Don't get your hopes up on the 7th Anniversary

Don't expect anything. It could lead to major disappointment and unwanted frustration. If you think 7th anniversary is the only redeemable factor for this game then you'll only have yourself to blame for what is to come. If it's an original chapter then, yes, majority will most likely leave for good or if it's a liscenced but a bad one like FNAF then you're going full apeshit.
In other words, I can't be more excited for it because I will see either see a ton of rage posts or humble and nice posts.
My only expectation is for the next killer to be better than Skull Merchant. That should hopefully be a low enough bar.
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What's wrong with FNAF?
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You're right
Expect the worst and assume everything will be awful, that way you can never be disappointed but you can be pleasantly surprised
I'm sounding more and more like an old man with each passing day
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It's Alien. How well it plays remains to be seen...
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Based on previous anniversaries, I expect we'll see information on an upcoming license chapter and a roadmap for the upcoming year. Though I guess the devs could do the next chapter an original, but the last 2 years were both licenses.
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They posted a tweet and then quickly deleted it. It was posted on the 20th of April, with a picture of a 7. The anniversary is on the 27th.
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Nothing is wrong with it, but due to the overzealous nature of FNAF fans constantly going bonkers for like several chapters straight getting hyped up for Springtrap and then throwing a fit when it wasn't Springtrap people aren't keen on the license every turning up in DBD.
As for any issues with FNAF itself the biggest one might be that it is mostly known as a jumpscare game and didn't really have much to work with. The most engaging game is Security Breach and it is the one that seeming is probably liked the least I think. There isn't a lot there to work with as almost all of the spooky power stuff is only in the books. Like it could work since Security Breach is basically single player DBD so a lot of the same strats actually work in it that work here when actually being chased.
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Yeah you're right. If the anniversary is going to be good then why have the last two chapters been terrible? They've obviously ran out of good ideas and possibly something has changed in the work place that is resulting in the downfall of the game. Oh well.
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Tools of torment chapter was something the devs were "extremely proud of" so yeah that's gonna be tough
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A lot.
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I mean all things considered, it was still a pretty decent chapter. Thalita and Renato from what I can tell are very well received and the Shelter Woods update was also pretty good
Skull Merchant was disappointing since her power definitely wasnt well thought out, but playing her in the intended way (as and against) is actually pretty fun. Being using your drones in all kinds of ways.
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The Knight chapter was great. Hardly a failed chapter. Mastermind and Knight were both really fun chapters this year alone.
Knight took me some time to learn how to play him. Once I got it down I have a blast as him.
Im giving Skull Merchant that same level of grace. The recent update changed everything.
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Terrible map. Bad survivor perks. Miserable to face killer. Where was the great part?
As for the topic I have no expectations.
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Whether it's Alien, Predator, or another RE chapter (plaga Krauser 👀), I look forward to it.
Overall, I hope we get some nice new perks :)
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For whatever reason, I'm really hyped for the anniversary stream in particular.
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I've learned my lesson a long time ago. The last Chapter release I had high hopes for was Cake Daddy Triangle Heads' chapter and I was very satisfied with it (though I hated the map at the time). But everything after that was just "meh". While Whiskers and Tentacle Daddy were fun introductions, nothing about them made me go "WOW", though I love their music.
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Im sorry but this chapter does not have overwhelmingly negative reviews on steam for no reason.
Yes the survivors visually are alright. But that's all there is to survivors aside from their perks.
Their perks and skull merchant's are terrible though. I haven't even seen any of them used in april, they have already been discarded.
Idk what you mean by "intended way" to play skull merchant. Her power is not very interactive you just place drones wherever you want to. Devs said she's a trap based killer but everyone since PTB did not agree with this. Even her latest challenge is just place drones near objectives. That's what she is, she's an objective defense killer. This makes matches playing as her and against her very abrasive.
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Not true. Tools of torment DLC has been at most very negative reviews since it's launch. Also review bombing doesn't make scores invalid anyways. Something causes people to be unsatisfied with the game.
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"Has nothing to do with PTB"
It's literally changes that the devs want to make without factoring in feedback.
They think 24 second heals would be a good change.
They think hillbilly deserved nerfs.
Knight chapter was trash, 6.1.0 is still a bad update IMO
so with those two things and the dev update out i think that's enough reason to give the game a negative review.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
There were people on this forum calling for review bombing when the Eruption nerf was announced, and that was recent too. Blaming a subset of players is silly when the gaming community in general loves to weaponise reviews.
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If its bad, this games going to be in a bad state.
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Oh I know there's a reason behind the negative reviews, and its quite literally just Skull Merchant.
Most people (myself included) see new killers as the main addition. When that is underwhelming, is kind of spoils the rest of the chapter. That being said, the rest of the content that came with this chapter shouldn't be ignored. The Lyra siblings did come with very nice perks and quite honestly I'm surprised they're not being ran more as they have pretty strong effects, pair well with other perks and are pretty fun to use. The change to Shelter Woods I haven't really heard any complaints about, and overall it made the map much more interesting.
As for the intended way to play Skull Merchant, its obvious that every killer has a vision and playstyle in mind when they're being made. Skull Merchant was meant to be a sort of jack of all trades area control killer. She has regression/delay, zoning, stealth, information and chase but is not great at any of it. Thing is no other killer really has that, and thats what truly makes her unique. Every time I played her I kept finding new drone formations and just new uses for her drones. Unfortunately, the majority of people seem to want to opt for the easy way and just use her the more simple way which is just holding a 3 gen, which is understandable since her intended way to play isn't worth learning for how strong it is. She's not the only killer who falls victim to this either. Bubba and Knight are 2 other killers that come to mind.
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It's for children. This game doesn't need more silly killers, we just got Mortal Kombat cosplayer.
Btw, since I've been playing from last autumn, are there any cosmetics or anything fun to unlock during anniversary? Any special event?
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I mean I tried not to expect so much. But I will say I just somewhat hope it’s something entirely new. By which I mean I hope it’s not what we have seen many times before.
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Yes please! Only licenced chapter i would really get excited about anymore.
Maybe Friday the 13th too but Chucky more
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A FNAF chapter would probably be the best thing thats happened to this game since the first RE chapter if it happens. If its an original chapter then it all depends on how good it is. I don't even know if there will be a chapter for it. Do they usually do their anniversaries with new chapter announcements? I don't remember.
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It may be because I've got way too many hours in this game, but I see chapter releases just as upcoming design disappointments and i hardly get excited by new releases.
Mid chapters are the real sauce, with perk reworks and power/add-ons tweaks. Those are the exciting things
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Yeah there will probably be some kind of event, as Halloween, Winter/Holidays, Lunar New Year and Anniversary are their main events, though imo anniversary had always been the weakest of these four. Earnable cosmetics might be extended masquerade masks/outfits which are kinda nice, and precious ones are cool and probably returning for a limited time to the store (Haddie and Dredge got full outfits that both are great)
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I mean, after the crushing disappointment of the Halloween event in 2020, my hopes are pretty modest. I want a fun activity to do, that gets me free cosmetics. That's literally all.
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Or, and just hear me out on this, just don't get so emotionally involved in the game that one update can ruin your week.
And nobody is saying the update will be the only redeemable factor. Let's be a little less dramatic please.
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Agree with terrible map and killer. But bad survivor perks? Fogwise is amazing for a solo q player like me, and I think Potential Energyn is pretty good too. Super useful for helping to break 3-gens.
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Same here. I don't care about new characters, I just want a fun in-game event to play that gets me Bloodpoints, or Iridescent Shards, or cosmetics, or all three.
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Fogwise is nice but hardly game changing.
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I hope the guy at Disney who's supposed to be announcing the addition of Alien to Dead By Daylight today didn't get laid off yesterday...
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Nothing, it will bring new players to the game and that is best for buisness. I am not even a FNAF fan.
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I Alien don't Alien want Alien any Alien new Alien licensed Alien chapter Alien.
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I feel BHVR recent track record has been fine
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The fanbase, for one.
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oh snap, I bet he did. 😂
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That's just referring to Wednesdays usually being the days on which hotfixes drop.
We'd be getting patch 6.7.1 today, but evidently that's not until next week.
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That is your opinion but MONEY would beg to differ.
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What trust? No offense but people are constantly critical of BHVR, accusing them of being biased and clueless all the time. FNAF would at least get a lot of people's interest and please some fans.
Though personally I think FNAF is a bad idea because I just don't think it'd be fun. The animatronics wouldn't be scary at all if they were in DbD.
Post edited by Caiman on0 -
My hopes and expectations for this are completely different things.
Hope: BHVR takes the critical feedback they're received to heart, acknowledges the outstanding bugs and imbalances in the game, and releases a massive QoL update instead of the rinse/repeat killer and survivor add. The anniversary tome is thoughtful with a creative/fun theme, readily accessible to survivors or killers in general without specificity, and free of any bugged or unrealistic criteria entries. Tome/Rift rewards contain three or less charms. The rest of the rewards are either non-recolor cosmetics and weapons for the killers/survivors with the least number of options, in-game store sales of cosmetics for- and in-game + DLC sales on killers/survivors that are- underrepresented characters, sizeable shard chunk rewards to help the players buy things for underrepresented characters and the characters themselves, and at least two maps reworked and rebalanced by a third party company that takes into account both killer and survivor sides and all killer powers/abilities available in the game. Absolutely no maps are weighted for heavy rotation. Anti map repeat is active. An experience multiplier and blood hunt are active on alternating weeks for playing trials while the anniversary event is going on.
Expectations: Absolutely none of the above. BHVR ignores any and all feedback/complaints received in the past year+. Rinse/repeat of the same junk that's released every time, with small BP quantity space fillers. A company you've never heard of is contracted to make some godawful/hideous DBD swag, and for an extra fee you can receive a premium upgrade with your choice of paper blades and a bottle of lemon juice or eye droppers filled with a mix of sand and sriracha. All feedback, bug report, and forum sections of the official DBD site mysteriously go down; attempting to pull them up displays a custom error screen pimping BHVR's other games.
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If it's a chapter similar to Project W then it will be good.
If it's a chapter similar to Tools Of Torment I'm out.