. Bvhr even added like 10+ extra hooks on every maps even areas where hooks did not exist to address the problem. Taking 1 putrid oak to let hooks spawn very close to each other was another major fix
Key/hatch nerf= only last survivor can see hatch(i was glad personally for this change honestly) but then key nerf that you cant instant open close hatch no more which was not needed.
The problem with people is that all people use is this annoying term meta meta meta, its not about meta its about something that is helpful, who wants to run a perk like poised that has almost no use cept maybe combine with spirint burst after poping a gen. There are too many worthless perks in the game that needs to be reworked or totally be gone out of the game.
Maybe add 2 more gens I guess for survivors to do =7 in total...idk lol
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Just had a game against a wesker. 1 person gave up on 1st hook for some reason. Game went downhill from there. Me and another one were slugged while he got the 3rd. The 3rd was killed, he found the other one eventually. I crawled for hatch and killer closes it in front of me, proceeds to pick me up and NOT hook me while just going around the map just using Mad Grit (I wasn't struggling). I eventually begin struggling because he brought me to gate so I thought he was going to let me out. Nope, just hits me again and picks me up to repeat. That was when i Dced
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I was the last one alive in a recent game and the killer closed the hatch as I got near it. So I decided to just loop until he downs me, which lasted about 1 minute. Then he refused to pick me up just hitting M1 near me and then proceeded to bleed me out. This was in a match where 2 people dc'd and so the next survivor killed himself on hook. I didn't tea bag or bm in any way but he still decided to bleed me out. And finally, I got the ggez and was told that I'm trash. I said gg and moved on cuz it's obvious that he was dropped on his head too many times.
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I mean they never said it was exclusive. Its just a general thing that happens more on one side than the other because there are way more survivor players compared to killers.
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It’s extremely annoying when teammates disconnect in the first 60 seconds of the game.
It’s even more annoying when killers like to camp, tunnel, and use OP perks to slug to where chances of survival is slim to none.
With the recent update the Survivors took a big hit in how we play and Killer mains keep telling us to suck it up. NO! The game is unbearable at times to where it’s just easier to DC 🤷🏾♀️
Fix CoH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I like going against them but now I absolutly despise going against Dull Merchant, because I know what she will do, a 40 min 3 gen game, it's just not worth it, I just rather wait for the penalty.
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Sounds pretty selfish for a survivor to DC as the match begins knowing that they're playing a team game, just to sit in the lobby and do nothing waiting out the DC penalty.I get it, everyone hates certain perks, certain play styles and certain killers. If your an experienced player, you should know how annoying this "quitter mentality" is. But, do as you do, it's your choice. Good luck next game.
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I like to believe those people just closed the game for the night.
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I dread seeing Billy. Nearly everyone who still plays him is an expert, and he'll be on top of everyone in the first ten seconds, and snowballing away.