Survivors, what perks are you running now?

Just curious what everyone is running with all the balance changes.
Distortion is a must for me. And then I've been trying Inner Healing with Overzealous. My last perk I'm not set on and it kind of varies from day to day but Lithe, Bond, Counterforce and Blast Mine are some favorites.
My favorite builds:
1- Quick and quiet, overcome, inner strength and Lucky break.
2- hyperfocus, stake out, fast track and autodidact
3- Head on, flashbang, Quick and quiet and parental guidance.
I really like combining perks that have synergy.
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Bond, Sprint Burst, Vigil, Resilience
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My build hasn't changed
Dance With Me, Lithe, Quick & Quiet, Inner Strength
Others when I feel like switching things up
Lightweight, Any Means Necessary, Autodidact, Empathy, Head On, Windows of Opportunity, Stake Out, Diversion
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Lithe, WoO, Resilience, Spine Chill. Spine Chill only because I am hearing impaired and I require it and the new heartbeat sucks in comparison.
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SB/lithe, OTR/Reassurance, Bond/Kindred, and Windows have been the perks I've been running since patch.
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Balanced, DH, Resilience, Adrenaline
SB, vigil, windows, adrenaline
balanced, vigil, dance with me, Q&Q (fantastic on haddonfield)
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Almost the same as before: Sprint, Kindred, Distortion/WoO, Inner Strength (last one was CoH before).
Thinking of switching "Inner Strength" to PT (of course if I aim to escape, probably it's the only way now). CoH was my way to keep team alive long enough, now it's only do gens fast enough.
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Window kinderd bond and SB
just took dh out most of the builds for sb but beside that nothing really change for me.
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Same 6 builds I've been alternating between:
Totem Buster: Counterforce, Small Game, Clairvoyance, Inner Healing
End Game: No One Left Behind, Hope, Adrenaline, Wake Up
Medic: Empathic Connection, Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures, We're Gonna Live Forever
Support: Better Than New, Leader, Guardian, Vigil
Stealth: Distortion, Quick and Quiet, Lucky Break, Iron Will
Counter Attack: Rookie Spirit, Blast Mine, Repressed Alliance, Wiretap
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nothing has changed
Alert, Object of obsession, Windows and either fixated or autodidact.
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Wake Up
(I pretty much just use Lithe instead of COH now)
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Empathic, Lucky Break, Overcome. Haven't settled on the 4th. Growing fond of Lucky Break. Seems to work well in losing the killer. Wish Iron Will didn't have the Exhaustion handicap.
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Not much has changed for me, my go to perks include a mixture of:
Sprint Burst, Renewal, We'll Make it, Kindred, Reassurance, Iron Will + Lucky break [always together], Adrenaline and I've been experimenting a bit with Friendly Competition - not sure about it right now.
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am just keep using my usual build : "SB + reassurance + DS + resilience" or HOPE
idk why people think Overzealous is good?... when it literally gets countered by getting hit (even worst against plague and legion)
by the time u cleanse and walk to a gen , the time investment is not worth it
...just bring a waay less luck depending perk like ressilience for that (9% repair for free / vault speed / heal speed , etc) + also makes thana + dying light against plague or legion less poweful and annoying to deal with.
everytime i see overzelaous as killer or survivor , most of the guys running that perk end up dying because of wasting time searching for totems and cleasing totems only to allow perks like pentimento or haunted grounds for the killer.
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I'm not playing atm but when I return I plan to use We'll Make It, SB or Lithe, Resilience, and Bond.
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Sole Survivor, Wake up, Calm Spirit, and distortion
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Distortion, lithe, prove thyself, and alert
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Lol I said I was trying it, I didn't say it was good. No need to write an essay because somebody is simply trying out a perk you don't happen to approve of. It's not that serious.
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Thanks for the ideas, everyone. Gonna switch to Lithe, Distortion, Resilience and WoO for now I think
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just sharing my experience with the perk , not blaming u for running it , i just think people are really focused on getting overzelaous value this days , almost 4/5 matches i play survivor / killer there is like 3 to 2 overzelaous and thats awful when i know for a fact that my teammates are gonna spend a lot of time on totems rather than doing gens when they should and as killer i get easier games because people are forcing themself to search for totems instead of repairing or going for rescues. (DCing sometimes because of that)
+ i play killer the most soo am just giving some general feedback about the build u are trying. (probably only useful on SWF) but other than that is like running autodidact , everyone knows that its pretty powerful BUT very situational and the same applies for overzealous with the 20% extra repair speed 🤔
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Balanced DH resilience and windows I prefer chase over gens so will always be a chase build balanced landing helps me in first chase so I will always start at main Gen or a Gen close to main/hill then I have dead hard for my next two chases in my opinion dead hard should have a 3 time usage once at the start then after unhooks
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Tried Selfcare,Botany,Bite the bullet, WoO
And it's honestly not so bad. Faster heals for your teammates, only 6 second slower selfheal then a medkit would give but infinite and fun mindgame/stealth potential.
As long as you don't fall in the classic selfcare pitfall of healing every change you get it's pretty fun.
I've also ran DH,DS,OTR,WoO (guess what perk i'm addicted too)
It seems counterintuative but it actually works pretty well together. Take the hit of OTR, make a "mistake" before DS expires, stun the killer and have DH available. It's a little tricky with the durations of the perks so I wouldn't say this is strong but a pretty satisfying feeling if you pull this off against a tunneler
I really should start putting WoO of my builds though...
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Loving Stakeout.
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I always randomise my build every match, so it always changes. DBD Randomiser is too much fun for me to drop!
However, perks which has served me pretty well throughout my trials have been: Autodidact, Quick and Quiet, Bond and Bite The Bullet. Those are the 4 which, when they appear in my build, get a lot of success out of.
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Switched my build up to serve as my team's medic, therefore i'm now running
- Botany Knowledge
- Autodidact
- Reassurance
- Empathy
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Same perks I was running before the patch: Kindred, Wire Tap, Wake Up, and Distortion.
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The one where I uninstall the game from my computer
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Nothing changed for me. Adrealine, Sprint Burst, We'll Make it and Reassurance
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DEAD HARDDDD! Distortion, Adrenaline, Wake up.
This has been solid and DH is still clutch.
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Bond, Open Handed, Vigil and Sprint Burst is my go-to build at the moment. Hard countered by Mindbreaker but not many people run that.
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Mine haven't changed.
Blast Mine, Sprint Burst, Alert, Distortion
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Everyday soloQ build: Sprint Burst, Resilience, Kindred and Prove Thyself
I dont need BP soloQ build: Sprint Burst, Open Handed, Kindred and Bond
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Solo trashy surv here (2k hours and still awfully bad in being chased)
Stake out
We'll make it (i'm bad in chase but take great pride in considering myself the healer of the team)
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None of the perks I used much have changed, so !
Must have : We'll Make It, Aftercare
Those 2 other perk slots vary between : Lithe + Dance With Me, Ace In The Hole + Appraisal, CoH + Shadowstep, Repressed Alliance, Sprint Burst, Alert
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ProveThyself, We'll make it, Lithe, Windows/Bond/Kindred/OTR depending on my previous match.
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loot goblin or various adept builds are my go-to
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Windows of Opportunity, Bond, Tenacity, and Potential Energy
Windows and Bond provide excellent info, with Tenacity its either I get slugged for a bit and can quickly crawl away, or I get oicked up immediately so recov wouldn't matter anyways.
PE for me though is just a fun perk, its just making sure Im smart when using it. If Im working a gen solo wait until the gen is at 97 or 98 percent done before getting stacks. Fumping stacks into a gen so I dont lose em, or immediately at the last gen, etc. Its come in clutch quite a few times
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PtS and WoO never leave. The other two change depending on my current needs. Lately Off the Record as tunneling has been insane and Inner Healing.