What killer do you dislike the most?
Mine is obviously Legion. I can't stand with his basekit mend simulator.
Pinhead. Always a miserable match.
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I don’t like going against trapper. Looking at the floor all game isn’t really fun for me
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legion and trickster
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Skull Merchant has recently replaced Legion for me.
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Skull Merchant and Knight. Dull and skill-less gameplay. Nothing like getting "outplayed" by an automatically broken pallet or an AI guard.
Actually, I'd add Pinhead to the list, but not because of his kit. The kit itself is actually fine. It's just that Pinhead players tend to spend hours in the lab crafting the least fun build and playstyle that they could possibly create. Their entire goal is often griefing the other side.
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Dull merchant and knight, same reason as @edgarpoop No skill involved in the gameplay.
Legion because mending simulator
I like going against nemmy but his zombies are beyond annoying.
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Trickster is the only killer that legitimately makes me want to punch my keyboard everytime I play against him. I have no idea why, but the spamming of the knives and his stupid laugh just infuriate me lol.
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I would have to heavily agree. It’s just… something about the way the knives sound hitting me, or the constant little grunts it makes my survivor do. It gets super annoying.
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To face -
Deathslinger for his TR, makes me sad and unmotivated and apparently unable to focus on dodging
Oni because at low mmr it feels like he always has his power and also has the hitbox of a freaking plane
Wesker because of a mix of overrated license + TR I've heard too much and that is everywhere + voice lines
Plague because she has no counterplay at low mmr (I don't consider having half your health all game to be a counterplay) + vomit sounds make me feel nauseous
Clown, tonic warps the screen in a very unpleasant way and even though I know it's not OP, it still feels like it's a guaranteed hit when you're poisoned
To play -
Haven't played them all, but Nurse makes me motion sick. So Nurse.
All the others I've tried are really fun to use !
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Knight and trickster for me.
There’s no gameplay really. Knight you just hold W until you die and trickster is just 1-2 knives per rotation until you either get hit or he runs out of knives
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Skull merchant is number 1 most hated for me and second would be Deathslinger... Third Trickster
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every killer with a ping above 300.
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Aesthetic - Skull M, Trickster, Legion
Power - Legion, Pinhead
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I had my Skull Merchant cherry popped today on both sides.
Yeah I hate her the most both to go against and to play. It's beyond abysmal.
Runner ups: Nurse, Legion, Spirit (Actually don't mind playing her), Twins (Same, Vic is fun), Knight, Hag, Trapper.
Varying degrees of dislike. Most I think are 'fine', but the gameplay just sucks so much.
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Plague and im surprised no one else feels the same way
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They’re somehow even more boring to face then Skull Merchant.
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Skull Merchant by far. Historically I have hated Legion but Skull Merchant takes the trophy for most awful killer to play against. There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about playing against her. I can't wait for this tome to end so she hopefully plummets down to Twins and Hag levels of pick rate.
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Skull merchant is both boring to play as and against
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nurse - this one is self explanatory
myers - 90% of them have tombstone which is never a fun match. hell, even regular myers is boring
trapper - gives me paranoia
huntress - not so much because of the killer but because of the people that play her. i cant recall the last time i went against a huntress that didnt sweat her balls off. also her lullaby gets stuck in my head and i hear it even when its not a huntress (???)
plague - her power is literally just "youre injured lul". and if someone dares to cleanse, she can annihilate you with her red puke
that would be my top 5
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Hillbilly & Blight
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Pinhead is #1 worst for me. I play solo queue so it’s a guaranteed miserable match and loss. Legion is definitely #2 worst, but at least beatable in solo q
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Wesker, I have yet to play against one that wasn't a tosser .
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Well... he is more of a grabber than a tosser, but I get what you're saying
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Dredge. I absolutely loathe that damn blob. Knight and Clown take second and third respectively
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D: Not my adorable blobby boy! Almost made it to the bottom without seeing him listed lmao.
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Trickster. I don't like his design, I don't like his character, I don't like going against his power, and his Terror Radius music is painful to listen to.
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Abilities: Probably the Knight and Wesker tied
Usually played by jerks on NA: Nemesis
Purely based on some Bullshit they pull due to coding: The Huntress and Twins
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The deja vu crazy. I seen at least 3 different threads in the last 2 to 3 weeks asking this question and people giving the same answer almost word for word.
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I despise just despise everything about that damn thing. Especially Nightfall. The blasted wailing is just insufferable.
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What, so you don't enjoy the sound of nails on the chalkboard? Lol. Now, my knowledge of sound design might not be world-class, but I can confidently say the audio department needs to take another look at its audio loop for nightfall.
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dredge and skull merchant take the cake for me. dredge has been a least favorite for me since its release, same with skull merchant, she just does not have remotely any fun or interesting gameplay in her kit
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Skull Merchant
I'll take literally any other killer, even Twins.
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The dredge, I feel like playing against a dredge takes all the fun out of the game, especially when her power is activated.
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I cannot say I've ever had a fun match against pinhead.
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Also I shall never forgive the assault upon Maurice.
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Skull Merchant should never have been released in anything like the state it was and even after the changes, hasn't made any difference. An appallingly bad killer to play against in solo queue. The fact that half the time someone will DC or kill themselves the moment they realise she's the killer says all you need to know.
Wesker is also getting more annoying as time goes on. Everyone of them seems to have a huge liking for tunneling or proxy camping which I guess with his power works well, but is pretty boring to play against.
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Idk if I’ve ever seen someone not like playing against Billy.
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knight / SM / Plague / Nurse
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I know of a few others who also don't really enjoy facing billy as well.
As for me though, my dislike of billy is mainly directed at curve billies specifically.
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I find curve Billies very fun to go against, but that’s just me.