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Should Hex: Ruin remain a Hex perk?

Member Posts: 72

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Because Ruin became overbearing the moment the survivor team lost one person; they had no chance of keeping up when the killer already had gained a huge advantage

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    They should just change it so it activates all 5 totems and each totem = 30% auto regression for a total of 150%, so each totem broken reduces it, but it doesn’t immediately disappear at the beginning of the game or have to be run with undying. It can still disappear when someone dies too. I think that would be much more interesting.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    If you haven't dealt with Ruin by the time one of you is dead, that game wasn't going to go well regardless

    But I don't care enough about it all that much one way or the other.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Yes, but the regression speed should be increased slightly. Deactivation on death should stay.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    By that logic why should OTR deactivate at the end game just cause survivors did there objective?

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    The 'deactivates upon a survivor's death' thing is fine, it just didn't need the regression rate cut.

  • Member Posts: 619

    It doesn't need to be a Hex perk if it's the amount of retreat now and the effect that becomes invalid if one person leaves. As with Hex in general, it's too risky to incorporate it into the 4 perk slots that are disabled in the first 30 seconds of the game or shared by everyone in VC the moment someone's position is known.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Hex perks are like boons but have a real downside. The only hex perks worth running are builds 100% built around devour and blood favor for some early pressure. Everything else is terrible. Ruin wasn't even the best build outside of maybe the top top 3 killers after artist came out. Hexs probably need a rework and boons need realistic counterplay when the map allows for broken spots meant for hex totems.

    But hey, it's ok because random solos just boon all game so that means they are bad!!!

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Yes, but it should get more percentages.

    Current 100% is too weak for a hex-high-risk-perk. It should be 150%. Then, survivors would have a reason to look out for totems instead of just sitting on gens.

    We need something for Totems and Chests to become more viable. Currently, all that matters is gens. Chests should give you something worthy to go for it.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Can't disagree with this, but Ruin itself is far too weak as it stands. But deactivating on first sacrifice is a decent mechanic which prevents it being potentially too oppressive under certain circumstances, which is why meta regression perks have been (and have to be) nerfed.

    I think keeping it as a Hex, and keeping the deactivation on kill should stay, but it could be buffed to say 150% now.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes but it needs reverted to it's previous version.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited April 2023

    It should either go back to 200% of have some middle ground 150% or something. As it is now, it's much, much too weak to be a hex.

    They wouldn't turn it into a normal perk though because Hag is supposed to have an all hex set thematically.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107
    edited April 2023

    Killer aint getting punished, his perks done it's job, not it's just cleaning up by that point. If you need hex ruin to still be up to win after a kill, then I think you're using it as a crutch.

    Edit: Also then it becomes a massive snowball effect. Theres a reason perks in almost all pvp games that arent TDM style have a drawback or condition where it ends, because otherwise it just becomes too much no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 389
    edited April 2023

    That's not a fair comparison.

    Otr only deactivates at end game while ruin doesn't function either at end game, the hex can be cleansed, and it has the condition that a survivor can die for it to stay. OTR only has endgame to deactivate

    Post edited by IWasLrft2Die on
  • Member Posts: 366

    Only way I could see it working without the Hex status would be if it worked like Leverage, where its activated after a hook for a period of time. The regression isn't too bad but isn't something you'd want to risk losing a perk over, so a reworking of how Ruin works would be great.

    I'd argue the same could be said for other Hexes too, maybe going as far as retiring Hex totems and having them all deactivate on a survivors death, rather than cleansing.

  • Member Posts: 39

    If ruin was just always up until someone died that'd be the strongest killer perk in the game

  • Member Posts: 39

  • Member Posts: 389
    edited April 2023

    That's how it existed for the first 5ish years of the game (aside from being cleansed) and it wasn't the strongest killer perk. On top of that it had 2x the regression it has now. It was good but not broken by any means.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    200% with the death of a Survivor deactivates it (that's what should happen)

  • Member Posts: 389

    Oh yeah thats what I meant by it being cleansed. I'm mostly speaking to the part where people are arguing it has to deactivate when a survivor dies. It always existed before without that condition and wasn't op

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Only time I’ve ever had a problem with Ruin was when release Undying was a thing (I wasn’t around for the red skill check Ruin). I wouldn’t be opposed to reverting it back to its pre-6.1.0 self, but it would be way too strong if it wasn’t a hex. I would say it would be too good.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I took advantage of it

    I ran Ruin, Huntress Lullaby, (I can't remember the other perks) on Pig (back when Huntress Lullaby affected Jigsaw Boxes)

    But yea... I didn't run Ruin and Undying though

    I feel the same way to a point... I feel like it being 200% is necessary but they can keep the deactivation condition... or just take away the deactivation condition and leave it at 100%

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    If they took the hex status away, it’d be a objective handicap to yourself if you don’t have its third tier.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I think the perk will be way better if they just brought it back to 200% and kept the deactivation condition. In a 3v1, it is manageable to win without even having gen regression.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Yea... but I kinda want more perks that are useful in one way, shape or form

    It that too much to ask

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    tbh i think ruin being in a good spot would be healthy for the game

    back when it was popular, it amplified the effectiveness of getting in lots of chases and keeping many survivors busy (which is the best natural slowdown in the game). it's not a chase perk, but a slowdown perk that works by encouraging the funnest part of the game

    the reason people hate the recent metas is because, for killer, they're based around just denying gameplay while refusing to participate in gameplay themselves - one meta being "kick all the gens, get a single down and the opposing team can't play the game for half a minute" and the other being "stand in between 3 gens and don't let anyone touch them." meta that's based around actually doing a gameplay instead of avoiding it should be encouraged

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    It either shouldn’t be a hex anymore or it stays a hex and goes back to 200%. It’s current form is trash and not worth running.

  • Member Posts: 270

    A perk so weak that is also a hex totem. Either revert the nerf or make it a normal perk not a hex.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Idk it’s on par with every survivor boon, soo…

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Either increase the regression or make it a non hex. Deactivation upon one survivor death is fine.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    The 200% for just scaring away a person while affecting every gen at once was broken. People knew it was broken, so they combined it with Undying. That's why it was combo'd. It was so bad that they had to nerf both. (Edit: This is why Call Of Brine and Overcharge JUST got nerfed. Same reason. It was broken.)

    Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on

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