Do I get a voucher/code for a past chapter by owning a certain copy of the game?

I read on the official subreddit that you could contact BHVR for a voucher containing a code for the killer and survivors from a previous chapter if you owned the physical Nightmare Edition of Dead by Daylight. Is this at all true? If so, how would I go about asking for one? I am on PS4 and was wondering if this was possible since the physical copy doesn't allow me access to all of the characters I already have unlocked.
Best Answer
I'm pretty sure that ended September 2022. It was true though as I was able to do this with the PS4 Nightmare Edition, they transferred it to my PS5
Guess I'll have to switch between physical and digitial versions when I want to play different characters then. Thanks for the response at least.
(I dunno how to delete my first comment so I just kinda made it blank)