Is New Patch helping get kill rates up?

DBD has been stuck at about 65% kill rate for killers with them getting high score only 90% of the time. Hopefully this new patch is working for everyone else. I play survivor and in thirty plus games since update I have died every time and have yet to see 5 gens get done. That is 120 kills for the killer at least with zero escapes by anyone. It looks like it might be working as intended at making sure solo queue stays the most dismal playing experience on the planet.
To be fair today is the first time I have seen games without mega rubberbanding. Things might be getting a bit better. DH is useless, even if you do get that first hook you are still dead on the ground with every use, so it is nice to see somethings never change.
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I think BHVR wants at least a 70% average kill rate
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When genkick and eruption was still really good.
Around 60% kill rate, before the survivor hud icons were added.
Not sure if this patch would help get kill rates up with regression being alot weaker overall.
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Any big change on META builds is bound to hurt for a while.
Most DH users will need time to adapt.
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Maybe you or your team are just not very good at the game?
Dying 30 times in a row no amount of survivor buffs/killer nerfs will save you with a streak like that.
After that many deaths your MMR should have down adjusted enough to get some pretty easy killers, its coupled with inexperienced team mates which can make it tricky to get a coherent team going which is the great failing of MMR as it is.
But still 30 deaths in a row phew wow you gotta try and escape more.
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Naw, MMR is not really a thing. Every game it is me and three noobs versus at least a level 25 prestige killer. So MMR matches me with a high skill killer and gives me cannon fodder team mates. Usually at least one DC in first two minutes of play. Also scores for all players are way way down.
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To be fair, prestige means nothing. I´ve seen prestige 100 players, that played... well bad.
Also, the patch hasn´t been out for a full week. So its way to early to see where the kill rates settle.
On top of that, from what i see. A lot of survivors suicide/dc early on for seemingly no reason at all. So any stats from now are pointless.
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join a SWF
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Nah, this is on you. I played survivor for 8 hours the other day and I died 4 times. Solo q, no exhaustion perks. Not everyone is struggling.
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The rubberbanding was a big part of it. Today the rubberbanding is not evident, so maybe they got it worked out? MMR does mean something, but like you said it is hard to use it as a definitive gauge. I'm level 60 but probably only an above average casual player
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Kill rates are probably thru the roof, because 1 in 4 survivors decide to throw a fit every game.
I'm walking away from DBD. Survivors' selfish adolescence are ruining more than 75% of my games, and Killers' callous response makes it incredibly difficult to find a silver lining. I've no reason to return until BHVR takes decisive action to address this pattern of behavior in the future.
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Eruption was not popular back then so nope. Devs were happy back then with those kill rates eruption rised to meta around october-november and kill rates probably rised closer to 70% so it was rightfully nerfed to ground. After that kill rates might have gone down as survivors learned to gen rush and they got better using dh. Tunneling though got more common as well. But now I expect soloQ kill rates rise significantly with healing and dh nerf whereas swf will just gen rush even faster and kill rates will lower agains't them.
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The only consistent thing with all those losses is you. Going on a losing streak because of bad teams isn't uncommon for soloq but losing that much in a row means you are the issue.
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It doesn't matter if they are the common denominator.
Matchmaking is designed to help you escape every few games.
You can't write off 30 straight deaths as "skill issue," when a system has been put in place to accomodate skill issues. I went on a 10 game losing streak immediately after the update. You can't tell me that is a skill issue, when I took multiple killers on 3 gen chases in those games, and just last week I looped a Deathslinger for 10 minutes.
Skill is completely irrelevant in the outcome of anyone's matches, whether you are Killer or Survivor. It reflects badly on you that you'd come in here trying to put someone down when they're clearly having a rough go of it already.
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I play solo q all the time and if my team is competent we usually have at least one escape, and 4 escapes is not uncommon. Your individual experience doesn’t mean that the game is tilted a certain way for everyone. If killer is so easy now, then maybe try playing killer instead?
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Sure you can go on a 10 game losing streak and it not be a skill issue, but how is losing 30 not? If they are losing that much then they clearly are doing things wrong which even with them losing that many games are still not enough to win games yet. Like if I was winning games before by running broken things and not my skill then the devs nerfing those things would result into losing a bunch of games after the patch. Literally see this in other PVP games where players abuse broken things and go on massive losing streaks once those things are adjusted.
I would say if someone is losing that much after the patch then it would make sense that they were ELO boosted. The change this patch was to remove some of the handholding that was in the game where players would win games by bringing certain perk/items. I struggle to see how someone was winning games prior to this patch based on their skill all of a sudden lose that many games.
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No, prestige means absolutely nothing. It has no effect on the mmr. It just shows how much bloodpoints someone spent on a character.
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Totally believable.
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I believe this stats were given before the eruption peak of usage.
In september killers where still using the PR + DMS combo mainly in their matches before it was widely known that they could use eruption to gain like 40 sec of regression in one good activation.
Unfortunately, we will never see the true impact that Eruption/brine/overcharge combo had on the kill rates since this was the last time bhvr share stats for kill rates but we can assume it got higher than tolerable since eruption was nerfed in a patch that was not meant to balance perks
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When MMR was introduced to the game, it was made apparent that all the system will attempt to do is make sure you win every once and a while. It doesn't care about what you do in the game, it will look at your match history and throw you in matches that give you the best chance of success after a string of losses.
Clearly that isn't working.
Either there is a glaring issue with matchmaking, a plague of players abstaining from even participating in a match they for some reason chose to queue into, or a skill curve canyon between Killers and Survivors of equal MMR. I'm not about to comment on what I believe is happening, but OP shouldn't be losing 30 games in a row unless they are intentionally throwing.
Something more is at play than "skill issue"
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My point is that the issue that OP is saying they are having is out of spec for soloq. I don't see how one can have 30 straight games where not once was there 5 gens done and that isn't because of a skill issue. Med-kits and COH were nerfed and I've seen players who clearly crutch on those things. So to the extent that they are losing is, in my opinion, a problem with them using busted things that covered their lack of skill inflating their MMR to the point where when those things were removed they are now on a massive losing streak. Yes there is a problem with MM for soloq, but not that much.
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Well according to nightlight kill rate is only 53%.
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This was like 2 months after the meta shake up, it was popular and used back then just not as much in like January 2023 before it got nerfed.
It wasnt hard to grasp the perks were good, you're making up imaginary numbers without data.
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I ran the combo myself like 3 weeks after the meta shake up, it wasnt peak popularity yet but it was popular and used.
Eruption was probaly too strong especially with all the synergy but it also got nerfed it that patch that wasnt meant to balance perks because people hated and complained about it so much, like thana was nerfed 2-3 weeks after 6.1.0, it was maybe a bit strong on Legion and Plague but not that strong they had to kill it but it was complained about alot.
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Hopefully not.
I don't think the Kill Rates need to go any higher right now.
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Why would I lie? I’ve been playing since 2018, and I know the game. Maybe you aren’t as good as you think?
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It isn't a skill thing. Its the way the killers play. There are no decent ones left in soloq anymore. Either that or the mad main survivors switched to killers. Every match is face camp, gen camp, or knocked down and used as bait. Or my personal favorite left to bleed out because they are afraid they can't find a hook.
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After 6.7.0 you speak about high kill rate? For the ######### sake. If you play with both hands in this patch you will win.
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Nightlight stats aren't accurate. They're self reported and only a tiny percentage of the playerbase uses that. For example, people who don't speak English, or have it as a second language, are unlikely to use it.
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Is it not a skill thing if you can't deal with the strat though? If you are having games like that then those killers should climb and you drop to either get games where you can more easily deal with those strats or play vs killers that don't employ them.
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What I don't understand is why the kill rate even needs to be that high. It makes more logical sense for the kill rate to be 50%. Isn't that what balance is? And also, by their logic, wouldn't that deem their POV to be killer-sided?
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This is usually when people hit you with the "50% doesn't mean 2 kills 2 escapes, it can mean anything from a full wipe into a full escape, to one kill followed by three kills" and then entirely miss the point of the question only to land in "50% isn't balanced on an asymetrical game."
I've been through this very same conversation a million times. The TLDR is the kill rate is that high just to guarantee the killers get at least one kill in most of their games. Chances are someone's going to die regardless of their skill.
Which loops back again to MMR being a terrible addition to this game.
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Kill rates will drop for decent players. Not much change for casual/beginner players
More end game builds may start seeing use because Killers can’t compete with regression. Ideally Killers will tunnel one person out and play off the end game instead of guarding gens
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Plus, people must manually upload their matches to nightlight, which means they can be manipulated. Someone can upload only good or bad matches, depending on which side they want to tip the balance in favor of.
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For the general player, since they don't have access to BHVR data
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Prove it
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8 hours dying 4?... I don't think playing survive with bots counts toward survival stats...
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I would have to figure out a way to record, but I have no problem doing that.
It was 100% pubs. Interesting note, 3/4 deaths came in the last two hours of play. My guess to this is that more casuals (read bad players) were getting home from work and dragging down the lobby.
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This patch is awful for m1 killers without chase power. I'd imagine kill rates up for the OP killers, and kill rates are down for m1s.
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Now that the servers are fixed rubberbanding is not such an issue as it was those first few games. EVERYONE WAS RUBBERBANDING. It is nauseating to play when your fov is constantly shifting and jumping about the map. I have now seen escapes and I am probably escaping every three or four games. The matchmaking is still horrible. I don't care if I have bad teammates AND a bad killer. I hate having a great killer and terrible teammates. MMR should not be matching them up. This update has moved the game in a worse direction pretty much across the board except for the new heart warning and the bloodweb improvements. You can disagree with me, but long term streamers are taking a sabbatical, players are playing less. It just seems this is the kind of feedback the developers should be interested in.
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"perfect knowledge" indeed, we have got the proof of this perfection with the last patches 😂
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I feel like i've been escaping more after the patch. I really don't see the "nerfs" hurting survivor much.
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I have a feeling that our matchmaking rating has a hidden floor, based on playtime / player devotion level, preventing "experienced" players from tanking their rating for easier matches / to troll.
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It would make more logical sense for the killer's WIN RATE to be 50%, which is different from the kill rate. This requires the kill rate to be higher than 50%, because a win for killers is a 3k or 4k.
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The real kill rate is significantly higher than 60% though since they don't count games with a DC in their stats. This is only my experience but I'd say half of my solo games have someone dcing. I'd be curious to see the REAL kill rate since dcing is an undeniable part of the game atm. I also want to see the kill rate in solo vs SWF. They say it's not much different yet won't actually show us the stats.
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BHVR kill dbd to have massive shifting its player to their new game Meet Your Maker
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The problem is the DC penalties are so tiny that survivors might DC for a whole variety of unsportsmanlike reasons, and we aren't sure what the outcomes of those matches would have been if those survivors didn't DC. Survivors aren't DCing just because they think the games are unwinnable.... some survivors want to bully the killer, and will DC if they think the current killer won't be bullied easily. Or maybe a survivor DCs because they have a specific rift challenge, that isn't easily done that match. Or maybe a survivor DCs because they don't like the map, or they don't like the killer.
We really need more strict DC penalties, so that the majority of DCs are legitimate, instead of ragequits, before we can add them to the stats.
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I'll give you that, I often feel like it takes far more losses to adjust down than it does to spike up after a few wins. That's just anecdotal though but I do see your point and fair enough.
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Anyway you slice it, is a killer sided game environment. Killer mains try solo survivor for a bit, you will understand.
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Because you’re trying to push an agenda? You’re a biased killer main, from what I’ve seen of your posts. And that dying 4 times in 8 hours of solo queue survivor sounds unbelievable as hell. I reckon that’s why when people asked for video evidence you wrote paragraphs instead of sharing video evidence.