When will facecamping be finaly adressed?

Powers that allow you to instadown / quckly damage two health states should be nerfed when near a hooked Survivor (~16 meters within so it covers basement as well). Also grabbing healthy Survivors should go as well. It just promotes stand offs. There is nothing more helpless and boring and easy then picking a bubba for example, standing next to someone and prevent anyone having a solid chance to save the hooked Survivor. Againts Solo Q survivors it is even more powerfull and offten leads to at least 2 killls just by sitting next to someone.
It's even worse than tunneling because at the very least, when you are being tunneling, you can play the game and you are in chase (better than sitting or watching hopeless situation). Maybe powers could be disabled next to hooked Survivors after a few seconds of killer not leaving or something.
Adding to of that, there are perks that reward you and help you facecamp, reducing the only possible penalty of losing gens fater. Deadlock, No Way Out and other similar perks passively slowdown / stops the game for free.
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don't nerf it, just incentivize a healthier playstyle.
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People will facecamp anyway even if the objective is going for hooks, you get extra BP, shards, etc.
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some yes for sure. some like to let ppl bleedout, but most killer are normal persons they just want to get the maximum out of every game.
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how do you suppose to do this because with billy i tend to hit the unhooker with a long chainsaw sprint, like am i just not allowed to go near a hooked survivor or is it a certain amount of time or what
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No, you can do that of course. It would just apply for killers who stay near hooks for longer time or something similar.
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Incentives do not work. If an easier/lazier playstyle works, people will use and abuse it.
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Killers camp because it works and quite frankly there are a lot of situations where it's the right thing to do, if you want to win. You force survivors away from gens and towards you. Multiple survivors at that since a single survivor will not get the unhook in most cases. How else would you achieve that?
As it is a killer is not rewarded at all for leaving a hook. An incentive (in the form of an in-game advantage) could help with that.
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The problem with that is, actually survivors.
When i play killer, i seldom camp. However, a lot of survivors you get in a chase after a hook choose to run to the hook instead of somewhere else. Should the killer have to drop a chase because the survivors can use the hook as a save spot for this power? Do you think that really is balanced?
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Make it so that if a killer spends too long near a hook, the survivor is taken by the entity and placed on the furthest hook away (hook state regression stays the same to prevent this from being abused into an infinite hook state). This will make face camping less beneficial, will make a hook save easier (so long as the survivors are paying attention), and in the event that a survivor is making the killer chase them around the hook, will punish both by denying the save AND the camp. This would be a cumulative metric per hook, and would reset when the hook doesn't have a survivor on it. Every time the killer gets within range of the hook, the hook would add to the metric per second. This way, if a killer is waiting out of range of the hook, survivors also have the option to bait the killer into range to proc the mechanic. The mechanic COULD have its own regression as well, in order to allow for instances of a killer not actually camping a hook but, in chase or otherwise, briefly gets near the hook and incurs the anti-camp charge.
To prevent ranged killers from abusing this, they could make it so that hitting the hook with ranged attacks increases the anti-camp charge. This would allow anyone going for the save or specifically trying to punish a ranged killer for camping with LoS but out of distance the ability to bait ranged attacks and hide behind the hook. The ranged attacks could also slow down the hook state to compensate for ranged killers trying to mitigate their anti-camper charges.
That said, this function shuts off in EGC. At that point, camping a hook is fair game, and I don't see an issue with it.
The amount of charge needed to set off the relocation would have to be experimented with. Right NOW, I'd say 20 seconds additively with 1 charge per second within 16m of the hook. The charges would degrade based on how far away the killer is form the hook. 16-24 meters would be 1 charge reduction every 10 seconds. 24-32 meters would be 2 charges per 10 seconds. 32+ meters would be 3 charges per second. So, the further away the killer stays, the better, but they can still operate fairly well outside of 16 meters without tripping the anti-camp in order to do ther grizzly business. If they are swooping in to stop a save organically (ie: Not camping, but followed someone in), I'm hoping 20 seconds would be enough time to cover that. Testing would be required to shorten or lengthen the time they are alloted.
When the anti-camp is triggered and the hooked suvivor is relocated, the original hook is broken in a Sabo style and will come back at the normal rate of all Sabo'd hooks. This prevents the killer from abusing the anti-camp to just keep getting fresh hooks via relocation.
The amount of charge gained by a ranged attack would need to be on a PER KILLER BASIS, as it has to allow for killers to, you know, miss a legitimate shot and not be super punished by it. My GUESS on this would be as follows:
Huntress: 5 charges per hit. This allows 4 hits onto the hooked survivor.
Deathslinger: 5 charges per hit. This allows 4 hits onto the hooked survivor.
Trickster: 1 charge per hit. This allows 20 hits onto the hooked survivor, as Trickster is intentionally designed to be spammy and missed shots aren't uncommon even when played well.
Basement Hooks are immune to this. This is due to the fact that a killer could easily spend 20 seconds chasing someone around the structure housing the entrance to basement and unwittingly set off the anti-camp without any foul play intended. This mechanic should not be used to punish players not trying to camp, and I'd rather avoid punishing innocent players, even if it means letting a guilty one go in this instance.
It's not perfect, but it's the best I can come up with on the fly that would have an immediate impact without just denying killers their power or the ability to protect their hook when it happens organically.
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Well when all gens are done in less than 5 minutes, what is your advice for the m1 killers to try toi win ? What is the only viable strategy now ? removing one survivor asap
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As of yet I don't think BHVR understands that concept.
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At the very least, hook grabs shouldn't exist. If you got to the hook without being detected or injured, you've earned the trade.
"Stand offs" aren't fun, ever.