Make me understand how camping and tunneling at 5 gens is a valid strategy

Not just scummy!
The killer's objective is to kill survivors.
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Which part of them will make them invalid?
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It is valid in that the killer took the time to chase the survivor, hit them, chase them again, hit them again, pick them up, took them to the hook and hooked them. They also give up all pressure on gens, allowing three survivors to complete them unhindered.
You can argue that there isn't enough time for the gens to get completed if there are still 5 gens when someone gets hooked, but the counter argument would be that, with how fast gens go and how strong loops are, no one should be going down before two gens are completed.
It's only scummy if the killer outright admits they're doing it to rile you up. Otherwise, it's just as fair as it is for survivors to run to the shack over and over or run to the main house on Garden of Misery over and over, knowing there is very little the killer could do if the survivor plays the loop right.
There is nothing wrong with camping (Unless Bubba, which needs attention) or tunneling. It's only effective against bad survivors who can't loop or come unprepared.
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Scummy and valid strategy aren't mutually exclusive so....
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It's a scummy valid strategy.
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1/4 of the opposition cannot complete their objectives.
At least 2/4 are occupied with rescue (including hooked)
I can patrol nearby gens to hold a 3-gen later in the game.
Either they let their teammate die after 120s, or it's at minimum a 3/4 investment in unhooking one Survivor due to Healthy grab, and optimally I can still patrol a 3-Gen area.
Rinse and repeat.
All of this excludes pallets and vaults which would otherwise exacerbate the multi-thread process of survivors repairing gens compared to the singular nature of chases, especially at the start of the Trial.
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It's not scummy (neither is tunneling or slugging or any of the other things survivors say isn't fair).
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Its like door camping , noob tubes, the list goes on... You can rightfully denounce till youre blue in the face, people will always say "valid strategy" and continue doing it.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
It's valid, but there's a discussion to be had about it. The killer has all the information on their screen by default to decide whether camping is the right play or not (assuming the killer is actually thinking about why they're doing what they're doing, which they probably aren't).
It's very possible to play around camping in many situations *provided you have the information to act quickly*. I've never liked that camping can always be a strategic decision on the killer side, whereas the counter on the survivor side often comes down to who randomly brought information perks. Every survivor has to react quickly and correctly to counter camping. There's a small margin for error on 90 second gens, especially when you factor in slowdowns. To me, it's too impactful of a mechanic for the counterplay to essentially revolve around voice comms or perk choice in a game where solo players can't see teammate loadouts.
The HUD helps, but it's only giving clues in a camping scenario. I see that a teammate isn't doing anything while myself and a teammate do a gen. I can assume they're saving, going for Reassurance, etc, but they might be counting blades of grass. If they're saving against a camper, I need to be there for a double save. If I get off the gen and they're not saving, I'm throwing.
It's valid. It's counterable. But the balance is flimsy and based on the antiquated notion that the power role should be powerful because they clicked the power role button. The killer shouldn't have all the information available to determine that they can deny gameplay while the survivors don't have baseline info to counter the tactic. Smart camping is still a legit strat even if survivors have all the information in the world, provided you're camping at an intelligent time in a good spot with good gen splits. Stupid camping is too powerful and it's because information isn't free for one side.
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Camping and tunneling out the gate is definitely valid but scummy at the same time. Survivors play scummy as well tho! Pre dropping everything when the killer got a few hooks is just as scummy. Map offerings giving a huge advantage isn't scummy? It just how stuff go in dbd
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It's valid because it's explicitly not against the game rules.
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The killer has to kill.
why would the killer play dumb and stupid instead of playing smart and efficient
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People have already given good reasons to the validity of camping and tunnelling. So no need to repeat them but just to say I agree whole heartedly with their very clear and well put points on the topic.
As for the second part of “scummy” play demonising your opponent for legitimate game play really isn’t a great thing and people throwing tantrums and attacking each other over gameplay won’t change till players stop doing that.
So in short camping and tunnelling are fine
Calling each other scummy for just playing the game is not fine.
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Although I've only experienced this maybe two times in my entire time playing DBD, I would hope this doesn't become common because the devs are now showing interest in shifting gameplay styles if one techniqie is used too often.
Unbreakable basekit was proposed, then simply went away due to the backlash. However, I reckon now if killers were to play a slugging match to the point it becomes too common I wouldn't be surprised if they broight this back.
This short-sightedness could be their undoing. Some people have said the devs need to combat things like this, but when they do it causes (unneeded) uproar. I feel people need to be a bit more aware of whay consequences may be further down the line when they play.
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Yup and I agree. However, if this style does become more popular of slugging, don't be surprised if the idea is reprised. The whole idea of "Your fun is none of my responsibility" that some stand by will have repercussions if people just abuse it, no matter what side they're on.
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It can be both.