Just had another cheater

There should be a dc option for quitting games where you do not feel like playing it out and wasting your time with a cheater. The quit because of cheat option should also tag the game info and send it to the developers for review.
Magic? do you not understand how all cheaters are reported and caught? A report would generate a ticket that would give developers a notification to record and check game play. They've done that before.
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This is a system that would 100% be abused
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oh, I did not understand you. You would have the option to either quit, how it is set up now, or a new option would be quit and report cheater.
I have reported dozens of cheaters, is there supposed to be a follow up where Behaviour lets you know they banned them?
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3000 hours played and i've had a cheater in 2 of my games. Lots of people here are exaggerating or outright lying.
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Tbf you have probably been in more cheater matches than you realized. Subtle cheating is the scariest as they can just alter movement speeds by 1 or 2%
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Maybe, but we also might live inside a turtle's dream and have no clue. Neither of those is worth worrying about if we can't possible know for sure. I'm fine with survivors running around with 2% speed boost or other methods that might slightly give them an advantage. I am willing to bet the amount of false positives for subtle cheating is astronomical. I bet out of 100 cases of "i'm CERTAIN this person is subtle cheating", maybe 5% of them are true and 95% are "I am great, I played great, therefore someone must have been cheating".
I just don't buy it. I know there are cheaters. I see the obvious ones. But i've never once gotten a cheating killer and i've only seen a cheating survivor like once or twice, where they just popped all gens, or they intentionally brought our gens to 0% just to troll.
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Most cheaters I run into are using aura hacks. They know where all survivors are at all times. You stay to end game to see their perks and it is disheartening to see they had no aura reading perks. It is easy to watch if you have bond. You see your teammates and you watch the killer head right for them, course correcting based on their position. It is amazing how many cheaters you find this way. They will run all gen hinder perks but play like a strong aura reading build.
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I’ve had a few matches where Nurses caught up with me while just walking around structures 🤨
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I have almost 4k on Steam alone and I can say for a FACT that I've had over 15 cheaters. I record my games.
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We do have a button for this. Its called
Leave match.
Then report the person.
Easy as that.
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How would this be any different than DCing and reporting in the post-game lobby? If you're suggesting it wouldn't have a DC penalty i'd 100% abuse this just to flood BHVR.
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Unfortunately, this is the wrong way to address the problem.
According to official numbers from BHVR, 64,000 cheaters were banned in 2022 alone. That's a number. However, the ease of cheating will not change in the future if no automated and usable protection is developed for the game.
While it's nice to be able to easily do change various colors in the game, set own defined perk images , FPS unlocks etc. in the game and that's still fine in my opinion. But it's also just as easy to display auras of survivors/killers illegally or to give yourself a short speed boost if necessary.
I think the approach of simply being able to leave the game without a penalty is wrong, because it will lead to other problems and be exploited.
It would be more important to tackle the actual problem, because I don't feel like writing a comprehensive report every time I meet an obvious cheater, then opening a ticket on the homepage and uploading screenshots, videos, etc. just so that this player can then possibly be removed from the Game (which you never find out anyway) and thus invested 30min+ of my time to possibly make the game better. This cheater may even take less time to simply create/buy a new account than it takes for the actual cheat report. And THAT is a problem.
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I've played around 1500h and met only one obvious cheater - Myers hitting tier 3 over and over without any helpful addons. People would just abuse free dc.
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Rn ppl DC right after they get knocked down for the first time/see the killer they don't like and you want them to have an option to DC w/o any penalty?...