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General Discussions

Stop Overreacting

This community is a joke sometimes. Review bombing the game? Complaining on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram? Refusing to play and uninstalling the game? All because of a few perks that got nerfed a bit? Seriously? You guys need to chill out and stop overreacting lol.

This game has almost a hundred perks, you dont need to rely on 2 perks to win a game in DbD. If you seriously needed deadhard to survive in DbD then that just goes to show how trash you are at the game. This whole community is just sad and pathetic honestly…. The only thing thats going to kill this game isnt the devs or the game itself, its the community being sore losers thats going to kill this game.

And before anyone says anything like “bUt I kEeP dYiNg AlL tHe TiMe!!11”, you’re not supposed to be winning the game all of the time. Pretty sure the devs have said that you’re suppose to win at least half of your games and lose half of your games. At least 2 survivors are suppose to die and 2 survivors are suppose to survive in the average DbD match. This is exactly what the devs have been wanting in their game for years now. Deadhard and CoH were making survivors survive more games then expected and were obviously a issue that needed to be dealt with. Nerfing them was completely fine and healthy for the game. If you keep dying in most of your matches then you obviously need a new build and playstyle so you can stop dying all of the time.

So dont worry about players leaving the game and giving negative reviews on steam. Let these guys cry and complain for about a month and they’ll be back….They ALWAYS come back even if the game was in a HORRIBLE AND UNBALANCED STATE the average DbD player will still be there playing the game as if everything was fine lol.

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  • Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2023

    The regress perks, as they were, were too powerfull and killed the fun as DH/CoH did. The nerfs were necessary but for the regression they went too hard on it. It was not really for balance but for the fun factor.

    The self-heal nerf is great as it now forces the survivors to teamplay, it is a team game.

    The Knight is not that terrible, really fun to play as and against.

    The skull merchant however...

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    People definitely complain to much but I think it’s because the actual content for the last 6 months has been hated by most the community

    People can ignore things once the new content is good. If it isn’t they wil find things to complain about

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    I agree. Nothing egregious has happened for people to be en masse down voting the game, trolling as if we haven’t mostly been playing this game for 6 years. If you’re bored with the content after that long, no need to review bomb and tell everyone how horrible the game is, you got more than enough value out of it.

    This community absolutely has an entitlement issue.. Honestly last patch was great, no matter what side you’re on. DH nerf was adequate, med-kits and COH got what they deserved (and behavior even walked back the healing stuff folks complained about, but they never listen apparently..), I didn’t love the regression perk nerfs, but having played the last few days it did make me realize the annoying way COB for instance led to drawn out 3 gen situations (I never used OC anyway), and I honestly feel like PR is arguably stronger than ever. It’s literally better than pop in every way, so obviously regression perks aren’t dead.

    honestly this may be my most liked mid-chapter

  • Member Posts: 185

    I do and i like the mechanics you can use against it.

    It needs teamplay and communication though.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    People review bombing a game they've been playing and enjoying for years is embarrassing. If you dislike a chapter then leaving a negative review on that is fine and I think it is good that the devs are being told that the Skull Merchant doesn't fit in in a horror themed action game.

    Let's keep the meta shift going. I like the variety. Nerf the best perks, nerf the best killers, buff the weak, keep it interesting!

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023

    1.) Survivors don’t have to play as a team, one of the taglines for this game is play selfishly or as a team. So you are of course completely wrong.

    2.) The healing nerfs are meant to balance with the Gen regression perk nerfs. It would be too oppressive to nerf survivor healing abilities, leave Gen regression where it is, and nerf Gen progression perks. The kill rate is like 63% mind you which means most killers are securing around a 2.5-3K. 1-2 (with 2 more likely) survivors are escaping on average.

  • Member Posts: 185

    And ye it is a team game that is now mopre and more balanced towards the SWF level so you are wrong :)

    Maybe but gen rush has never been as fast. Self Heal and DH were OP, the nerfs they have received has nothing to do with the gen regression nerf. It was just OP as the gen regression perks were but now they have been nerfed too hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    Selfish play comes in near the end, deciding on if you want to try and go for an EGC save or don't risk it (or should you decide to hide in a corner and let all the other players die to the Killer and then you try for Hatch, but most people hate that).

    Generally speaking though this game should try to emulate that yes, you are all individuals and Survival is at an individual level, but you're up against something nearly as strong as all of you, you can't face it alone, it will get you otherwise. In the start/middle it should try to be a mix of both self-independence and teamwork, and near the end, that's when selfishness should come out to play: Do I go for the Unhook when the exit is here? Do I hide and wait for the other guy to die so I can go for Hatch?

  • Member Posts: 99

    I think everyone who owns the game has a right to review however they want.

    If I was developing a killer for any other company and I sent them the Skull Merchant (the way it was on release and the way it is now) they'd want a refund and they'd leave me a terrible review. That's all that's happened here.

    Oh and the fact they keep messing with perks every few months. We're all getting used to different perks again now, but I'd put money on them nerfing them in the future, instead of fixing the core problems within the game itself.

    I genuinely wouldn't recommend this game to a friend, and I've recommended it many times in the past.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Everyone has the right to their opinion even if you don't agree with it. Just because you like the changes doesn't mean the newer part of the community does. A community means whole and that includes everyone new and old.

    Trust me if something you had been eating for years and then all of a sudden it changed you would voice your opinion or complaint. Unfortunately, complaints don't go along way with BHVR so the way to do it is with reviews and prevent people to investing in them.

    Honestly as the game stands right now with how killers play in soloq, no one in their right mind would buy this game and start playing and survivors are something you need bots only go so far.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    You good sir are encroaching on my safe space with your dastardly logic and unveiled disdain for my fragile sensibilities.

    I'll complain if I must, and neither you nor your forthright pragmatic outlook on the game and its community can stop me.

    It's all everyone else's fault! It always has been and the uncaring devs, lets not forget them! Have let it happen.

    Fix my problems for me game man... and leave me to my complaints.

    Your lack of sympathy has only emboldened my fight for balance and justice. A pox on you!

    End scene...

    (Best read in a stoic Queen's English accent for maximum snoot effect).

    OP I respect your take on the game and its more vocal players.

  • Member Posts: 3,134

    I think having a negative impression of recent chapters (totally justified, they're bad) doesn't necessarily crapping on the came as a whole.

    Do I think the last couple chapters have been garbage tier? Yeah. But I like DBD as a whole, and would give it an overall positive review. Kind of a conundrum.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    The overreacting towards the Dead Hard nerf is extremely surprising to me. I was told that it never worked anyways, rarely provided value, and was extremely easy for all the killers to bait out. I'm shocked anyone even ran it to begin with given how bad it was

  • Member Posts: 8

    TS is typical SoloQ surv. Try to play the killer dude. And you will see "little nerf" by yourself from killer side. DH should be returned to it's original form. It must not be 3rd hit in game where each hit counts. 8s healing shouldn't be existed. even 16s is too much for base time. 20s will be ideal or on large map you can't do anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I’ve enjoyed both sides. Not sure ever the deal is.

  • Member Posts: 269

    i can't believe you would threaten my bloodline like this. gosh, you're so annoying!

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I'd agree to some extent but what's the endgame really, I mean if people want particular changes or have particular problems then just hopping on the forums and ranting "stuff bad me angry" doesn't really achieve much.

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