Why is self healing through sloppy butcher still under 10 seconds

...it isn't?
Base self-healing with a med-kit is 24 seconds.
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This dude just straight up lying
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Unless you have Inner Healing, it's not.
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While I'm not aware of every bizarre and ultra situational modifier available I struggle to conjure a scenario in my mind where that's even theoretically possible.
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This dude whacked 3 people on a generator had 2 of them run off to the far side of the map followed both, watched the UI pop a self heal chased the other 2 into the 4th one and whacked that one. the same one repeated the super fast heal several more times that match before eating an instant heal stim later on with a green medkit with a charges addon in addition to the stim. This was me using pentimento no totems had been cleansed that early in the match along with plaything. This wasn't supposed to be possible anymore, or at least how I read the patch notes
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Desparate Measures + Botany + Resilience = a speed increase of 115%, which when applied to the 24 seconds of self-healing equals just over 11 seconds.
A final perk slot must be dedicated to Streetwise because of Botany's 20% efficiency penalty.
Abdominal Dressing on a MedKit increases healing speed by 25%. Sloppy slows it by 25%. They cancel each other it.
It genuinely is not possible.
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and before people ask, no they didn't have either streetwise nor built to last. this was a boil over flipflop power struggle amd of all things decisive strike
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I mean, it could have been a cheater? That aside, maybe you had the timing off in the heat of the moment. All i can really say is record your matches (then delete them each time if you have nothing to report) if you are able, so it if ever happens again, you can show proof and we and BHVR more importantly can determine if its possible or a cheater.
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Yeah you're making it sound like its just the norm, but my money is on good addons/perks and you being wrong about the timing. Either way, there's no story here.
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it is possible. botany knowledge+reactive healing+desperate measures+streetwise or build to last.
Reactive healing heals the survivor by 50% of current healing progression. so healing is reduced from 16 charges to 8 charges(24->12 seconds).
Botany grants 50% healing speed increase
Desperate measures grants 14% per injured survivor up to max bonus 56% increase.
Assuming max stacks of desperate measures, a survivor can self-heal themselves in 5.86 seconds. If we're going by average that two people are injured in a match. A survivor could heal in ~7 seconds.
These perks are really easy to proc as well. Reactive healing procs whenever another survivor takes a hit in 32 meter radius. Botany and Desperate measure are super consistent bonuses and Streetwise/BTL with gel dressing can easily re-use the med-kit 3-4 times per match.
if a survivor get hit in 32 meter and immediately starts healing with med-kit before hemmorage takes effect, you can heal in roughly 9 seconds.
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Thats not self healing tho...
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So in an incredibly niche scenario you can self heal one time in under 10 seconds before you're screwed again, that requires perfect positioning from everyone involved?
I stand corrected that it isn't possible, but this can only be done one time per match. I don't think it's a problem.
(You have to use Streetwise. BTL takes too long to recharge your item, and you'll have lost a majority of your healing progress by the time it's done).
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got a screenshot or video? - Cause by the sounds of it this is either an extremely niche build where someone got lucky*, a cheater or your perception of time was off during that event. Out of those three options the latter two seem the most likely.
*Having a good medkit, Botany & Desperate, Resilience and a nearby surv with Leader would come to mind.
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do people really do this? just go on the internet and spread lies?
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I feel like that's literally all the internet is used for these days
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"Dear Brother/Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them."
Lucien Lachance - Oblivion
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Someone create a scenario:
- where 3 teammate died
- the remaining survivor with 27 stacks of Fast track
- with Commo toolbox and BNP
- Killer being nearby
- to have 4 stack of Skateout + Hyper focus
- being injured with Resilience
To prove the point of alone Gen finish in 40sec...A scenario that never be a thing in real matches.
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Do you have anymore info on the perks, items and add-ons being used? With the changes in 6.7.0, this should be very difficult if not impossible to do, and Med-Kits would give at most two self heals per match. You'd need quite a lot of healing speed to manage a 10 second self heal, but all the biggest healing speed bonuses apply only to altruistic healing.
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Okay i'm going to take a stab at this.
First things first Botany has to be a part of this build so we need to make sure we have enough juice in our medkit
Botany adds a 20 penalty of item effeciency on top of the 33% from self healing. So in total you have (1-0.2)*(1-0.33)=0.53 or 53 efficiency. That means you need 16/0.53= 30 charges to finish a full heal.
So you can use a addon to have your medkit have more then 30 charges or you can use streetwise to offset Botany. Addons give healspeed though and as further seen there are a surprisingly few perks that give speed to self heals to Streetwise is the best option. That leaves our addons the 10% and 15% healspeed bonus
for perks Botany and Desperate measures increase our own healspeed the highest so those are obvious. No one left behind also gives a hefty 50% bonus. Sure only active during end game but we are looking if it's possible. No matter how unlikely
So for heal speed bonus botany 50%, desperate 56% with everybody injured, addons 25%, Nolb for 50% for a total of 181%
But wait! If we go all out we might as well have a teammate with Leader next to us. Why they wouldn't just heal us instead? who knows but we want to see how fast a selfheal is possible so we can add this. That's a additional 25% healing speed for a total of 206%. But wait wait! If we are going to have a teammate just standing there anyway might as well give them the streetwise. Then we can change it for Resilience for another small boost of 9% for a total of 215% healing speed
Now for the slowdown sloppy gives us mangled so that's a 20% penalty and the normal 33% from selfhealing. That means 1-(1-0.2)*(1-0.33)=0.47 or 47% slowdown leaving our total heal speed at (1+2.15)*(1-0.47)= 1.67 charges per second or 67% bonus
Meaning we heal in 16/1.67= 9.6 seconds! We've done it, it is possible to heal yourself through sloppy in less then 10 seconds! All it took was every single healing bonus imaginable after all gens are done with everybody injured including a teammate watching you heal instead of just doing it themself and it only works once. Also assuming all this math is correct
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Unless they had Circle of Queefing with Botany, you're probably lying
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NOLB actually doesn’t apply to self-healing. Its description isn’t super clear on that iirc, but yeah.
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Yeah then it's impossible without reactive healing shenenigans
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Welcome to the internet
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people are still taking my post seriously even a day later? can't have anything over text nowadays
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ill say it again welcome to the internet.
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i get the internet dawg and i've already told you i was joking in my original post it just seems hella weird to double down
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Have a look around
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Thanks, I hate it here. On a more related note can some guru please produce a video showing if 10 seconds to heal is even possible?
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Maybe I'm also joking. I'm totally not been super sarcastic. 😉
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Idk if it's possible anymore I haven't tried but you could probably come pretty close if you load up on healing perks.
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Prove it.
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- It's not
- Even if it was, its so expensive now that you wouldnt even notice unless you stood there and watched it happens so infrequently.