lets discuss what is the most overrated killer/survivor perk and why?
lightborn? shadowborn? deadlock? for me its lightborn personally since it is so situational to flashlights
what are the communities thoughts?
edit: changed the title since i only put killer perk before ^_^
for survivor i would say decisive strike/deliverance since they are both very situational
Deadlock is actually quite good right now as it lets you stand around a hook longer when most players cant be pushing the most important objective.
If you watch the streamer CMWinter he's very good at punishing hook states while deadlock is active. When you look at how much time you save with perk XYZ Deadlock is a very real winner in that it will block 4 generators for 30 seconds which is a total of 120 seconds guaranteed.
It might not block the gens when people want to finish them but you can force that situation (see above).
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At this moment, Sloppy Butcher. You are giving up a perk slot when most lobbies have 2+ We'll Make Its, rendering it almost useless purely on the basis of "the healing meta has been nerfed". Make Your Choice gives significantly better value. Even if an injured survivor goes for the rescue, you now have one less health state to go through.
Yes, you could make the argument that against potato survivors you can just go hit and run with Nurse's Calling, but meh, I don't like going into a match hoping that the opposition is bad.
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Shadowborn is overrated? I've never seen someone say that Shadowborn is a good perk and I run it EVERY MATCH. It just feels so much better.
The most overrated perk in my opinion is Discordance. It's a great perk in theory but I'll be happy to see it trigger once or twice per game. I just don't get that much value out of it.
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Is there a limit on how many bait posts this person can post every day? Every day it's a new "lets discuss x" just baiting people into negative topics
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In what world is this a bait into a negative topic? It’s a general discussion forum.
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Do you even know what overrated means? Shadowborn and Lightborn are anything but highly rated.
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This is tough but maybe jolt, dms and bbq? Jolt because it's most helpful on maps which are already good for killer, and can be dodged by going in a locker, don't get me wrong tho it's still good when used right. Idk if I'm just using dms wrong but on most killers it just feels like kinda a waste without discordance, like you get someone off a gen and it blocks but they were already going off the gen so like who cares. BBQ I only say because of the still high pickrate, yet the amount of times it naturally gets countered by survivors on the other side of a gen is quite upsetting
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NOED, Jolt, and NWO.
NOED will get you 1 or 2 downs... and? You can just facecamp like you normally would? Or you can actually try to stop the survivors from getting all gens done. It doesn't feel that useful. The only time you'll get good NOED use is if you facecamp someone at the totem...
Jolt is only 8%. As well as only on a basic down. Before hyperfocus and genrush focused builds? Sure, but now its just not that useful.
Everyone puts No Way Out in S-Tier. Every single time I play against it we all just stealth off and the killer spends a minute running around and sometimes finds someone. Its only really good if he's already in chase, or near the final gen. It isn't rare to get use out of it, but its no where near as good as PR or Corrupt or even Deadlock
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Well I can tell you what isn't overrated: Agitation. On golly, getting survivors to a hook fast and getting into the next chase faster helps a lot. And I dislike going against Boil Over, which this perk helps deal with.
As for a perk I believe to be overrated, I'd say SB. Sure, you'll sometimes have those gamers that know exactly when to use it and how to 99 it. However, I tend to see survivors walking around a lot when they have it and, therefore, wasting their team's time. Additionally, there are a lot of killer perks and add-ons that force exhaustion onto the survivors nowadays and can disrupt SB. Occasionally, it can actually work in the SB user's favor, but at that point the player is gambling their chances. Overall, I think the more situational exhaustion perks like Lithe and Balanced Landing can be more useful when it matters most in the chase.
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It's difficult because every time I think of one, suddenly a few times keep coming to mind when they clearly were useful.
For me, personally, I probably think Shadowborn hasn't given me much value, but that's extremely subjective. The truth is it mau have given me more value than I reckon. However, I've not had a game where I think Shadowborn would have made a difference and sometimes think another perk would have been more useful.
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Lethal Pursuer
It’s overrated because you lose the perk for the rest of the match after 9 seconds. Even if it’s secondary effect extends aura readings for 2 seconds, you basically have to use an aura reading build and run multiple aura perks or add ons to get the maximum benefit from the secondary ability. Lethal is also completely countered by Distortion.
The only killers that are better off running LP are high mobility killers that can go from one side of the map to the other side extremely quickly.
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Blood Warden. I would actually argue that the threat of Blood Warden is a lot stronger and has more of an impact than the perk itself. It does nothing prior to endgame and is hard-countered by 99ing exit gates. I can count the number of times I’ve died to it on one hand.
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It's much better on some killers like Legion or Nemesis. For most of the killers you can't pressure more than one person at a time anyway so it does nothing.
NOED has been a trash perk for a long time but the changes to make its aura visible make it a complete joke.
Jolt is only good on small maps where you hit multiple gens per down. It does very little without the regression perks that got obliterated last patch.
NWO is overrated because it is more efficient to tunnel the first person out.
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for me it’s No Way Out or Franklins.
No Way out requires you already have a good match to get it’s fullest making it extremely lackluster compared to something like NOED. It’s a good option but I’d rather run more consistent gen slowdown than have a perk stall me a little bit during late game.
survivors hate franklins despite it just getting rid of your items, you still have your 4 other perks and the killer is now only at 3. Because relying on items is not a great way to play Surv imo, Franklins is frustrating yes (especially during challenges), but it’s pointless 90% of the time.
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window of opportunity for survivor is pretty overrated. if you have good game-sense for where killer chases the survivor and good understanding of map pallet spawns, its kinda wasted perk slot in my opinion because you can do what perk does with enough experience.
that is not what overrated means. overrated means that people use perk a lot and think its good perk. everyone knows blood warden is terrible.
agree. I think only killer that is good at using perk is tombstone myer's because he uses perk to located obsession early into the game to instant-kill his opponent. that's like only time where its worth to waste perk slot that disappears in 9 seconds. The perk has lower life expectancy... then hex perks.
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All Killers perks are overated, none of them are actually useful in comparison of Survivors Perks which can single handedly delete the Killer Power or Perks.
They cannot provide really any consistency, as Survivors will always have the last word on what's useful and what's not.
The only Killer perk that can provide an end game control is NOED and Bloodwarden with NWO, you can also take Starstruck or Rancor for failsafe in case NOED gets cleansed.
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Flashlights don't need a counter. Keys don't need a counter unless they have very specific killer aura reading add ons. Franklins usually does nothing to a toolbox because the charges are burned immediately at the start of the game. Medkits aren't worth an entire perk slot.
I think there's a false correlation between Franklin's and win rates. The killer player who runs Franklin's is often the same type of killer to hard tunnel and camp. They aren't winning because Franklin's did anything.
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Flip Flop
Despite hitting most skill checks, I never escape with it. I never get slugged, but if I do, there's usually a hook relatively close by which is plenty. Obviously it pairs well with boil over, but in its own its junk.
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i see more value in stbfl as a basic attack perk especially in the mid to late game
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I am not sure how you perceive this as a negative topic?
i don't post a new topic every day haha...i use lets discuss so we can have a conversation and if you don't want to read what i post the lets discuss in the front lets you know ahead of time it is me.
so what is your overrated killer perk contribution?
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dms i cant get much value out of since it is such a small gen block time...totally agree with you
jolt might only be 8 percent but it is good on small maps and saves time in kicking a gen and avoiding blast mines
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agree with noed not worth it to put all your hope in one endgame perk...1 extra kill in most situations maybe 2 if the team is altruistic
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i actually find lethal pretty useful with bbq or with nowhere to hide (since both of those perks with lethal help to judge where to start the next chase) and aura reading with clown and wraith
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i would prefer it if franklins knocked out charges instead of making the item disappear that way it is more of a threat...sloppy deals with med kits better
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Off the Record. It was supposed to be the one, but instead, it's just one and done.
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Oh yeah I don't doubt the value from how much it regresses, just that smaller maps are generally already in the killer's favor so you might not need jolt as much. But again idk cuz jolt still feels great to use
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Reading through some of your guy's post, I've come to a conclusion that literally nobody knows what overrated means.
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Might be controversial this one but STBFL is a tad overrated unless its on a killer that has a secondary attack.
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NOED. After Eruption got nerfed I started seeing it more often. It is definitely a surprise if people do not look for totems but if it triggers when there is an attempt for a save it only gets you one more sacrifice towards the endgame. Can NOED take you further than 2 kills? It is possible. But it is such a cheap solution. When I was a beginner killer I remember using it several times and the community despised me for it. Nowadays, I wouldn't equip it, at all.
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or trapper since he can choose to just grab the obsession from the trap
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My overated survivor perks build is
Deliverance- too situational and typically someone I'd available to unhook you anyways
Off the record- mostly good to not get tunneled out but you have mi n images protection and you have built in borrowed time anyways
Unbreakable- it can save you but you have to hope the killer slugs
Deadhard- it can be good but it was used as too much of a crutch by bad survivor players who got worse at the game because of it.
Overrated killer perks
(I'll add later)