Devil's Advocate about this new Matchmaking system......

So i know that the new matchmaking the past day or so has been a bit wonky, but i feel like this is still a good idea to keep implemented and ill tell you why. Im sure DBD isnt the only online game out there with ranking systems but its the first one that i personally have come across and i dont think the system promotes what it thinks it does. I know its goal is to keep people around the same skill level together but i feel like the only way to improve is not only to play people of your skill level, but better. Take for example Super Smash Bros....when you hop online for a one on one battle, you dont know if the person your going to get is a complete potato, or a GOD....because they dont try to put people in 'tiers' to determine who they should fight. Never have i ever had to wait more than a 1min 30sec to match with someone on that platform. Granted that could be due to the type of server/algorithm etc, but i feel like they can match better because they dont have so many restrictions on who can be matched with whom like how dead by daylight does with this ranking system. Let people hop online and just play. Last night, my friends and i had so much fun enjoying the game just for the mere fact we were able to continuously play the game without waiting close to an hour to find a match. Win or Lose, its fun just to get to play. Yes, i know its going to be tough on new players for both sides, but they will gain game experience and constantly improve. Plus, every game isnt going to be a try-hard swf/killer game. I can almost guarantee that people mentioning the match making would rather play a mis-match rank game, than spending that time waiting in a lobby looking at the killer/survivors twiddling their thumbs.
I say all that to say, im hoping they continue to move towards not being so strict on who can play with whom, and just let it be a free for all (especially on console because there arent as many players). Its not like rank determines skill anyways....
The problem is being new with killer and going against experienced swf.4
Yeah but at least you are not alone, usually. As a killer you are singled out and easily bullied.0
My survivor has been rank 18 since I didnt play in ages and I never faced an experienced killer when playing. Surprisingly many nurses, but they all had no idea what they were doing.
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It wouldn't be so bad if the survivors/killers treated each other a little better.2
Are you kidding? How are you going to improve if you are a rank 20 and face a rank 1? Rank 20 doesnt even know how to turn around the camera...
The most effective way to learn is to have people explaining what you have to do and trying out yourself, how are you going to try if you play against people that already knows those tricks and can counter them?
As I always say, Rank System should be based on hours played, not "skill" based.
If you face a rank 1 person with 5000+ hours on this game but you have only 100 and you are rank 1 as well the only thing you'll learn is how broken this rank system is. Now rank 20 have to deal with rank 1..? They'll uninstall the game.
If we had a rank system based on hours played your loss in a match would be your fault, not the game's fault. If you dont know how to turn around the camera and you have been playing for 1000 hours that's your problem.
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so, i have been looking and cant find that the new system is. Are they basically ignoring the Ranks now? If you are Rank 15 Killer you can be matched with a 4-man Rank 1 P3 Squadette?
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And what about the ones who want to only have fun, and improving is a secondary thing like me? I don't want to face more experienced people than me, and also I consider it doesn't improve the skill, it only make you get frustrated and tilt a lot, ruining the fun. Is better improving slowly against player in the same ranks.1
@MrMonkish said:
It wouldn't be so bad if the survivors/killers treated each other a little better.For that to happen KIllers would need to stop endlessly /crying for Killer buffs and Survivor nerfs turning the game into a joke that no one wants to play.
Which will never happen because /special snowflake syndrome
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e8Lattice said:
@MrMonkish said:
It wouldn't be so bad if the survivors/killers treated each other a little better.For that to happen KIllers would need to stop endlessly /crying for Killer buffs and Survivor nerfs turning the game into a joke that no one wants to play.
Which will never happen because /special snowflake syndrome
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So far, it's been relatively appropriate for me as a killer. Been facing a lot tougher teams in the purple ranks, with a wide spread on survivor rankings.
Messing around on my off-killers for dailies, and only walking away with 2 kills in them. I actually have to try, since Ruin is getting cleansed in 15 seconds now. (I did have a 32k game as Pig, which is pretty magical considering it was with a 5 Hex build.)
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As a killer, I actually kind of like the new matchmaking. It brings up a variety of skill levels & keeps things interesting.
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@e8Lattice said:
@MrMonkish said:
It wouldn't be so bad if the survivors/killers treated each other a little better.For that to happen KIllers would need to stop endlessly /crying for Killer buffs and Survivor nerfs turning the game into a joke that no one wants to play.
Which will never happen because /special snowflake syndrome
i like how you say the "special snowflake syndrome" but say it is about killers, hhahhahhahaha!! oh the entitled snowflake cant see the irony!! hhahhahhahah
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The only difference i noticed was that I joined a match immediately as survivor. I noticed no difference as killer
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All I want is to not be forced to play swf without my knowledge as killer.
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Not everyone plays SWF, randoms in lobbies aren't exactly the most helpful or friendly people to other survivors either.