Why are farm maps still heavily survivor-sided?
Nightlight map statistics show that killers don’t have a 60% (what behaviour say is balanced) kill rate on any map
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I hate that corn map as survivor and killer, every time I fall on that piece of bull----- map I have a miserable time. Sometimes I use offerings just so I don't have to play on that sh---
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Why would you use NightLight and not the official stats from BHVR?
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Midwich has the highest kill rate because the doors are static and easily defendable. That's it. No survivor is getting out in a 1v1 in EGC unless killer lets them.
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BHVR won't even show stats for how often SWFs escape vs. solos, why would you accept their stats for anything
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When did BHVR last release map stats?
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While ago.
NightLight is not a reliable source.
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The Farm Maps are very Survivor Sided but u still can Play them Good whit some Killers i Really like the Farm Maps as Knight since it so easy to use my power on it
Im pretty Sure Garden of Pain, The Swamp or The Game are the SurvivorSided Maps that Need to be looked at
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I think Rancid and Thompson's are okay for killer. Torment Creek is leaned towards survivors but still bearable. Rotten Fields and especially Cowshed are the ones that are extremely survivor favored.
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Peanits shared that stat. He said the escape rate difference between solo and SWF isn’t that large; it’s between 8-15%.
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He didn't share actual stats, they only ever make vague allusions to them. I feel like they aren't being honest about it
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Officially, Blight and Trapper’s win rates are only different by about 5%. so if 15% “isn’t that large”, then we never need to nerf Blight.
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I don’t think Blight needs to be nerfed. People complain about his add-ons but personally I think he’s fine.
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Maps are supposed to be survivor-sided, that's the entire point.
Unlike killers, all survivors play the same, so maps are supposed to add the uniqueness and variety that killer powers do.
Nerfing every loop to be bloodlust-able or a perpetual 50-50 is brainless and not the direction I'd like to see the game go in personally.
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Aaaaah okay.