General Discussions

General Discussions

You better have some DAMN good for anniversary to save your game

Member Posts: 184
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

This is the most negative I have ever seen both sides be at the same time.

Ive never seen so many big streamers playing other games, even the fogwhispers are bored.

Dont add a killer this anniversary, add a new mode like 8v2. Not long after the new killer is added people will be bored again even if theyre really good ( look at wesker ) you need new MODES

Not a meta shakeup. Not a killer / survivor. Not a new mechanic.

We need modes or complete shakeups.

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  • Member Posts: 180

    I vote for complete shakeup. As much as I used to be all about a new game mode, I would feel some type of way if they created a new mode when they haven’t fixed the one they’ve had for 7 years.

  • Member Posts: 2,111

    I always preferred playing the underdogs. In this case, M1 killers such as ghostface\pig\myers (not tombstone, though). However, it's nigh impossible to get good matches, now. Their chase power is severely underpowered, but at least with reliable gen regression such as the old PR, you could at least recover a bit. Now there's absolutely no recovery. Every chase, gens are slipping through your fingers. These killers were so weak, but their kill rates stayed somewhat manageable thanks to gen regression perks, but now that regression has essentially been removed, I'm hoping BHVR will see just how weak those killers actually are.

  • Member Posts: 295

    Yep I too play m1 killers as they tend be the most fun but 1 chase = 3 gens.

    Gen speed is killing the game as it leads to camping tunnelling as absolutely no reward for chasing survivors.

  • Member Posts: 185

    I disagree for a new mode, it will just split the community and kill the game even more. All games that have done this, with a low playerbase peak, have hurt their playerbase badly.

    BHVR just needs to balance the game outside of perks :

    • balance maps
    • balance jungle gym
    • balance killers
    • nerf all perks to the ground : perks should be used to add some flavor to the general gameplay, not shift the complete balance of the game

    That is what they should do with the streamers' help

  • Member Posts: 288

    I had a match as Trapper today, put down 2 traps at strong windows (one where I spawned in) and 2 gens were already done. Walked towards another gen and that one was halfway done too. I just walked to the exit gate and waited for the game to end.

    Funny thing was, neither survivor was running a single gen perk. Ridiculous.

    What's the point of playing a killer you like when most of the time you get obliterated by survivors.

    But as soloQ survivor, i can't have fun anymore as well since a few patches ago. I never run strong perks (I find prove thyself not so good, I use that for the coop BP bonus since I like to play as a team) and now I just can't seem to escape anymore.

  • Member Posts: 288

    I don't think it will kill the game, but you'll see way much less killer variation. At some point you only see a handfull of killers that can stand a chance. The rest, not so much anymore.

  • Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2023

    The fact I cant select things like turn certain audio things down like screams on hooks which are way too loud, resolution, graphics settings other than low - ultra, etc blows my mind a bit. Its got the same amount of settings as a mobile game.

    Its got bad unreal engine shader compilation stutter. Everytime I update my drivers I get bad stutters for the first time I see effects again.

    I wish the game would move to UE5.

    Also, thats what I am saying! A killer comes out, literally 3 days later you never see them again. Its become so bad theyre having to bring out rift challenges to try force us to play them.

    New maps come out hated.

    Theres so many perks in the game people are BEGGING for a type search box to find perks. Theres too many to sift though, most are useless.

    As I said, wesker was LOVED on launch. A month later ( if that ) everyones dying for new content. Its ridiculous. This game needs a mindset change.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Fun fact: DBD Mobile has more graphics customisation options than DBD Core. Console versions don't even get the limited low/medium/high/ultra that PC gets.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Hope survivors get to pick themselves up / game auto-finishes when all 4 incapped.

    Just had a match where the killer did everything in their power to milk the match along for nearly an hour even though they "won" 10 minutes in.

  • Member Posts: 2,111

    100% agree with you. Every chase, especially with how many pallets you have to clear out ends up losing you at minimum 1 gen, usually 2. It's pretty ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 195

    Boo hood streamers are bored. Meanwhile I’m not. Knight and Skull Merchany may be trash, but I know a werewolf is on the horizon.

    8v2? No thanks. I’ve seen that idea thrown around for years. That’d be a $h1t show.

    Now a “no hud, no perks” mode would be fun.

    QoL stuff would be nice after the anniversary.

    Can’t wait for the new killer!

  • Member Posts: 57

    I disagree with you. I hope we have a great anniversary. I look forward to this part every year. I LOVE COLLECTING CAKES! But you have your opinion. Your one, little opinion, and you've sensationalized it and painted a very bleak picture, but really you just want fun things like the rest of us. Tamp down the drama a little please.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Reality check.

    Whatever it's they do on their established deadlines it has to create revenue, otherwise it's bad business.

    A chapter without new stuff to sell will not create revenue, so it's highly unlikely to happen.

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