Hey can we survivors get some points for those who escape or something?

Dear Behavior,
I know you love your little moles, sluggers and campers so very much and are never ever going to do anything to stop them.
However its kind of bummer to get like 5k blood points cause you couldn't do anything because said little ray of sunshine is currently hitting your body on hook.
Can we get some "Hey sorry about that guy, he likes to pull wings off of bugs and this is the healthiest outlift for his behaviors." points it would make the sting less painful for solo.
Your Friend,
Luthir Fontaine.
Too situational. Don’t see it happening.
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I'd be happy if they just fixed pipping. I have two types of games recently. 1, I never get hit or have a chase because killer is far too concerned with tunneling. 2, I'm camped at 5 gens. How can I possibly pip without a chase and how can I pip if I'm being camped.
Like you said though, Devs don't give a flying fook.
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Jest? I can't tell. Sorry
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O yeah pipping too
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Sounds like a nice idea and I can't think of any downside. Looking forward to see this implemented in 2035
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Your attitude and tone towards the devs is so negative sarcastic and crappy. Don't be surprised when no one takes you seriously if this is how you frame your ideas.
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Going more for a more using humor to get my point across but I've seen this board it's on brand haha
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Moles lmao. I’m stealing that term, thanks.
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Swing and a miss, then. Nobody seems to be laughing.
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Too bad, you aint getting anything.
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11 up votes so some are,
I mean that's pretty much on par,
Not your cup of tea?
Would limerick fill you with glee?
Sorry I can't think of one so far...
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Yeah yeah we all know how much you hate survivors buddy, I'm sorry it's apparently been very rough and I hope you get a few good games away from abusive swfs
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I don't remember having any abusive SWF recently tho.
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O well then cheers I'm happy for you
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Imagine counting your forum updoots and using that to bolster your argument
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Speak for your self sunshine.
I thought it was hilarious.
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I was. It was a little snarky towards the devs but not that bad.
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I think it might be an engine problem, actually. The moment your survivor dies, your point total is set and processed. If you could get scoring events after being dead, that system would need to be redone.
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This seems like a poor way to go about providing feedback to the devs
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... I honestly didn't think it was that bad compared to others I've seen on the board 😛
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Can we get some "Hey sorry about that guy, he likes to pull wings off of bugs and this is the healthiest outlift for his behaviors." points it would make the sting less painful for solo.
That was hilarious.
I absolutely agree with the overall concept, how they would implement it could be a little trickier, but it would be nice if ideas were at least discussed.
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Yeah just writing this message as I'm in a staring contest with a sm camper... I think I almost have her!
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I'm so tired of you guys trying to call the killer names. Her acceptable names are Hostage Merchant, Dull merchant, Skunk Merchant, or Kris 3 genner 😮💨😒
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On a serious note, for real depipping needs to be gone, its really annoying that specially at iri rank (as survivor at least) if you do not get any points in a emblem do to certain things cause of tunneling/face camping. Also if a survivor is the last one and ends up finding hatch or leaving at the exit gate but still depipping, its the most garbage system I ever seen, Sad thing is killers face camping/tunneling may even still pip or safety. If the survivor lives it should never be a depip period.
Then you have that killer like plague that will totally rob the arty category because people always have this silly mind set about do not cleanse vs plague, but sorry I will cleanse because I rather take 2 hits from red vomit(and u can stun her out of it) vs a easy m1 for her for staying broken, the longer you stay injure the longer it hits your arty category.
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more points in general would be nice, its torture when youre just trying to prestige a character youre never gonna touch again