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Blight Add-ons

TonyXSplash Member Posts: 72
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

Here is a short story:

Back in 2019 when Spirit was not nerfed, her add-ons were extremely busted. I was using Bloody Hair Brooch and Wakizashi Saya these two add-ons made me feel like I’m the best Spirit in the world. I was literally getting 4KS and never lost EVER with these two add-ons. After they got nerfed my kill rate went from 100% to 0%. Because I was not good with her as I thought but add ons made feel like I was the best.

Blight mains are going through the same thing I went through in 2019. Try playing your killer and don’t rely on add-ons because if they got nerfed you are screwed.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Mother-Daughter Ring, Yakuyoke Amulet, and Dried Cherry Blossom are all pretty gross.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Nah you overexaggerate a lot. C33 and alch ring gets nerfed and all the good blights will still be chilling. The only ones using c33 are abusing something beyond op, atleast alch ring requires you to get a hit but has far too much reward for that skill. Adrenaline vial is admitidadly forgiving but also way worse than people think, anyone with a brain can dodge a adenaline vial flick but the add-on itself makes it harder to get a shoulder flick. It's just too forgiving with the recharge time, that's the only thing that makes it viable. Iri tag has probably been seen by each player 5 times(used well) and speed should probably be based off of blights base speed instead of it's current exponential growth. Other than c33, all the other add-ons require some form of skill to play off of and even if they are op they a blight using those add-ons still takes way more skill than any other killer in the game easily. Hillbilly might be slightly mechanically harder but his skill ceiling doesn't even touch blights knees.

    TLDR; blight has op add-ons but only two make him take less skill than literally any other killer in the entire game, not even close. You can try and argue with me but I doubt you know much about blight and probably can't contest me in a argument, go for it if you have an ego or have all the collision on each map memorized though!!!

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    yeah, this is why i don't play blight with addons. feels cheap imo and basekit blight is already so much fun and is so strong why would i want to make him a sweatfest? i stopped investing bp into blight altogether and started investing into billy instead as he's more addon reliant. i hope they look into blight addons because i love going against and playing blight but people who play him REALLY like using his strong addons and it makes going against him kinda suck and playing him some people might just sweat just by seeing me exist in their match as a blight because of the general jist of how people play the killer.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I promise you, my kill rate will be the same with or without Alch ring or c33 or vial or whatever addon you think is carrying blights lol. A good portion of my hours on blight were spent either addonless or using yellow and brown recovery.

  • Sowbug
    Sowbug Member Posts: 140
    edited April 2023

    I've played many, many, mannnny addonless (and perkless) matches. My killrate was pretty consistent. Ermmmm??

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,583

    C33, Alch Ring, Iri Tag, and Crow should be changed. Blight is fine other than that. I worry that Blight will get the Freddy treatment where they randomly nerf everything about him because they aren't sure what makes them strong.

  • BooomTetris
    BooomTetris Member Posts: 58

    Do I use Alch Ring? Yes. Why? It's strong AND it's fun.

    I used to play alot of Trapper, one of his best add-ons is Trapper Sack, once you placed every Trap you are a 115% Killer without a power. Bye Bye fun. I'm not saying Alch Ring doesn't need a nerf, give "only" 2 charges back and everything is fine.

    I only used C33 when I got a "break X-amount of palletes" challenge, I sent myself on The Game map one or two times, after that I played as usual. 2 or 3 month ago I tried C33 in my regular matches and I was like "wow, I'm such an a**hole for learning Blight for so long, instead I could just use this" . C33 really needs a rework.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I highly doubt that. The ability to basically ignore pallets and quickly hit a survivor twice are something can somewhat do in his base kit but with C33 and Alch ring it becomes ridiculous

    Not to mention C33 can even be used to track survivor due to the bloodpoints score event

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Your ignoring what he said. He doesn't use those add-ons often, so changes to them wouldn't affect him very much. He didn't deny them being busted. 99% of survivors don't know how to play vs blight because they don't understand the killer.

    When I use alch ring, I take off all of my perks except one to attempt to balance it out. I don't use c33 because that add-on is basically better nemesis in a bottle.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You can doubt it all you want. Sava said it correct. I don’t use c33 unless I’m playing bulldozer blight. As he said, most survivors don’t know how to play against blight at all, and that is a large reason for not needing those addons. I just capitalize off survivors mistakes either way.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I agree in that regard. Blight is still very strong regardless of what add-ons he chooses.

    C33 is still just ridiculous though an€ how it hasn’t be nerfed yet is beyond me (Apparently engravings were a bigger issue)

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    He is strong, especially in the hands of somebody who has put the hours in.

    But I completely agree. C33 is nuts. I loveeee using it for bulldozer blight, but it a super op addon. Idk why they wanted to touch engravings. I truly cannot think of any reason that made sense. 😂

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Spirit's addons in 2023 are even more busted...

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,907

    She only really has 3 that are busted, and they all need changes. Blight on the other hand has a ton of busted add ons including C33, Alc ring, blighted rat, blighted crow, Adrenalin vial and blighted tag. Even add ons like C21 and vigo’s journal are pretty good but aren’t OP, but why does any killer at Blight and Spirit’s level need strong add ons?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Interesting how the Blight mains, who allegedy don't even use his busted addons much, have the post saying how much nerfing them totally wouldn't do anything to him.


  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Interesting. Almost like those same blight mains will be fine with or without the addons. Hmmm… if I don’t need those addons to win…. And they got rid of the addons…. It’s almost like they didn’t do anything to blight in my regards.


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,130
    edited April 2023

    I mean I play blight basically base kit with slam duration and fatigue lol. If anything my kill rate would go up but not by much as reason posted by other forum users of not mnay people knowing how to play against blight all that well. And I doubt that every blight that uses op addons are that carried by them because it's what happened to you with spirit.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    What? They don't use his busted add-ons, those add-ons get nerfed. What changes for those players? I feel I am misreading something or you mistyped something here.

    The only thing I am biased about with regards to blight add-ons is green speed, I know it's slightly overtuned but it just feels too good and fits with any other add-on. I run alch ring every once in a blue moon because that add-on just = more rushes which = more fun but I restrain myself because of how op it is. All other add-ons that can be considered to be op can be gutted for all I care.

    Although adrenaline vial is massively overrated imo and the fact the add-on is considered op just goes to show how bad the playerbase is(although the map can skew that opinion)

  • imakepeoplehateme
    imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125

    Addons aside blights exploits can't really be reasonably fixed.He is not the only killer who suffers from such problems,look at nemesis for example his whip is designed to hit survivors crouching behind windows and yet at certain windows it does not work,its inconsistent thus not intended.Oni can also flick past 90 with jerky camera movements.

    Blights collision is consistent however its required.You either bump on something or you slide.Hug teching is just making the game think you are sliding.To fix blight you would have to fix collisions as a whole,and i guarantee you that will only give birth to more problems,bugs and techs being developed,maybe for different killers even that rely on a similar mechanic.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    Look at the collision detection on Wesker or when Blight is looking forward, trust me, they can do it.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    No point in trying to discuss anything with this person. They vehemently hate blight for being a better version of billy.

  • imakepeoplehateme
    imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125

    Do you seriously believe its that simple.Blight has multiple systems in place to detect the collision of his rush since he isn't designed to only bump,certain object are intentionally designed to slide on like cars,tables and ormond snow being a few examples.If it were as simple as pressing a button and deleting a few lines of code it would have been fixed.

    Not to mention if a new system was put in place i guarantee a new tech or exploit would be discovered so at that point you are just digging your grave.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133
    edited April 2023

    If you think that I don't like Blight just because he is better then no xD

    The actual reason:

    1.His busted addons : C33/C21, Tag, Vial, Ring, Crow and rat.

    2.His busted basekit where his tokens recharge while breaking pallet, where his fatigue is only 2.5 seconds and he gets his whole power in 10 seconds back and on top of that he is 4.6.

    Billy remains mechanically hardest killer in the game, Blight does not even come close.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,718

    I think Amulet, Cherry Blossom, and MDR need to be reworked entirely, tbh.

    Amulet - there is no way in hell you can convince me that 8.5 seconds of complete invisibility is fair. Even if you cap the speed, being able to phase that long is just disgusting.

    MDR - Moving at 220% speed with complete freedom of movement and invisibility is unfair. Who would've thought?

    Cherry Blossom - Isn't this basically the same as giving her collision, which she had at release but removed for balancing reasons? Why bring it back?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
    edited April 2023

    It’s ridiculous to a point where it has to be bias from the devs

    When blight’s add-ons come up they buff adrenaline vial since it’s underperforming compared to his busted add-ons (no surprise)

    When billy gets his looked at they try to nerf engravings because they overperform compares to his trash add-ons

    This is why balancing on stats alone is stupid

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,907

    I mostly agree, and it is also a problem that those three add ons outshine all her other add ons. Senko Hanabi, Mother's Glasses, her recovery add ons, and Wakazashi Saya are underperforming greatly atm. I really hate the gap between a lot of hre add ons.

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