New Meta: Tunneling

2nd post for the night, another 5hr gameplay stint and I notice killers being particularly in favor of the tunnel aspect.
Now I'm not here to pick sides, I play 30/70 for the most part in this game. I know gen rushing is insane RN, and putting pressure on survivors is really impossible unless you can take one out early--but its getting a littttttttle ridiculous now.
I've had a few games where I'm literally SANDWICHED between a teammate and the killer, and the killer refusing to hit me for a protection hit and goes WAYYY out of their way to keep chasing the other survivor that was either just unhooked, or already injured from one thing or another.
Again, as a partial killer player, it makes SENSE to go for the injured survivor. But even after they hit them and proc the passive BT, they continue to chase the unhooked survivor, relentlessly. Like there's NOTHING you can do to get them off--
"Oh just do GENS if they're tunneling/camping"
Yeah, I get that--but didn't they nerf gens so they take WAY longer to do? And with current anti-gen perks, and survivors being tunneled, dont gens just BLOW if a survivor gets downed near them?
Even if the killer facecamps, I don't have enough time to get an entire gen done in the span it takes for 1 phase of a hook to complete. Even with a SWF and you all agree its a facecamp, there isn't enough time to get even 2 gens done before the survivor on hook dies--then the next one gets tunneled, and camped.
Now the odd tunnel/camp I can do--but its getting to the point where the game really just... isnt even playable. It's a lose-lose for like everyone. Killer, survivor, and the tunnel victim. You're either playing gen simulator until its YOUR turn to get camped, or you're just sitting on hook as long as possible to buy your friends time.
Out of the 12 games I've had so far tonight... we've had ONE person escape. ONE. "wElL GiT gUd" I'd love to--but with the MMR shouldn't we be matched pretty fairly to at least win 50/50? We went against a tunneling pinhead with 0 perks and we still couldn't make it out alive.
The current state of the game is getting to be really unenjoyable, but I want to see how i can still salvage all this. What can I do?
Hitting the healthy unhooker makes then injured.
Hitting the BT unhooked survivor makes them deep wound.
Deep wound is easier to chase than injured. Because of the dark overlay effect.
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What they need to do is make it so the survivor objective can't be completely so ridiculously fast and then remove tunneling from the game completely. Make it impossible to tunnel, put a mechanic in the game that prevents it. But something MUST be done about the speed of the gens, its so ridiculous and always has been tbh.
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Gens dont take alot longer to do, they take very slighty longer to do since 6.1.0 added 10 seconds of time to a gen taking them from 80 to 90 seconds.
Killer doesnt get much value from pain res (25% first hook for a survivor) when hes tunneling and probaly isnt kicking gens with pop which is also only pretty good when the gen has alot of progress and jolt isnt that good either.
The current gen regression overall isnt crazy, its been nerfed quite a bit which might be why more killers are tunneling as there's not enough time to spread out hooks more, 3 genning also isnt really an option anymore with the overnerfed cob and overcharge.
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Game prioritizes Queue times over MMR, if there were no killers of your skill level online when you were playing, the game will either match lower or higher skill level Killers with you.
Since gen regression perks which was the “meta” previously has been demolished, Killers only has camping and tunneling to fall back on until they get used to a different perk set.
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I feel like yall just kinda skimmed--
Giving me a rundown of perks you think aren't "that good" or "kinda meh" and specifying how gens are now 10s longer--which isn't anything to snuff considering how much can happen in 10s--doesn't do anything to my original point---what can I, the survivor, do to survive this tunnel meta?
Because as "meh" as you say perks like Jolt/Pop/etc are--the end fact is out of my last 10ish hours of playing, out of my ENTIRE TEAM, we've had 2-3 escapes, the majority of these games being tunnel/campers. These escapes weren't even the whole team, usually just ONE of us was left and we managed to find hatch due to a shack offering.
As a survivor, is there anything I can do against a tunneler? Or is it just "gg, do gens/find hatch?"
Please dont tell me killer perk details--im aware of what they all do.
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Ahh I see. I feel we got into matches REALLY quickly these past two nights. When I play killer I feel like I get royally curbstomped by the most ungodly survivors stun-chaining me around every corner, so I haven't had as many killer games lately because it becomes less of a game and more of a stobe-light simulator for me. I feel ike i havent seen a baby killer in forever, either.
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I'm fine with gens being a little longer, the only reason the 10s is so painful in particular is when you're being tunneled a LOT happens in 10s. A decent chase is anywhere from like 30-40s, so 10s is 30% of that. Asking someone who's in deep wound to last 30% longer in chase is a LOT imo, esp when the killer will outright refuse to even hit another surv other than the one they're after. I had a games tonight where I physically barricaded myself between a killer and my teammate and only THEN when I was collision blocking them did they hit me.
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This tells me nothing on how a survivor can manage a tunneling situation. You can rank all killer perks in a tier list A-F, this doesn't really offer an answer. Eruption, jolt, merciless, pop, etc--all just kind of accessories to killers tunneling each survivor out of the game. Even if all others gen rush, you got about 2 gens down before the killer is on to the next tunnel victim.
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Dark overlay effect?
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People who didn't tunnel nor used much regression before seem to be doing alright, so at least there's that.
For my part, blessed be low mmr. I've played survivor something like 8h post patch and seen only a couple of tunnelers. The rest have been pretty chill !
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Yeah it sucks. Tunnelling isn’t going to go away unless they actually remove the ability to do it which isn’t going to happen because it could be weaponised by survivors
Genuinely don’t think they can fix it
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If I see another teammate getting tunneled I'll take protection hit for them and even a free down just to shift the Killer's attention to me instead of my teammate who is getting tunneled
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Decisive Strike gave us the blueprint but then got deleted.
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I've been running OTR+SB a lot now to deal with tunneling. I go Sprint Burst since it makes it hard for the killer to proc the endurance early.The Iron Will on OTR is super nice to have as it throws players off and allows to you evade the killer when you otherwise wouldn't.
I've had games where I would face players that's playing like comp and trying to remove me right away. In these games OTR has given some insane value. There would be times where the Iron will would let me stealth away making their entire tunnel pointless or just being able to last much longer in chase so the other survivors can escape.
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I have got tunnled and watched tunneling to my mates several since the update, but in my opinion not significant more than before. In SoloQ it is hell as always... The bandwidth of game quality is huge. From getting slaughtered at 5 gens to 4 survivor escapes with 0-2 hooks for the killer-everything is possible.
Playing on the other side as killer during SWF prime time at the weekend is crazy. Gens are flying and I often feel tunneling (or pretending to do so) is my only chance to apply pressure to the team. Even when playing survivor in SoloQ and the killer plays normal and I have decent other survivors at my side, the killer often has a hard time resulting in 2+ escapes.
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I was already tunnelling last patch. This patch is no different.
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I always feel torn on this. Tunneling is obnoxious but as a killer if you run into the person that was unhooked and see nobody else it only makes sense to go after them if you have no other targets in sight. It's also harder as a killer since you don't have much meaningful regression available nowadays. The only meaningful regression you have guaranteed is one less person unfortunately.
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They need to do both: prohibit survivors from just flying through gens AND incentivice the killer not to kill of a survivor early. Right now a survivor who is on death hook, or even three survivors on death hook, can just slam gens as easy as they could at the start of the game. Right now killing off a survivor is the killers only means of meaningfully slowing the game down, as the healing nerf didn't really go off in a meaningful way; well, at least most of the time survivors have to seek each other out and medkits ain't was rediculous as they were before, but it doesn't feel like too much changed.
Right now the killer is shooting themselves in the foot by not finishing off a survivor on death hook and for going after a fresh new survivor. I think a system that spreads some global debuffs as long as no survivor died could be cool. Imagine some random debuff from a small pool of different debuffs that stack for each hook, but all go away the moment you kill a survivor. In the same vain, bring back the old BBQ blood point bonus of 25% per unique survivor hook, but with the added condition that you can only increase your stacks of the bonus, as long as no survivor died. This way the killer would be double rewarded for skillfull play and ideally playing up to at least 6 hooks.
On a tangent, most peeps here seem to agree that DS is really bad now. If you go down next to a window, yeah ok, you can make it work, but otherwise its basically just some inconvenience. So increase the stun timer to 4s and shut down the killers power for 8s after getting stabbed, but keep the shutting down during EGC. With all this changes together, the game could be really fun.
One last complaint: 3-genning was always one of the best killer tactics since basically forever, but only during the last patch most killers seemed to have woken up to the fact; in the same vein splitting up on gens always was the best tactic for survivors, but it has only been widely employed since 6.1. Well, now the survivors have woken up to that and you hear the constant complaint about "after my first rather ok chase, 3 gens pop" and then the gloves come off instantly and the killers lash out with malice, even though they might have started the trial with a playful mind. So I think we should also think about a system to deincentivice splitting up on gens, as this tactic is way too good and hard to counter and promotes tunneling because the killer is instantly backed against the wall, when 3 gens pop after the first chase. Maybe splitting up should get a similar debuff like ganging up on a gen, but without a perk like Proof to counter the debuff. I dont know, I am just throwing ideas around.
But todays playerbase has become way more skillful then the base games game mechanics allow for and now we got all sort of patches and tape trying to hold everything together without changing anything meaningful, and I think its time to take the plunge and try for a change.
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I don't have a problem with people tunneling. If that's what you need to do to make yourself feel good, go for it. But when the Devs actually do something about it in a future update, because that's all that's being talked about on the forums and people are so proud of it, don't be shocked and don't start sulking.
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As a survivor, is there anything I can do against a tunneler?
You've got a few options, depending on your playstyle. All rely on perks, which is horrible design imo.
1) Decisive Strike, Head On, Windows of Opportunity, Kindred
The hope with this build is that the Killer is willing to throw away their entire game for 1 kill, so they camp the locker and wait out the DS timer. Then you Head On them to extend the duration. WoO is there so you can pick a locker close to a safe pallet or window--because Head On gives you little to no distance. Kindred is there so your team knows to stay on gens.
2) Off the Record, Lithe, Lucky Break, Kindred
Most killers will hit the unhooker, rather than the unhookee, even if they plan on tunneling, because it prevents future opportunities for body blocking. You use the haste from being unhooked to find the nearest vault, and you want to lose LOS on the killer as fast as possible. IMO, if you don't have enough time left on Lucky Break to lose the killer after an unhook, it means your first chase was really good. In that case, you dying by being tunneled out is your teammates' fault, not the killers.
3) Reassurance, Deliverance, Off the Record, Kindred
Use this build if you're rarely the one going down first. Deliverance is there, because you're inveitably going to get camped and tunneled as well--you just want to make the killer look like a fool trying it. If you're on PC, I recommend letting your teammates know you have Deliverance pre-game.
9 times out of 10 this just leads to 2 slugs on the ground instead of 1.
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A tunnelling killer will just leave you on the ground and keep going after the other survivor though.
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TY kind, patient soul T_T