Just got out of a 45 min SM game...

Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

And the survivors just gave up? I was patrolling my 3-gen for like the 50th time and they just weren't doing them.

Please can the devs address this behaviour and force the survivors to ACTUALLY play the game, thanks. 💅


  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    All of this can be fixed by a timer in the match. It's so simple. 30mins at max if you have to over exaggerate (even 15 or 20 should be fine). Once all the gens are done, the timer disappears since there's already the end game collapse that does its job.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Y'all really got to stop saying "holding the game hostage" in relation to someone just doing a 3 gen. Like I agree that being able to hold one quite that hard is not great overall, but taking a game hostage has a very specific meaning in this game. It's not as if the can't be ended normally even if it drawn out longer than normal. Not every SM is likely just trying to time out the game and do absolutely nothing else but force you stay in the game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    This scenario OP is humorously describing DOES consistute as holding the game hostage iirc.

  • TheSourGrrl
    TheSourGrrl Member Posts: 8

    Which post was that? The one wherein I was labeled a "girlboss" by boydrone for daring to have an opinion? That one?

  • TheSourGrrl
    TheSourGrrl Member Posts: 8

    Oh, sorry! The OP didn't seem to be sarcastic, but unfortunately that is the downside of a medium like this. If it was sarcastic, I didn't catch it, but there have been plenty of comments by killers on this forum (and the Steam one) where killers whine about stuff like this, wanting survivors to be forced to do this or that.

    I read it as sincere, and if that is not the case, I retract my statement (though I will not stay in a match for 40 minutes because I do have limitations on my time and don't have unlimited time to play video games).

  • TheSourGrrl
    TheSourGrrl Member Posts: 8

    I've been noping out of them at like the 15 minute mark when it looks like it's just going to be a stalemate. I'd rather just move on to a different match with the potential to actually do something and have fun.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I can't encourage DC'ing or kobe'ing off of hook, but I understand why that would be an appealing option to someone with limited time.

  • TheSourGrrl
    TheSourGrrl Member Posts: 8

    And I totally get that, and I hate violating what I regard as the "social contract" in a game like this by boning out early and leaving teammates (even temporary ones I don't know, since all I play is Solo Queue) in the lurch. But sometimes I don't have a choice when I only have an hour or so on a day to play a game, and I get a 40 minute SM match.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    So now we're in the territory of "is this part of our objective?"

    Killers defending gens even to an unhealthy degree is still technically within the purview of working towards their objective. Now there are caveats like if they are going out of their way not to end the game i.e. down but not hook or not attempting to down at all. Situations like that start to stray outside of what can be considered "progressing your objective". It's harder for killer actions to be seen as hostage taking due to preventing survivors from doing gens long term is technically their objective. Every thing has limits though.

    Now if survivors run to the edge of the map and just stay there and killer doesn't follow them, but also survivors don't make any other attempts to do their objective even under sub optimal conditions for lengthy periods one could say that you're now not playing to progress your objective. As technically you're trying to create a situation where you can do your objective comfortably, but the killers is preventing you form doing so. I believe the expectation is that you'd run in try your best to do it anyway rather than resort to feeding into the stall.

    Again, being able to cause a scenario where both sides stalemate for up to an hour isn't something any killer should be able to do. I'm just seeing pretty much every Skull Merchant thread folks call hostage taking, when a lot of the situations described don't even meet the muddled definition.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    It's on the survivor to do the gen by any allowable means necessary even if the conditions sub optimal. This may mean that the attempt is ultimately hopeless, but bright side you're not gonna be in the game forever. The OP doesn't even describe scenario they just meme.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited April 2023

    I was indeed not being serious in the OP. My opinion is that no killer power or perk or combo of them should be able to outright stop survivors from making gen progress.

    I do wonder if heavy 3-genning is against the rules. By that I mean loading into a game, choosing your 3-gen at the start, setting up your drones and NEVER leaving the area for the entire game. Only going for easy hits and never being baited out of the 3-gen, just patrolling gens and putting drones back up after they're removed.

    BHVR has said that if the killer is outright avoiding downing/hooking survivors then that IS against the rules, but if the killer is technically going for easy hits and -would- down and hook if it doesn't force them out of their 3-gen, then that's more a grey area. Like the killer is still trying to ultimately kill the survivors, they're just only willing to actually do it if they can catch them by surprise and guarantee a very short chase.

    BHVR need to give much clearer examples of what IS and ISN'T hostage-taking.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 367

    I'm sick so this isn't my best of thoughts, lol. Just an idea

    Maybe they should make it so that after 5-10 minutes of neither side doing their objective; either the game ends in a draw, if both sides are doing it, or a win for the side that is still doing objectives. Survivors should also be given automatic crows so that the killer isn't punished for hiding survivors just locker jumping.

    For killers this could be not downing or hooking a survivor after x amount of time. For survivor it could be not sitting on a gen or door for x amount of time, at least 5-15 seconds. The numbers would have to be tested to prevent just gen tapping and running off.

    If nothing else after the time ends the endgame collapse could just auto trigger with the doors powered. In this instance if just a couple of survivors have been hiding then the killer has a good chance of catching at least one at a door. Especially with crows up. If the killer has been running a 3 gen the whole time then they'll have to deal with all 4 survivors in the end game.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    How is that bad logic?

    If you allow survivors to hide for 30 mins you would be at fault. The mitigating factor would be whether or not you tried to find them at all in the first place. If the killer is actually searching for them and in that same 30 min length of time the survivors have somehow still failed to even attempt to do gens they would be the ones at fault.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,485

    Honestly, I give a 20 minute limit max and I'm never the first to duck out lol someone always does it way before I do. So with one or two less people it's even more pointless to stick around.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because BHVR has already said that the previous example IS holding a game hostage since the Survivors are not trying to advance the game.

    I see no reason the same wouldn't apply to the Killer version of that.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    It's is if let's say the Killer is just standing and attacking at anyone within arms reach but refuses to chase at all is holding the game hostage, but if the Killer does chase but won't be baited into a dead zone away from the Gens and goes back is not.

    That's why 3-gens are done case by case in regards to "holding hostage" and needing video evidence is so important.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited April 2023

    It’s funny yeah and all the whining is kinda silly.

    But as to your further comment well, it’s not really the responsibility of the devs or your opponents to manage your personal time.

    So the I’m to busy to play a 40 min game of dbd just means that you shouldn’t be playing dbd then.

    As a self described adult you should further be able to manage your time so that you play dbd when you have the time. It’s not that hard to do and is nobody’s responsibility but your own.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,478

    What killer? Yes it matters.

    3 gen? I'd leave too. Killers that have to 3 gen need to find a new way to play.

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    It's not like they're forced to stay in it. The quit button exists but people seem to ignore it when needed :)

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited April 2023

    But can't you see how that kind of selfish attitude lends itself to single player games over online games.

    Basically you can't manage your time and anyone you play with has to pay the cost for that if the scenario doesn't suite you, that's a terrible attitude to have.

    You are free to do it but it does make you a bit of crappy person to play with, I'd recommend single player games from now on.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,329
    edited April 2023

    That same logic as to having a selfish attitude also applies to a killer who refuses to do their objective for more a long period of time. Which is considered holding the game hostage, when you're quite literally refusing to do your objective (which goes without saying that it applies to both sides).

    You can't blame players for not wanting to be stuck in such a match, though obviously quitting a match isn't a solution. An overall timer to the game could possibly solve it.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I'm giving you the like in hopes that you're actually sarcastic, because this looks exactly like the kind of bait thread I'd write myself

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    There should be something to break or prevent a 3 gen. It shouldn’t even exist to begin with.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    To be stuck in a 45 min game takes both sides to be not doing their objective.

    My point isn’t survivor vs killer my point is just outright quitting when the game isn’t exactly what someone wants is bad form.

    Coming to the forum to openly announce you plan to do that leaves you open for some justified mockery.

    Morso when it’s in response to a bit of satire that was clearly missed.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited April 2023

    The realisation that you are part of the problem when it comes to a gaming community being one of the quitters and openly ruining it for others is a hard pill to swallow but this is a personal growth moment for you take it or leave it.

    Post edited by pseudechis on
  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,329

    I understand what you mean and where you're coming from. But I reckon you can also imagine that not everyone can read certain tones from text. However obvious it might be to you that it's satire, it might not be for someone else.

    A 45 min is definitely people not doing their objective, cus I can't imagine players would like to face that again and again.

    I agree that it's in very bad taste to leave a game, but I wouldn't mock someone either. But that's just me. You have yourself a lovely day!

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,914

    At this stage she needs a full on rework. The changes they made did not address the core issues with her dragging a match out.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Each to their own. I respect your opinion on the matter and true without intonation text often gets misconstrued.

    Yeah I don't condone attacking each other over the forums, but if you post in an open online forum you gotta expect people might disagree with you.

    If you post something downright egregious or completely ridiculous, you gotta expect someone will point that out to you also, which can feel like an attack sometimes.

    Its an open forum so people are welcome to comment, the key point is to remember that when the dust settles its a gaming forum and is of no real consequence.

    I honestly believe that people shouldn't hold a personal grudge against others over a gaming forum topic no matter how heated the "debate" might get.

    Being on the receiving end of a lil light mockery does wonders for the ego too, I welcome people's dissenting opinions to anything I post because it makes for interesting discussion and that's why we're here, to talk DBD... warts and all.

    And thanks, I started planting my garden so it has been a lovely day, I hope your day is lovely too.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,329

    Yes, I see what you mean. It is just a gaming forum indeed!

    Aww that sounds very nice, I hope your garden turns out beautiful!

  • dragonzeus
    dragonzeus Member Posts: 7

    Yeah, I am one of those survivors that will make the game last forever because we can't do gens at all when it is the last 3 or 4 gens. I have all day to wait if you don't want to chase or keep going back to gens because you are so scared. Stirring the pot...

  • dragonzeus
    dragonzeus Member Posts: 7

    well we cant progress the game if the killer is hounding gens so we cant do anything but bhvr isnt smart enough to figure that out. if the killer just chases for 2 seconds then goes back there really is no point so until they decided to let us do a gen and chase someone they are technically holding the game hostage too. gens shouldnt be able to be blocked with drones its that simple

  • dragonzeus
    dragonzeus Member Posts: 7

    no you cant because once you leave she just puts up another drone and then we cant do it gen regresses back to zero and its the same cycle so no we cant do that we cant do gens