lets discuss does lethal pursuer outclass corrupt intervention in every way?

i have started to use lethal over corrupt with almost every killer (except trapper/hag) yes i even use it with skull merchant
you can start a chase immediately at the start of the round (which is what corrupt does as well but you know exactly where to go)
lethal pursuer has better synergy with perks and addons that show aura (nowhere to hide, gearhead, and bbq especially) whereas corrupt is gone after the first down or 2 minutes
corrupt disables after the first down (which in reality should be after the first hook) while lethal continues to give value throughout the round depending on your build
with 3 gening become harder to manage it is more important to go for chases when possible which lethal does
am i missing any good reasons to use corrupt over lethal? what are your thoughts?
you are guaranteed value of corrupt no matter what, you aren't guaranteed value from lethal nor is it guaranteed it will result in a quick first chase. Even if they wait out corrupt, or you didn't get a down from corrupt they either wasted their time (and you can generally tell if they are going to wait it out and head to your corrupted gens), or they all moved away from where they spawned which to me is the purpose. I also don't really put them in the same category and they certainly are not mutually exclusive and I run both on a variety of killers.
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I could use lethal to start a chase early that might last a long time either way because of RNG while survivors do gens or you can find survivors quick anyway since spawns are pretty obvious while corrupt makes sure I have a 3gen untouched end of chase
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Lethal and Corrupt do different things.
Lethal is good for getting into that first chase whereas Corrupt is good giving you some breathing room from gens being started (outside of times where survivors spawn on unblocked gens anyways).
Corrupt is still better on set up killers like Trapper or Hag who don't really want to get into a first chase quickly.
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they are completely different in effects and usage
lethal probably feels more impactful because you can actively see its effect
but corrupt's effects from the early game ripple throughout the entirety of a match, and it usually has a much larger impact but because you dont actively see it you dont feel it as much
if you want to test it id recommend running a killer you like, with a map offering that only has one map in the pool (dead dawg i recommend), and just run a build, that includes lethal, then the same build but swap lethal for corrupt and track the results (amount of hooks, amount of gens done, length of game, amount of kills) between the 2 games to compare
if you have friends that would be willing, for even cleaner results, run a kyf lobby and have those friends be your survivors, same perks and items between the 2 games
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Lethal has greater use than just getting that first chase though. I can usually see exactly who is going where so I can often disrupt multiple gens by planning where I want to push the first chase. At the very least, I usually know exactly which gens are being worked on at the start so after I get the first hook or break chase, I can immediately shift to the next most endangered gen.
Both perks can have large ripple effects. You just need to pair the right perk with the right killer.
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Lethal needs to be removed from the game or changed. It was never intended for a game like this or else there wouldn't be 2 stinking offerings that start multiple survivors at the same spot just to screw them over with that perk. Had Lethal existed when the game was created I can guarantee you those 2 shrouds would've never been added. This game in its inception intended killers TO SEARCH FOR AND FIND survivors, not be fed free info on where they are at the start which throws off the entire match and has lasting effects. I could care less about distortion being available to use---many of the teammates in my solo queue matches or even in my SWF matches don't bring it and even though I do (and thus waste a perk slot unnecessarily) I have to expose myself to the killer sooner when they get caught & I have to run in for an unhook than I would have had this bullshit perk not existed like in the good days before the first damn Resident Evil DLC was added (screw the RE killers and the unbalanced ######### perks, terror radii & powers they have). Also, there are plenty of times where even though I have Distortion on, I start near another survivor who doesn't and I get caught as a result as well when the killer finds them and sees my scratch marks as I start running from the others when I lose a token.
DBD has a hunting category. Hunting in its very definition is looking for the survivors and using a process of elimination to find them. A lazy killer who doesn't bother looking for them getting free info on where they are from the start IS NOT HUNTING, no matter what anyone thinks. I main Myers and it makes it ridiculously easy to get a 3K minimum when bringing the Judith's Tombstone & Fragrant Tuft of Hair add-ons, which was never intended. I remember how hard it was to get a 4K when I got his Evil Incarnate achievement before that perk existed and as much as it would help me as a Myers main, it just should not be allowed.
Its primary function of showing auras at the start should be changed to something else (maybe showing auras when bloodlust is gained since that would live up to the name Lethal Pursuer). Keep the secondary function of extending the auras, but the primary function is just bullshit and should've never been allowed. Or add a penalty of giving survivors faster gen repair speed for the rest of the match as a counterbalance if that perk is used. I'm really sick of the lazy killer's build of Lethal-Nowhere to Hide, BBQ and other aura perks. You want to play killer, do your damn job and hunt for survivors by searching for them. It's bullshit that survivors should have to waste a perk slot for Distortion for every match just to avoid something that never existed in the good days before the adding of Nemesis (one of the most broken killers with his terror radius, speed, zombies who appear at the worst spots, add-ons, and his damn perks). The zombies should have been added as a double edged sword where they could help him by downing survivors or they could hit him when he carries a survivor, causing him to drop them. But why should anything in this game be remotely close to balanced. Just imagine what BHVR would do to Distortion if every survivor ran it. They would screw it over like they did DH because in their stupid minds survivors should have to sit & take it up the ass and be found early. Yeah that's their logic for you.
DBD loves living on its roots and the reputation it built for itself back when it was released and the 3-4 years following when it attracted a great player base, but does everything to trash those same roots at the same time by forgetting what its original intentions were. The best thing this game could've done is split itself into a classic module and a modern module where Trapper through the Twins (and Dwight through Elodie on the survivor side) and all their perks would make up the Classic Module and everyone from Trickster through Skull Merchant (or Yun Jin through Thalita & Renato on the survivor side) and their perks would make up the modern side and there would be no intermixing of any elements between the 2 modules where the classic module would retain the state of the game as it was when the Twins/Elodie DLC was released. Then let players choose which side of the game they'd play. They'd actually be able to manage the modern side of the game much better that way. And they would make older players happy for one damn time.
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Corrupt is for setup Killers. Lethal is for Killers that want to chase ASAP. They're not really comparable other than they activate at the start. Just depends what Killer you're playing. But yeah, Lethal has to be one of the best perks in the game right now.
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Skill issue
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Meta today is genrush and leave. So the sooner you find people the better. Time is not on your side as a killer. You can choose to not run lethal that's fine. To me lethal and discordance are the best early game info perks. Also, I'm sure the offering to spawn people together was in the game before lethal was.
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I've spawned on so many uncorrupted gens lately
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Quite the wall of text boiling down to the fact that Lethal Pursuer is a fair and balanced perk. If yh really hate it, run Distortion or Object of Obsession. It's not hard to deal with the perk
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I like lethal for making sure I get into the first chase asap while also getting the +2 duration on whatever other aura perk I'm running. CI is really strong when survivors all spawn spread out, which helps you not have a bunch of gens pop early into the match because of it.
I would say vs harder teams CI is better and Lethal is super chill and great for your typical pub games.
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like many others stated, corrupt is better on a few killers that doesn't need to get in a chase and down someone immediately like hag, trapper and tombstone myers. other than that, i agree lethal is basically a better corrupt since you will be in a chase right off the bat anyway
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No. Definitely not. Both are great perks on the right killer but pretty mediocre otherwise.
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imo its an apples to oranges comparison
you use lethal if you want to get into chases early (wraith, blight, wesker, nurse)
you use corrupt if you want to buy more time to set up for or otherwise get to your power spike (trapper, hag, mikers, oni)
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You can memorize spawn points on every map and get 75% of Lethal value with game sense. You can't replace Corrupt in the same way.
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Even better would be play 10 games with both builds and then review the result.
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Corrupt invertion is better if you have idea where to find survivors. It slow down gen rushing significantly. For me lethal is good getting to first chase but that 2s aura read extension is not big deal unless I play nurse. I only run lethal with her.
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Even regular Myers can benefit if you want to pop your tier III cherry early and you need time to do so.
Can also benefit Plague and (Ironically, since Lethal is his perk) Nemesis where you don't need that early first down as much as you need time to ramp up your power.
My feeling has generally been don't use Corrupt if you can consistently get downs before it's even half over.
Random thought: Would it be worth buffing Corrupt the same way as lethal, be having it add a few seconds to gen blocking perks?
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There are pros and cons to both perks
Corrupt- Blocks the farthest 3 Gens from the Killer for 120 seconds (which makes the Survivors Shroud even more beneficial to the Killer), Goes away after the first down, Doesn't have the effect that Lethal does by extending Gen blocking times
Lethal- See the Survivors for 9 seconds at the start of the match, get that first chase started (which may or may not speed up hooks), but leaves the 3 other Survivors to do Gens, has an effect on other Aura Reading perks and Addons
And yes it would be worth buffing Corrupt to include an effect on Gen blocking
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The only thing corrupt is good for is wasting a perk slot.
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That's hard to compare considering they are two very different perks that serve two very different purposes.
Both of them are good at what they do and benefit you enough that putting both in the same build won't harm your chances of success especially with the current patch.
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Gotta be honest with ya', those are two very different perks. The only similarity is that they both do something at the start of the match.
Corrupt Intervention will force Survivors to go looking for an unblocked generator to work on and make it easier to patrol them since there's fewer to check.
Lethal Pursuer will show you where people spawned and help you start a chase sooner.
Both can work together (Corrupt Intervention buys you a little more time as they move to another generator while you're chasing that first Survivor).
It really depends on what you value most. After playing the game for all these years, I can usually predict where people spawned and get a chase started fairly quickly anyway. But if someone hasn't gotten that game sense yet, I can see Lethal Pursuer being much more appealing to them. Either way, I really wouldn't say either one makes the other one irrelevant. They achieve two different things.
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They have different uses but I like lethal more since it has ongoing use in most of my builds. They both have a place though.
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Lethal is a waste of a perk slot. Corrupt Intervention will always be universally good on every killer.
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Corrupt is probably stronger on all killers except Hag and perhaps Myers. If you are running an aura build then Lethal would make sense otherwise it's too weak.
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Can you clarify what you mean corrupt isn't strong on hag? Because she (and trapper) benefits from corrupt maybe the most.
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LP is one of my favorite perks, but it is so painful that it can be completely countered by distortion. Distortion’s buff was too powerful. I used to love aura builds, but it is frustrating to have literally 3 perks rendered useless by a single perk. . . That has basically limitless tokens on against almost every killer.
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Lethal Pursuer turns I'm All Ears into 8 seconds of wallhacks on a 38 seconds cooldown, meaning that if you're smart on Nurse or Pyramid Head every other chase is completely free, lasting less than 20 seconds to go from healthy to downed.
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Lethal is pretty much never a waste of a perk slot.
Problem people have with it is that they use it to find the closest survivor and then pretend they didn't see the rest of the players too.
Good use of Lethal means you find your first 2 chases fast. Depending on what's happening you could also slug and prevent a early gen from getting done and force others of gens too.
Lethal is close to the best perk in the game on the right killers. It offers a quick way to snowball but it's up to it's user to make it happen.
Corrupt, while good i always found a bit overrated. Great on setup killers like trapper or plague but for others the survivors will just go to the nearest unblocked gens. It's good but people really need to stop pretending it stops any gen progress while active. There are still 4 workable gens on the map and only one place the killer can be at a time.
I would never run corrupt on killers like clown, blight, nurse and pretty much any killer that wants/needs to get downs fast to snowball. It's really not as universal as people think
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in the example you give i get more value out of lethal but that is purely due to dead dawg having a smaller 3 gen area that is more effective to defend if the game goes bad...tested it with legion (where i got quick frenzy value by injuring everyone immediately) with corrupt i had to guess and it took longer to get the same value.
tried it with plague where corrupt worked better but it was a waiting out corrupt game and the survivors running the house more. lethal did not really do much more but i did get 2 survivors infected immediately when they jumped on the same gen at the start of the match.
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Lethal can be completely countered by Distortion. Name one survivor perk that can unblock gens that are blocked by Corrupt Intervention. You can’t because no such perk exists.
Lethal only becomes decent when you’re using an aura build or when you’re using a high mobility killer.
Might as well run Discordance since it’s a waaay better information perk that gives you value throughout the entire match, not just at the beginning.
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Lethal can be 1/4th countered by Distortion unless multiple people run it which is very unlikely, and you will also instantly know they have distortion cause it's the only perk that can do that so that's still free information for you and on top of that it eats 2 stacks of distortion. I would call Lethal more of a counter to distortion then the other way around
Again you don't need to unblock gens from corrupt, there are other gens you can work on. Not to mention it turns of by itself if you play to well. Don't see Lethal doing that
It's honestly kinda silly comparing the 2 perks, they do 2 different things. One is buy you time the other giving information to allow you to snowball. There are killers i would never run Corrupt on, there are killers i would never run Lethal on. It's completely killer/strategy dependent. It really isn't a case of this one is just better then the other
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Lethal is trash value in comparison. Aura at the start to quickly start one chase doesn't compare to blocking 3 gens for all survivors.
Not saying lethal can't be good on the right killer with a tailored build, but the benefit is abysmal in the 4v1 scope. Your not even guaranteed that the survivor you pick won't just run and predrop every pallet, in which case a full perk slot wasted.
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You're right and you're wrong.
Sometimes there is a very low chance a survivor spawns relatively close to you on a "3 gen map". If you don't check that place or if they hide from you in a smart way then they likely just broke your 3 gen setup.
If you go back and watch Otz's first video about why lethal is a good perk Im pretty sure he goes over it.
Corrupt became kinda useless with the 6.1 nerf unless you are playing MM or trapper - who let's be honest both severely need a rework so they don't suffer tremendously for the first 2 minutes of the game.
-"corrupt disables after the first down (which in reality should be after the first hook)"
That would have been a much nicer change for Corrupt but it would just have made the killer slug for the first 2 minutes.
The real crime is that killers very commonly used corrupt in 6.1 because they felt the very real gen rush threat but the devs did not give killers ANY base kit gen protection.
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Don't forget Lethal Pursuer's second effect of extending aura reading. Gives it increased value in any aura centric build.
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My understanding on why CI is bad for Hag is because it pushes survivors to you when you want to set your web up at the start.
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Do you see top Hag players using Corrupt much? You can argue it's the worst perk in the game on Hag. The best way is to set up your net, lose 2-3 gens while doing it but then survivors are in big trouble. If they run towards killer and see early that it is Hag..now they can bully her and destroy traps. Against a good team that knows to trigger traps at the edge of where they go off, so Hag can't teleport and immediately hit the survivor it's more or less game over.
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Haggie is a dead killer now. I had the pleasure of facing a Hag as survivor. She could do nothing. I kept wiping traps, setting them off at the edge, waiting until she carried a survivor and ran like a maniac in her web since I knew where it was and where she was residing in. I, a singular survivor, was ruining her web constantly, while gens popped
Great stuff...
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That's a really sad state for a killer. The four Hag players left in the the game probably won't even play her much after this update.
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Her kill rate in high MMR should be so bad after this update. Perhaps Lethal would be a good perk on Hag to see where survivors are not going, and then try to hide traps in that area like Trapper in grass and such, if you get lucky with the map lol
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I, for one, am not playing her until she gets a rework and a buff
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survivors looking for a different gen due to corrupt at the start of the match leads to chases where as lethal helps to start that chase quicker and put all presure on the team as fast as possible (most survivors spawn 2 or 3 near a gen from observations).
corrupt can be useful but it all depends on if corrupt blocks gens that are helpful later on in the match and as soon as a survivor is in the dying state it becomes a dead perk. lethal still works better with aura reading addons and perks (bbq/nowhere to hide are my favs) and gives value all match.
learning that surivivors have distortion early in the match is also helpful knowledge that corrupt does not give. I have tested out lethal vs corrupt on killers where corrupt is more useful and i find that with lethal i avoid survivors with hag/trapper and set up away from where they spawn in peace since i know no one is following me to disarm traps. honestly, outside of chase builds meant to destroy important pallets with wraith or injuring a team with legion or plague lethal pursuer just seems to give better overall value.
on a side note, thank you and the other devs for implementing the communities feed back and just saw the movie malignant if there is anyway for that killer to be represented in dbd please make it happen.
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it would be kind of hard for a killer to slug multiple survivors in the first two minutes though...well maybe bubba but if he is played well it doesn't matter haha
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its weird but now with lethal i go away from survivors to set up my web with trapper/hag knowing i can do so in peace while they get there 2 gens done...seems to much of a gamble with corrupt (where they would just go and work on an uncorrupted gen anyways and possible stumble onto me while setting up the web)
myers is another story though and corrupt is leagues better on him
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yeah lethal helps out in a different way since you can actively avoid the survivors and set up your web at the gens away from them at the loss of 1 to 2 gens but being able to snowball later in the match