Is anyone else sick of playing against Wesker?

every other game ...

not only that, i'm solo survivor so i'm constantly matched with awful players vs try hard tournament final killers.

Maybe there should be some sort of vito system to stop you playing the same killer over and over and over



  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 435

    yes, wesker and Kris 3-Jenner are so boring to play against

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I don't really mind Wesker tbh. Pretty fun killer. His bound is something you can play around. He usually wins with 3 or 4k in my solo games but at least I have fun losing.

    Lately it has been tons of Legion for me. It makes me want to cry. Absolutely baindead killer. Not saying they're too strong btw, just hate the killer instinct on FF and the constant mending and healing slowdown. Enough is enough. Bhvr has struck out so many times with this killer it's embarrassing.

    Sorry for the rant.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I will see you my Wesker matches for your Billy matches. Plague is fine too.

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165
  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    I would love to see a "ban killer" option, I'm not too familiar with League of Legends but I am aware those gamers can ban someone they don't wanna go against.

    While I'd love to see something like this come to dbd it'll never happen because no one would want to go against blight or their sweet precious nurse that they care so much for.

  • penguino
    penguino Member Posts: 7

    I'll take your Wesker games! Do you like Trapper or Wraith? Got plenty of Ghostface and Huntress to throw in there too for no cost!

  • StrangeGuy
    StrangeGuy Member Posts: 48

    I envy you because I'd like to see Wesker

    more often than twice a day :/

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I'm sick of seeing him too. I swear it's every other game. Like I don't mind him but not that frequently.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Yeah, no. Almost nobody would ban him when things like SM and Nurse exist.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Maybe, but I guarentee that more people will be banning skull merchant, knight, legion and nurse over blight.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    I don't think so, I think people would keep banning nurse as she has literally no counters. Blight can be countered

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    I’m not sick of him. I do see him a lot (pretty sure I had 4 of them today), but I don’t mind because he’s fun to play against.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited April 2023

    my only complain with the killer is how insanely client-sided his dash - "hit detection is" , yesterday i went against 2 laggy weskers that were literally pulling me out to the other side of the window almost everytime during the match , literally I finished the animation walked by about 2 steps away , and oooh.....i got sucked back to their side of the window.

    50 ms is aparently a bad ping while playing survivor i guess , those guys really had a good gaming chair.

    jokes aside...McDonalds wifi weskers are not pleasant to go against thats for sure...but average good connection wesker are pretty much OK for complains on that

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985
    edited April 2023

    I roll my eyes when playing against a Wesker back to back, but I tolerate it. What I can’t tolerate is that other thing you mentioned- getting paired with 6 potatoes to go against 2 back to back tournament Weskers, who play like they have a jigsaw helmet on their head, with the timer started.

    Jeezus BHVR, fix the gawd damn matchmaking to have fairer matches instead of Red Dead Insta-Que lobbies with noobs. Or at the very least, put some competent teammates to go against these try hard 3000 hr 30 game win streak Weskers.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    Survivor queues won’t skyrocket because someone got the same killer 3 times in a row.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,394

    I doubt it. It's not flat out blocking a killer. It's about not having a killer two times in a row. Except if it's a day where everyone is playing the same killer for some reason there should be enough killers in queue. Same thing for killer: it should barely affect queue times. Back when the MMR cap was higher I would have agreed - but with how far the search is expanded now it doesn't matter.

    I do see a ton of Weskers and Blights and Spirits (oddly enough not all that many nurses recently) but I also see other killers often enough.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I would rather play a game I'm going to have fun in, than be forced to slog it out hating every minute. I play games to have fun, not torture myself.

    Also seconding the Killer ban feature, maybe also give Killers get Realm ban feature. I'd say 1 per 5 released for both would be a good rate. Also including a 'previous killler/map' slot. That way it would automatically just pick the last few maps/killers you went against. I know they added a single map repeat, but I would expand it to roughly equal the killer ban Survs would get.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    If you want to see less of Killer A, you need to support buffs to Killer B.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    It's so weird. People complain about playing against the same killers on repeat(which I understand) but the survivor side of that point is that you run into the same perks every game as killer. It's why I took a break in april 2022 and it's why I took a break in February 2023.

    It's the exact same thing. You can withstand playing against wesker in 1/3 of your games if I can withstand playing against dh in 100% of my games for a year and a half(minus the 1 month after 6.1.0).

    Especially when facing wesker. Like really how many killers are more fun to play against over wesker?

    The "I don't want to play vs this killer this much" equivalent is survivor perks. So many people don't realize that and I'm sure a lot of people will tell me I am wrong even though survivor perks and killers are what differentiate players from each other.

    Even I would hate playing vs blight if I had to do it every game but survivors don't realize I play vs the same perks multiple times per game and then complain about playing vs wesker 25% of the time. It gets boring and this obliviousness is laughable.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Considering her most broken add-ons and M1 perks are a thing of the past, at this point saying nurse has no counters is huge copium

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    They could make the objectively most fun killer in all of dbd but if I had to face them every single game I'd be sick and tired of them within a week

  • Cynwale
    Cynwale Member Posts: 205

    You misunderstand voluntarily who I target with these "attempts", the type of people who want Slug/Tunnel/Camping to be a bannable offense.

    They're toxic, and won't listen to what we say, so rip bozo.

    And the reason why I post everywhere is to make sure Devs see that those toxic survivors mains aren't the only voices there.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    She can go through walls. She can go up and down floors. Add aura reading perks to this and she has no counters.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    The irony here is that in complaining about "toxic survivors", you are also coming off toxic by name calling. It's unnecessary. You can get your point across less aggressively

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Well I don't mind him but I would like to see more variety it's always same killers every game so dbd gets boring. I only face wesker, doctor, blight maybe nemesis sometimes and that's the list...

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah I'm tired of playing against him. They all have the same annoying playstyle, bring the same annoying perks, and usually always bring a small map offering. And his snarky commentary makes him even more annoying to go against.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I get why so many killers are choosing him. His power is actually interactive and requires input on the killer's end.

    Compare that to Knight and Skull Merchant. You press M2 and the thing just happens passively. Zero skill curve to it. It's horrendously boring.

    I'm not sick of Wesker so much as I'm sick of these bland killer powers. More killers like Nurse/Spirit/Billy/Oni/Huntress/Plague/Wesker less (or no) killers like Skull Merchant/Knight

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    You got 7 examples of killers you like and only 2 examples of killers you don't like. Sounds to me like you have plenty already and don't need more.

    I like Knight. I like trying to be strategic and putting my guards where they need to be. I think it's fun and satisfying when I make the right call and catch a survivor with a guard. If they make more killers like him I'll probably enjoy them too. Not every killer needs to be "skilled" just like your favorites. You already have plenty of killers that require "skill" so stick to them instead of insisting no one else should get anything different.

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 113

    I'm sick of going against him, but not so much for his power. He seems to attract people who tunnel, camp, and just play in a miserable way. Win or lose, many games just end up being somewhere between annoying and frustrating due to that.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Or let's truly buff weak killers so you don't have to face him so much

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I also think Wesker is super fun and interesting. What I don’t understand is how some people get a ton of Weskers. I mean I would love to face him more then the millionth Huntress. Don’t get me wrong Huntress is alright but it also gets a bit boring facing her all the time.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    I agree. These late killers have just been use your power and get a free hit for a majority of the time. Knight puts power down, you trigger it, you get pincered then hit, with it sometimes being a double-tap and you're down instantly. Cannot pallet stun his minions or hurt them. Just run until the power runs out, giving him time to cut you off and hit you, or end up with a double hit. It's the most aggravating thing in this game. (Edit: Spelling Mistake)

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Nope, Wesker is fun to go againts (for the most part, that tunneling unhooking infection part is bit too strong imo) and Fun to play as while being strong with counterplay Survivors can usualy react to.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470

    I don't mind playing against him, better him being common than blight or bubba.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753

    Maybe a little, but I'll take him over Blight or Skull Merchant.

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56

    1 in 3 survivor matches for me are a wesker.. Funny think i was going down my usual list of streamers to watch and i went down 5 different twitch streams they were all going against wesker and none of them know each other.. I really wish at this point you could choose 1 killer not to go against so i dont have to go against a wesker ever again but I am afraid if they had it i would never get into a match because of how many play him.. He is not op but it's just super annoying when that is all you get.. I feel like this game has become resident evil by daylight and not dead by daylight.. I would love to face a viraity of killers.. When I play killer i have about 4 mains so survivors dont get bored..

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,167

    Yes. I am so bored of facing him that I almost want to fall asleep when I see its him. We have like thirty something killers in the game and over half of my survivor games are usually against him. I don't find him OP or anything I am just fed up of facing him. I like ice cream but I don't want to eat it ten times a day.

    Its getting to the point I welcome seeing anyone else, even killers I don't care much for, just for a change of pace.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,944

    If this was the case, then each survivor would get a ban, and you'll just never end up seeing:

    Nurse, blight, spirit and "insert other meta killer here". And everyone will just be stuck playing the "5th best" killer. Unless you propose somehow the team of survivors only gets 1 ban. In which case you'll just never see nurse and instead see more blights.

    Also it would heavily heavily effect matchmaking. I personally wouldn't mind this if they:

    • Actually balanced the game for so many of the trash m1 killers
    • Reworked Nurse
    • Nerf blight addons
    • Made it so you can change killer in the lobby and have it work off of a draft/ban system
    • Made it so survivors can't shift+w and predrop pallets (goes with buffing m1 killers)

    But those things will never happen.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 888

    If the issue you have is that you constantly see the same few killers, then that's an issue of survivors' making. Calling for constant killer nerfs means fewer killers that can actually win and are fun to play. It's like after spirit got nerfed, and suddenly there were threads like "Whoa, I never see spirit anymore, what happened?" Survivor complaints happened.

    Instead of trying to nerf or ban killers out of existence, they should buff weaker killers. Believe me, I'd love to play a wider variety of killers, but when most of the roster is an insta-lose against even remotely competent survivors, you better believe I'm choosing the killers that can actually compete.

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    Does anyone know what's the process of matching a specific surv against a specific killer?

    I've started using a surv without any perks/items to later change it in the lobby for something that I actually want to play. I've noticed that variety of killers I face improved. I'm curious if it actually works or maybe I'm just kidding myself -.-'