Killers, how it's going?

Hello fellow killer mains.
How it's going for you after new patch?
I've finally had time to play a bit yesterday. After 10 games I must say that new 'meta' works quite well for me. I even managed to catch Deathslinger adept (nice, clean game after which I've been called an idiot killer by a salty surv lol). Most games ended with me getting 3k's. I think survs were around mid-tier, soloq but no potatoes. I'm still running Overcharge and it's ok-ish after the nerf. My killers were Trapper and Oni mostly. Haven't seen a single Dead Hard or CoH, which was a nice change.
Still have lots of COH, fewer DH
Overcharge is completely useless now if survivor can hit skill check, but it just like the very old vision so I guess it's ok?
My first thought is to try hit and run killer.
But i found out that the cob and Overcharge nerf hurt hit and run style very much too.
The medkit nerf is far from enough to cover it.
But when i back to tunnel style,the PR nerf cause you have less pressure in the early game.
I don't know what to say.
Tunnel ,3 gen ,hit and run, playing normal without any strategy seems all unviable now.
Should I try slug next?
But slug never really viable by itself either.
TBH i have no idea how to play killer now.
So i play more survivor and try to find the solution,wish that the killer can give me an example about how to play killer right now.
But until now all of the killer i play against can't stop 4 gens done in 5 minutes.
And by the way, the medkit nerf really feel like untouched, the 8 second healing is really overkill, after the nerfed it's still fast enough.
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My main is Ghostface, so it's pretty terrible for me. Gens just fly, and there's literally no way for me to get a gen back down to a manageable level. I essentially absolutely must run around like a madman putting as much pressure as possible with hits which means less time actually doing stealthy plays. That means constantly chasing people off gens without stealth. Ghostie just simply can't keep running back and forth at gens in a stealthy manner, now. PR was his saving grace since it allowed him to actually leave generators and still have some protection on them. He's too weak in chases, but before, at least once you finished a loop, you could use PR to recover some of that chase time. Not now. Now he has to 3 gen camp, and it really sucks. His winning option is to hit and run constantly now which really takes away from his fun stealth factor. It's essentially a race of hooks vs speed generators with no room for the fun stealthy and spooky plays (which while less effective, were still mangeable). No more wiggle room. Now it's just a race.
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Pretty good so far. I ran deadlock and jolt so the regression nerfs didn’t affect me and the healing changes are very helpful to M1 killers.
New Gearhead is also great for killers like wraith, sadako or dredge
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Knight,shape,dredge are terrible.No way to counter Gen Rush.
Only Nurse and Blight were fun to play with the original configuration without Gen regression.
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The gen rush is worse now. Everyone is bringing brand new parts and prove thyself, and resilience. Prove thyself needs to be nerfed badly. Med kits should have been left alone. COH was the right move though.
Three gens are done in 5 mins if not less now. I'm lucky to get one kill, and in order to get that kill I've had to tunnel. I mean hard tunnel someone non stop til they're dead. I don't want to do this, but it seems the only strategy. I'm also being brought to very survivor friendly maps. I mean most are survivor friendly, but Garden of Joy and Eyrie of Crows over and over.
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Survivors in my matches seem more aggressive now. lol.
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Gens are flying even without BNP so that's kinda irritating. Still winnable games, but you might have to play a little less "fun" to survivor (such as more aggressively defend a hook).
Nice to see healing slowed down.
I do think Haemorrhage effect will likely get nerfed in the next patch. It does feel like a lot with the healing slowdown.
Getting 4ks is still a thing so that's good.
It does feel kinda pointless to target gens nowadays which is a shame. The gen regression nerfs do make it feel like I have less choices in how I approach a match which is shame.
Survivors giving up seems like it's increased
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Gens are flying.
I lost most of my games exept the ones survs look for me just for trolling and suicide(dont know even why).
When last gen is done i have like 2-3 hooks.
New autohaven house is awfull.
At least i can play Demogorgon without the fear of infinite dead hards.
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Games are fast, which is good. I prefer fast games on both sides. Killer games have been fine on all my killers. Not having too much of an issue keeping up with gens.
Gens are flying if survivors are actually working on them, which is a complete coin flip in solo queue. "Doing the only objective" is somehow a skill that many players lack. Killers are hard tunneling a lot, so I've switched to OTR/DS.
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The games feel much faster now. Because healing was nerfed survivors are not risking chase/injury and focusing on completing gens (as they should). But hey, we wanted healing nerfed & obviously it would be too oppressive to nerf healing and lengthen Gen speeds in some way. The kill rate is already at 63% so doing both would likely elevate it to a level that causes severe backlash (70% or more, if survivors can’t heal & take ages to finish generators).
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Not really having much fun right now.
Survivors are just bringing the most powerful addons and map offerings every game that it just feels like a chore to play. Hopefully it goes back to normal in a few days.
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everything feel about the same just less ovepowering. Was winning 80% before the patch and that still remain the same. Co2 still being run haven't change. People still pressing E! again haven't change (just less op). Never use pain res or COB so i cant even speak on that. Over charge the only regression perk i ever use and it feel harder to hold the 3gen now (which is a good thing)
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Games have been fun and fast-paced. Been meming around with survivors too which is nice. Overall I've had good vibes in my matches.
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Have been using end game perks. Gens have been flying but there’s not much I can do unless I slug, tunnel or camp
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It's been fairly easier, unfortunately.
PR is REALLY good. No Way Out is practically a free win.
I've seen a couple of CoH. They haven't really been an issue for me, which is pretty much what I thought. I haven't seen any successful DH's yet.
Survivor has become a bit more miserable for me. Less healing autonomy so I have to rely on my teammates more, which is never a good thing lol
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Yeah I feel torn on the healing piece. On the one hand I think it's good people can't just heal by themselves over and over pretty fast but on the other hand I don't like that teammates rarely are willing to work together effectively in solo play.
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I really would love to seem some gameplay clips of your matches. You make these matches sound so easy, I just wanna see how it goes in your games
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I used to stream, unfortunately, some people decided to make sure I don't do that anymore.
Not every game is easy, even though I play to win. However, I don't think I've had anyone escape through the gates since the update.
Honestly, it's probably got something to do with the fact that I'll likely have more hours than whoever I'm playing against 😅
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Same as always really, though I've been playing with Corrupt, Deadlock and NWO even before this patch dropped, always despised the gen kicking meta.
M1 killers are utterly unviable, SWFs are broken and maps are horrible.
Same amount of cheaters, I guess no increase is a good thing?
Not having to worry about DH is pretty freaking refreshing though, I will freely admit that much haha.
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The same as always.
I play M1-Killers most of the time. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
I win most of my matches, because I can play my Freddy quite good. However, I know that I am unable to beat a good SWF by default. Solo however is easy to beat, only certain maps can help them.
My Freddy-Build: Pain Res, Dead Mans Switch, Gearhead, No Way Out / Red Paint Brush, Nancys Masterpiece
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Glad to see i'm not the only one that thinks PR is still pretty strong
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Not a killer main, more like 50/50, but killer games for me havnt changed that much. Still stomp solo queue, swf is still a problem for me.
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Do you run Knock Out when slugging? It usually works well for me, unless I play against SWFs of course. Often it's better than early hook.
I like Overcharge cause it can catch people by surprise like it did before the nerf. Even if they are able to pass skill checks down the line I will take it over Call of Brine or PR. Both those perks are just awful now -.-'
Yeah, 8 second heals are a joke :/
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I'm sure pulsar is a better than me on both ends but I can still see why someone would say killer feels easier. I just played this game as dredge and only played him one other time and secured a 4k. I made a lot of mistakes but playing other killers still helped me with this.
Although survivor can also feel pretty easy as well. I played this game not too long ago before the patch. Made some mistakes but largely it went well.
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-"The gen rush is worse now."
They nerfed gen regression perks by 75% instead of fixing the two killers that abuse them : Knight/Skull merchant. Meanwhile gen rush perks were not nerfed by 75% so it does not take a genius to figure out what was going to happen.
Solution : Nerf gen rush perks by 75% and watch nobody use them ever. Nerf Toolboxes to be sabotage only - retire BNP.
-"Only Nurse and Blight were fun to play with the original configuration without Gen regression."
Only Nurse and Blight can make a 3 gen out of any gens on any map because they move so damn fast. They also hard couunter Shift+W and have strong antiloop.
These are the only two killers in the game with a "complete" base kit.
Quick fix solution: Killers without movement powers do not play maps larger than 9000m² unless they use an offering to go to a map that is larger (example : you use a heart locket and automatically go to Abattoir as it is the only map in the tileset of the correct size; if you use a Strode realty key you will go to Haddonfield because YOU picked a large map).
"My first thought is to try hit and run killer."
"But i found out that the cob and Overcharge nerf hurt hit and run style very much too."
"The medkit nerf is far from enough to cover it."
"Tunnel ,3 gen ,hit and run, playing normal without any strategy seems all unviable now."
All of this is very true. How do you address this as a player?
Player Solution : don't play weak killers. I know it sucks but just stop. Your killer of choice needs at least 2/3 following characteristics:
- Strong Anti loop
- Movent power
- Instant down or ability to get rapid hits (STBFL users can qualify) or double hits.
- 4v1 capability OR built in slowdown mechanic (something like pig traps)
What are some killers that fit in this category : PH, PnH, Nemesis, Wesker, Demo, Oni, Spirit (with good addons), LF (Purple+Green addon only), Legion (Iri button).
What works this patch? Ignore the generators completely. You can't guard them. Know what you can guard? Hooks. Find one player and tunnel them. Try to injure other players with chases not too far away from the hook. If they do not rescue quickly then force stage two on that first survivor. Proxy chase around and wait for the unhook and then delete the first player.
When possible Slug players with no hook states unless a hook is immediately nearby. If you can get a kill however do not let that go instead of hooking someone for the first time.
This patch is all about the camping and tunneling. That works great still. Remember that 2 kills is a tie - at least you didn't lose.
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I played 10 games of GF last night with PWYF, Nemesis, Hex: Face the Darkness, & Grim Embrace, + Cinch Straps & Olsen's Wallet. I managed to procc Grim Embrace every single game before the third gen was complete, and I triple mori'd survivors in every game until I started bringing the Ivory Mori.
I'm really out of touch with this idea that gens are being completed too quickly, and stealth/hit n' run isn't viable.
Ghost Face is incredibly strong in this meta. You shouldn't be chasing anyone, and you should be leaving survivors almost immediately after taking a health state. If Survivors aren't handing you free hits, you're playing way too predictably.
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Until the devs use hook count instead of kills nothing is going to change.
Camping and tunnelling is only helping support the devs kill count and their fantasy that everything is fine with the game because the percentage remains artificially high. 2 kills could be 2 hooks. Looks good on stats but killer only achieved 2 out of 12 possible hooks.
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It definitely takes some thought and risk assessment now, but I like it a lot.
25% is extremely significant.
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Played a few games and honestly, didn't notice much difference. First chases just feel so much more smooth without having to worry about an early DH.
Results have been all over the board, 4Ks, 2Ks, and the occasional group which is too strong so I get no kills but at least 5-6 hooks... I was doing okay last versions without stacking slowdown perks so things have continued according to plan.
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You should practice using Ghostface’s “Driver’s License” add-on if you don’t already. It let’s you explode gens for 20% progress and gives you crazy map pressure.
Also, use the perk Play With Your Food. It helps you get the exposed downs you otherwise wouldn’t get.
Hit and run will never be a viable strategy on Ghostface. He’s an insta-down killer that needs to pick his chases very carefully and end them quickly.
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This is the problem with the current meta weaker killers can't proc it tell they have 2 gens left and by that time the games pretty much over. Passive regression is necessary on weaker killers.
But guess what characters use the current regression best.
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Gens are flying even faster. Im on the hunt for other games.
New expansion for horizon just came out, think ill get that.
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I’m sorry when I say this, and this isn’t directed towards you, but the survivors you’re going against are babies.
just from the first 2 minutes of the game starting:
~ Ash standing at the killer shack pallet instead of looping it (which it’s a safe loop)
~ At the Z wall, you didn’t even have to mind game and he automatically vaulted towards you.
~ pre dropped a pallet and got stuck on the bush
~ and while you were checking the outskirts and chasing the ash, it was about 2 minutes and not a single gen was done.
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Oh yeah these weren't solid survivors by any means. This isn't one of my better games as well. Yeah the survivors didn't play optimally for sure. I know none of this is really about me and about the potatoes I massacred haha
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You can watch me mess around and be meme-y. I stopped being serious in the first game and the rest of the games were disappointing.
Nobody really struck me as being super good, especially when I wasn't even sweating.
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I use it on Knight and its decent, providing you use it at the right times (ala when you know a gen has high progress)
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Ok you’re actually good though. The survivors were potato tho but you’re good.
great game sense as well, knowing when to use your PR, you adapt quick.
also since you’re on Xbox we should make a SWF sometime
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See, I might be a good Killer.
That skill came at a cost. My Survivor is the worst.
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Not a killer main but have played 7 matches as killer since the update. My worst game was two escapes on Cowshed. The removal of dead hard in particular makes playing killer significantly easier. Survivors not being able to use it in the first chase is MASSIVE and allows you to apply pressure much earlier in most cases. Two of my matches were as blight and nurse and there was nothing they could do against me. It was just down after down. I played hit and run with sloppy butcher as hag in my last game. The amount of time they spent healing was crazy. They might have gotten a few out without the healing change. The worst thing about the patch for killers is definitely the pain res nerf. I have used it in every game and have not been getting consistent value like I did in the past.
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Problem with the drivers license is that, at least on higher MMR, survivors will position on a gen where you can't stalk them from a distance. If you're not on higher MMR, driver's license is helpful, but you have to make a decision, do you regress the generator and lose an expose down, or do you do an expose down, but lose out on the gen regression. Early in the match, you can get away with exposes up close and get both the gen regression and a down, but mid to late match, they'll leave the generator the moment you peak a corner unless you're far enough away, but again, you're giving away exposed hits doing that.
Another problem is that he is revealed so easily (survivor's don't even have to look at him to reveal him anymore. I've revealed a ghostface several times when he's behind me, it's silly), matchbook is almost necessary on him, and you'll definitely want to be running philly. What should be basekit isn't, so you can't afford to really use any of the super helpful addons. Re-stealth and quicker stalking is painful to miss out on.
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Gens and injuries are flying with space speed. Blight and Nurse can compete but it requires a lot more attention and even they have very small amount of mistakes that they can do. Nowadays all killers can't do any mistakes. But survivors can do a lot of mistakes without losing 4 escapes. Gen repairing speed should be reworked in same way as gen regress for killers. Healing speed should be decreased to 20s. Because 16s on large map is laugh. With totem it turns to 8 and even Blight and Nurse can't deal with that.
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Good. "Removing" Dead Hard is basically the best change they ever made. The game is so much better now. I didn't run Overcharge, CoB, and Pain Res before the update, so this patch is all positives for me.