How nicely do I have to ask to get Evil Dead Rise content in DBD?
Name your price. I'll pay anything.
The Price:
You can never look at, hear or touch cute cuddly animals ever again.
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Probably not going to happen while they're still developing content for Evil Dead: The Game.
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A price I will pay.
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The price?
A jones root beer shipped at my address (trust bro trust)
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1 dollar for every forum post you have
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Your soul.
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me onw to convince my friend to give me his forums account for me to use in this bargain
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im a pyramid head main, what soul
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What a shame, no Evil Dead Rise content for you then.
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You're getting your root. beer I don't wanna hear this type of talk
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im ngl i literally cant come up with anything with that pot staring at me
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It could happen, alas I asked for the evil puppet ashy slashy, like i think 3 years ago? and it's happening so, never give up believing! lol