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Discussion about hexes

Archael Member Posts: 845
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

What forum community thinks about it?

Are hexes worth using over other perks? Are those overpowered/underpowered? Some hex mechanics should be tweaked?

For me hexes are just bad except few. Those should be high risk-high reward perks that grants killer huge advantage in exchange of risk of removing etire perk oput of the game. And only few hexes really fits this premise:

  • Devour hope which grants enormus advantage building up with fair play, ability to down survivors with one hit AND ability to kill survivors regardless of hook stages.
  • Huntress lullaby that makes skillchecks harder, its not gamebraking but huge advantage untill high MMR. And with some other perks or killers makes skillchecks impossible, or almost impossible, this makes survivors to just foget anout gens for some time and destroy the hex.
  • Third seal has huge effect on survivors, disabling lot of their perks and some items, pair well with some other perks, like plaything.

There are also perks that are okay, but need some buffs to match those above:

  • Plaything. Is okay with removing killer terror radius, tho it also removes abilities requiring terror radius, so unnerving presence will not work here. Tho it shows where totems are.. this kinda remove its purpouse, making it only a secondary objective rather than gamechanging ability.
  • NOED. Strong engame perk that gives almost no value through the trial, can be broken even before its active, and its not as powerfull as devour hope, tho its suprise effect is quite strong, yet it has another downside that lits totem for survivors so they can clense it before resquing a facecamped teammate.
  • Pendimento can be extremally powerfull... but it require survivors to destroy totems, and can be clensed removing its effect. Using it on every totem for gen speed reduction makes it other effects worthless, waiting whole trial for its whole potential result in never seeing it. If this would allow killer to break hexed and blessed totems it would make it more viable. Breaking hex totems would mean that killer have to bring and intentionally destroy its own perks, with a possibility to remove this one too.

There are also hexes that does not deserve being hex related, are too weak or just bad.

  • Blood favour. Blocks pallets after hitting a survivor... seems nice, but its pointless. For one - blocking pallets in a loop where survivor was hit is not only weak, but also counterintuitive, survivor is suppouse to use speed burst after hit to get to another loop, so it actually helps survivors by helping them not waste palets. This perk should also destroy already used pallets and block windows, and even with this i dont know if this deserve being hex. Right now its the hex you DONT want to clense for being able to use soulguard.
  • Ruin that was ruined. Its first effect was trully hexlike, now... now it should be just regular perk especially that it disable itself after first death, so survs have no urge to clense it... so why bother? Even as regular perk is quite pointless. Its counter to other killer perks mainly gen kicking perks...
  • Thrill of the hunt... its light up only to make is less valuable... This should be regular not hex perk. Having thrill of the hunt lit makes survivors to think - this may be something - and clense it thus remove all its value where that value is not as good... additional time to clense totem is nothing except blessing hex totems, and at top of that you also loose bloodpoints...

Of course those are not all of them, only the examples.

This is not a suggestion subforum, but discussion, so lets discuss, what do you guys think.

For me, most hexes are not deserve to be hexes those are high risk low reward perks.

edit. If one would suggest only one thing to change in how hexes work i would make that totem lights up only if hex effect is in use, so that ruin is not burning whole trial, but only if gens are regressing. This would make hexes more worthwile.

Post edited by Archael on


  • Cynwale
    Cynwale Member Posts: 205

    Agreed, Hexes are interesting however they never last long enough to see any utility.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    There are definitely some strong hexes, Devour Hope has the potential of being THE strongest killer perk by a mile, and Blood Favour is solid and one of the best chasing perks.

    The problem is they're just too RNG. It's random where they spawn, and it's completely in the survivor's hands if they find em and cleanse em. Most killers don't have a way of reliably defending them so when a survivor sees one, it's getting cleansed.

    Also with boons having been meta and still being reasonably popular, survivors are actively seeking out totems which makes hexes even weaker.

    You pretty much HAVE to run Undying if you're running a strong hex and that's half your build that can be completely removed by survivors. Pentimento is a good backup but it still relies on you spending time walking over to the cleansed totem to rekindle it, and now at least one survivor knows where Penti is, so they're just gonna go cleanse it again.

    Honestly the most reliable hex is probably Plaything, and that's because you're mainly relying on survivors cleansing it and you're using it as slowdown rather than actually using the effect. But even then good survivors just ignore it and do gens.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,061

    I think Pentimento is one of the stronger ones, especially with the healing nerfs. Alot more people bringing Inner Healing.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Hexes are very inconsistent (even the "strong ones") due to rng spawn of them and you could lose them before you have a chance to interact with a survivor. Then you get into some hexes that just shouldn't be hexes or some that don't do enough long term to be worth it.

    I kinda want them to get a complete overhaul. Something like allowing the killer to place the hex on a dull totem as they run around could be good. If not that, give some early protection to them similar to corrupt intervention. Then several hexes should be looked over to make them worthwhile

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Hexes are killer dependent now IMO. Demo and SM are on another level when it comes to hexes. Teleport/mobility killers can do decent with them as well. Pentimento/Plaything works great against solos just like Third Seal but I don't really need help beating most solo lobbies. Completely disagree on your assessment on Blood favor and Third seal. Third seal is a solo killer and BF I have NEVER not got value unless I lost it at beginning of trial which is a hex issue not BF issue. Noed is completely dog ######### ever since they gave it the kick me sign.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Hexes are hit and miss. I won't use them if I want to do well consistently.

    I justbuse them for meme builds like when I'm mucking about with my deathslinger hex meme build.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    i think shattered hope should be basekit

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    oh and third seal, plaything, pentimento

    do not use pentimento until all totems are cleansed

    ARTRA Member Posts: 939

    Main problem with hex perks is that those are inconsistent.

    You can have a good perk for a few minutes or (like me) last around 20-30 seconds.

    I would prefer weaker but more consistent Hex perks rather than "all or nothing".

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    My main problem with hexes is that looking for lit totems is the most boring part of the game. More boring than sitting on a generattor even. If you leave a gen to go and look for a partitcularly opressive perk, you aren't progressing the game, you aren't getting any points and you are leaving scratchmarks for the killer to see.

    When Ruin was meta, if my opponents couldn't find the totem it was almost a guaranteed and very often undeserved win.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 845

    You are getting points, both as bloodpoints, and team gratitude that YOu destroyed oppresive totem. Of course if You find it. I like bringing map to the trial, tho its rare item in bloodweb, especially that it require addon to track totems.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    I wish hex perks had a requirement to light up the totem especially since they sometimes spawn in plain sight and near a gen.

    Blood Favor, Face the Darkness & Third Seal light up when injuring someone,

    Ruin when they let go of a gen, Crowd Control after a survivor vaults

    Plaything & Huntress Lullaby when hooking someone

    Rest of the hexes can stay always lit up such as Haunted Grounds, Devour Hope, Undine, Thrill of Hunt etc.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Currently I see valid only

    Devour+ Undying

    Plaything+ Pentimento

    You also need killer for it, best are Plague and Merchant.

    Issue are totem spawns. They are so bad. It's not really hard to hide small item, but they managed to screw it anyway.

    Hey, look, tree with nothing around, what a good hiding spot...

    Totem shouldn't be possible to see without actually checking the spot.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,243

    Most are fine power wise to us, but rng usually dictates that they will usually be gone 20 - 40 seconds in the match. The only ones that we feel really need help is crowd control and ruin.

    Crowd control is more hit and miss due to needing a map with more vaults than pallet to be impactful. Maps like the game make it worse than ruin.

    Ruin does little for the risk of being a hex, but not being a hex puts it in a...odd position. It also becomes a survivor on first hook after someone dies which is sad to us.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,371

    I don't like the system RNG placement of Hexes on Dull Totems unless it's baked into the Hex itself (EG: Face the Darkness/Plaything).

    I Think the Killer should be able to choose when to activate the Hex by pressing a Button and it'll light up the nearest Dull Totem with a Hex, allowing a Killer to both mindlessly spam placement at the start, or zone for specific Totems. (But still under the RNG of Dull Totem placement).

    I don't like that Totems are so hit-or-miss on being locatable given player knowledge of spawns and very low Line-of-sight spawns like the medical crates in Lery's. I'd prefer if Dull and Hex Totems emitted an 8m audio effect similar in mechanics to Boons: Crackling flames for a Hex, and Entity Whispers for a Dull Totem. This would be easier to mesh with accessibility settings down the line as well as add more atmosphere to the game.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,862

    The only hexes worth anything at this point are:

    • Devour Hope: Depending on killer and RNG sometimes this can single handedly win you the game if you get it to proc at the right time. The reality is though, most of the time it is cleansed before it gets much use.
    • Undying: Protect your other totems
    • Plaything + Pentimento: This is again killer dependent but killers that are quiet can make use of this, but for example demos footsteps can be heard across the map.
    • Face the darkness: VERY killer dependent but you can get some use out of it on killers with small terror radius and built in things that survivors have to do: I.E. sadako tapes, pig boxes, etc.
    • NOED: I don't really count this as a hex perk so to speak, but it is there.

    Outside of those every other hex is useless because they aren't strong enough to warrant being a hex. Hexes are supposed to be high risk high reward, but so few of them actually give the reward or are just straight up weaker than non-hex perks there isn't any point in taking them.