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Im genuinely curious, what the hell are killers meant to do?

I play survivor and killer equally. Killer has become much harder in my MMR.
People still heal really fast ( this was meant to be the slowdown to combat gen regression destruction ? )
It doesnt matter if I tunnel, or try to spread pressure. Gens are being done so fast I cant keep up.
If I hear a gen is 50% done, what am I meant to do? Are we actually meant to just let it get done?
If I go kick it, it does 2.5%, the survivor runs away and I chase them, another one gets right on it. Its lost like half a second progress. I go back, kick it again, survivors swap and vise verse. Then I have to just commit to one of them, and while I am the gen gets done.
Im feeling stuck as killer. I can only have fun on the top top tier killers now, and even those matches im literally sweating IRL. if theyre nerfed I think id be done as killer.
IMO this game is really losing its FUN factor. I am sweating in matches, but what for reason?
Your query will be answered in the order it was received. We appreciate your patience. A resident forum killer main that 4ks 99% of their games with no slowdown will be with you shortly to tell you about how you're bad and need to get good.
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Im not being a smartass.
Im genuinely curious, what builds are you people running to win? I just cant slow people down. They bring medkits, heal each other super fast, and now I have almost no gen regression I dont know what to do about the gens.
Im getting to the point where I dont know what to do. Killers dont feel powerful at all right now imo.
Im a bit sick of BHVR just randomly changing things with no sense of direction or reason behind it, and we just suffer until they see a data sheet which confirms what they need to change.
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I'm agreeing with you. The gens are flying. Gen regression perks are useless now. Pain Res esp is total crap because you get screwed by RNG so often
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You're supposed to create pressure by not slugging 3 hooking everyone, playing a non meta killer with non meta perks with non meta addons otherwise you're boring
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Oh good, thought you thought I was trolling.
I really am a 50/50 killer survivor. I have 100% achievements and challenges. I literally have no idea what to do as killer at the moment. Like I said, I have no way of slowing gens done - as you said PR is only usable a few times, and sometimes the gen will pop as I am waiting to finish the animation. And 25% aint much anyways. Deadlock doesnt do much because usually the next gen is so close to popping they run off, start another gen, come back when its over and pop the previous one.
Solo q is still hard because my teammates are nightmare fuel. In a 2 man + I feel like I could destroy killers as hard as I get destroyed.
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I feel like this game has become too reliant on perks and addons.
I should be able to play as a killer without perks and addons and beat people I am more skilled than.
Instead, to sell content theyve made so many perks and addons that perks are greater than skill in SOME cases. Obviously OTZ without perks will beat 4 average players running full meta. Addons / perks should be additive to the fun, not solely required.
You're right. I should be able to run 4x non meta and still do good. If theyve made the game to the point where I cant, we run into situations like this where you remove the meta, and there is a huge imbalance now. imo anyways, you guys are probably better than me ( although MMR is meant to fix this )
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I dunno what to tell you.
I'm just not having trouble in most of my matches. I play to win, sure, but I'm generally using a single gen perk.
I'm not having trouble creating pressure or forcing Survivors into bad situations. We all have bad games, or a streak of them, every so often.
11 -
Are you going for a 2K or a 4K?
If you want fun, but also a 4K, you better enjoy being competitive.
If you want fun, but also to play casual, you need to reframe your expectations to a 2K
Try going for a 12Hook nice-guy as your average. You’re going to lose a lot, but if you let your MMR settle to that when you’ve placed your goal to handicap yourself to such a degree, your games will feel a lot better.
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Ok I get it, you're better than me.
Thanks for the advice, very helpful post. Could have gotten the same thing by not posting.
Like whats the actual point of this post? Its basically a longer version of git gud. No builds you use, or anything like that, just 4 sentences of you bragging how much better you are than me and because you arent running into these issues, I shouldnt be?
This is the problem with not seeing our MMR numbers, and the flaw of MMR itself. For all we know I am higher MMR ( unlikely but not the point ) and going against better survivors.
But because this isnt starcraft and we cant see our ranks, thats pointless.
This isnt a thing thats happened as a streak or a few bad games. Gens were flying for me before the nerf to gen regression, and now its worse.
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The OP was wanting actual advice. To me this was a little bit condescending and not very productive.
To the OP, what killers and builds are you currently running? What exactly do you consider a win? Those are important questions to answer when it comes to this.
One thing I will say is that tunneling is not everything in this game. A lot of people act like it’s always the best strategy to tunnel just one survivor out for the whole match. There are eventually going to be teams that know how to deal with that. Typically it’s best to be able to find someone early, get in a quick chase and get a quick down. At that point, you’ll need to force others off gens, this is where I recommend BBQ or Thrilling Tremors.
Once there’s a gen or two left, you need to keep track of who’s been hooked. If you get a chance, you need to get someone out if you can, and this is why it’s good to get at least one survivor to second stage by then.
Camping, tunneling, and slugging are strats that can be useful. It’s best to know when to use it, because they are not strats that you just do just to do if that makes sense.
Hopefully this was somewhat helpful, I tried my best to give advice without gameplay to go off of lol.
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It's extremely difficult to give advice without being able to see your gameplay.
If there's something wrong with how you play (not saying there is), then it won't matter what build I give you.
Nobody is bragging here. I shared my own experience. I understand that you are upset over how your games have been going, but that's not a reason to lash out at others who haven't shared your experience.
If you desperately want a build, here's what I've been running:
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Corrupt Intervention, No Way Out, STBFL, Surge, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage and Lethal Pursuer.
My builds greatly depend on the Killer I'm playing but they generally don't have more than one gen regression perk.
For example, Pinhead and Wesker.
Pinhead's Loadout is the following:
SH:PR, SH:Floods, Franklin's and Lethal. I usually run some meme add-ons with it.
Wesker's Loadout is the following:
SH:PR, Dissolution, STBFL and Bamboozle. I usually run Leather Gloves and Uroboros Tendril.
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If you don't win the vast majority of your games, then you are very likely not high MMR.
As someone said, you are approaching the game the wrong way: rather than trying to find the best build to win without sweating, just try to sweat less and not go for 4k but for hooks. There is ZERO reason trying to win in this game especially as killer, most survivors you'll face will just hate you for it. The only reason to try to win is if you want to go for streak to prove a point or because you're a big streamer. Otherwise winning is basically just matchmaking dependent. Either you get a solo queue team and you win by default, or you get a sweaty SWF and it's 50/50 depending on killer and map.
Unfortunately going for 12 hooks will probably lead to you losing a lot, and honestly you'll still probably get insulted by 90% of survivors anyway. But playing this way I get usually more BPs and occasionally a "thank you" message from survivors.
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Eh, I might've read the title and the reply right above mine.
"I should be able to play as a killer without perks and addons and beat people I am more skilled than."
That kinda felt super entitled and I went off of that.
I should've read the actual post instead.
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I agree, I thought the same.
I consider a 3k a win. 2k draw
Honestly I dont have a set build right now, I cant figure one out. I play pretty much all killers, my most played killers would be ;
Nurse - SH : PR, Agitation, BBQ, Lethal.
Spirit - discordance, jolt, no way out, deadlock
Other killers I dont even have a solid idea yet, I just run info perks because gen regression feels so week.
I know its hard without gameplay to give tips, thanks ill keep these things youve said in mind.
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Hmm those builds are pretty good I will say.
I do play a lot of Spirit, and I hope you won’t mind with a build recommendation that’s really fun and strong. Her two add ons Furin and Yakuyoke Amulet have great synergies with PR and DMS. The global phase sound can actually push people off gens and that will give DMS a ton of value, and obviously PR combines great with DMS. I’d combine it with Discordance or Face the Darkness for info, and the fourth perk can be about anything you want.
Obviously the two add ons are rarer than others so unless you leveled Spirit up a lot it’ll be hard to use this build every game. Your current build is still good and I definitely recommend still running that, but just wanted to shed light on that other build if it could maybe work better for you.
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Called it in my first reply to OP lmao
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Maybe your mmr is to high? Killers at my level don't seem to have to much problems getting 4k.
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There's a recurring issue I'm seeing with all of these post-types. Survivor is too hard, killer is too hard, no fun, no fun, what am i to do!?
Honestly it's sad to see so many people being dissatisfied with the game. The simple answer is change your personal win condition. Stop relying on getting a 3k or 4k to define a fun game. You can have fun on a game you lose too, it truly is a mindset. If you get caught up sweating in every game, you are going to be miserable NO MATTER WHICH GAME YOU PLAY.
There's also a science angle to this. It is proven that we learn more effectively when we're having fun. You get better by learning. Macro game, chase, time management, pressure distribution, killer specific interactions. ALL of these things require learning if you want to be an absolute menace.
So what to do as killer? Pick one thing, attach your win condition to practicing that one thing, and have fun doing it. Even if you lose, at least you're having a good time, and you might see improvements across your gameplay too.
Anyway, hope this helps, even though it probably isn't what you're looking for
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Didn't you read the part where I said I'm using slowdowns and that I always play to win?
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I'd say to give PR another shot.
It's pretty damn good, you just have to be selective now.
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Did you run a lot of Slowdown before the most recent patch? Especially Call of Brine and Overcharge?
If this is the case - well, you need to adapt. You got into an MMR-Range where you simply dont belong, but ended up there because your use of Slowdown enabled you to win games which you only won because you prolonged them enough to drain all the ressources of the Survivors. And you did not drain those because you played well, but because it took so long for them to complete Gens.
You will not be the only Killer player who has this issue right now, many got carried by Slowdowns, but think that they are actually good if they win a game in 20 minutes.
IF MMR is working correctly (haha), then you should get more reasonable opponents after some more games.
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I play a killer capable of dealing with base game mechanics instead of relying on perks to deal with it.
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Winning with killer (3k as thats when your MMR increases) in my experience relies on so many factors, that it would take quite a lengthy post to sum it all up. The two biggest contributing factors that decide the match though imo, is if you are playing against a competent SWF or a competent soloQ team, and if you are strategically tunneling and proxy camping to force people of gens. Of course your killer of choice and your skill with him matters too as well as maps and perks.
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People are recommending deadlock, but i've been seeing in my survivor games people learning to counter deadlock. Ive even done this multiple times in SOLOQ mind you. People 99 gens. Then pop as many as possible so deadlock doesnt counter as much. To me this perk is worthless
Only advice i can give at this moment is, play for hooks or play for fun. Don't try to win your games it will raise your bloodpressure.
Use slobby /scourge gift of pain to make the healing even little bit more slower ( i agree with the OP that healing nerfs dont really seem much. I play survivor only atm and healing is a joke still)
Use the new scourge hook pain, try to get value out of the 4 stacks but use them wisely. Double this up with pop goes the weasel.
My personal favorite perk is nowhere to hide. works well with pop.
Goodluck out there and remember if you get too annoyed just take a break. Game isnt worth getting upset over <3
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There are a few things that may help you:
1. Forget perks - focus on the basics: You could have the absolute optimum setup, but it won't work if the base game isn't right. Unfortunately, improving means you will lose chases often as you learn, but it's how you learn to out-think the opponent. This leads on to some of the other points.
2. When you start a trial, don't go in thinking about the 4k. Think smaller. Think about this time focusing on chasing loops, or maybe forgetting the power and seeing how you do with M1, or even work on how to control the map more. Make smaller goals in a trial. It removes the stress, which for me is a huge reason why some trials feel horrid compared to others.
3. Be unpredictable. Again, this come down to experimenting and having fun. I have a randomised build every single trial, using DBD Randomizer. This comes up with things survivors do not expect. It also can add into some unusually effective and interesting results. It also makes you think differently and keeps you out of a rutt, so you may probably enter a trial with a fresh mindset, which will affect your results. Also, just mix up your play. Run into a pallet one time, respect another. Make it confusing for your opponent.
4. Play in ways that reduce stress. The single most important thing I ever did in this game is forget about securing a kill and just keep hunring. I not often camped before, but sometimes (such as getting a down when all gens are done) made me think I had to secure it. This led to (for me) an intensely boring yet stressful experience. Now, I just hook and hunt. In fact, my kills have improved because this not only was unexpected by survivors for me to go on the offensive, but also removing that panic reduces anxiety and stress, which means I think clearer and have fun more. Sure some like the optimal tunnel and camp techniques, but I honestly can't think of anything more boring, predictable and removes the chances of me learning more. Also, yes, this has resulted in more kills in some trials than I reckon I'd get otherwise.
5. Realism. Unlike the 99.99% of the playerbase who apparently are all in the top 1% MMR, you're not trying to be at competition level, so don't play like you're in the pros. Don't destroy the fun for you. Once you focus on just enjoying the game, you'll naturally play better over time. You won't feel worried about putting on pressure. You won't start forcing chases which will ultimately give you a haemorrage (can't spell, sorry). Ironically, this will improve how you play as messing about or trying out new ideas will lead to vast improvement.
6. Most importantly for me is to realise this is only a game and do not let yourself be dragged down by what people write. You'll often read how people 4k all the time, or escape, or say killer/survivor is "easy mode". Please remember life isn't based around a single game, as well as - like most things online - people are often not truthful due to some bizarre idea that maybe not being the best is a sin. It's okay to mess up. It's okay to not be great compared to what others say. What's not okay is to compare yourself, which ultimately is what everyone does, subconsciously or not. You will have better games. You will also have rubbish games. Everyone does. Even the best players were once making mistakes all over and will still do!
In summary, the most important basic aspects are to refind the fun, play in ways that dom't induce stress, experiment, be random and focus on bitesized aims in a trial which you set, nobody else. If you set a goal to 1k with Hillbilly without camping and juat using a chainsaw, for example, then that's your goal. Forget what others put on you, because YOU bought the game to play as you wish, not them.
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Play to learn, instead of playing to win. That means intentionally playing for putting each Survivor on death hook before killing them, while also recording your matches. If you find a baby Surv, let them do gens and get BP. You want to chase the best Surv in the lobby. Lose against them until you find a way to beat them. Try a bunch of different tactics, and figure out the best combo. For example, if I find my early game is weak, I may want to bring Corrupt Invervention or Lethal Pursuer, to either prevent spawn gens, or get to an early chase. If I hate dealing with strong main windows, I'll bring Bamboozle. Overall the goal is to improve, but also lower your MMR without afking. Once you reach a decent equilibrium, you are more likely to enjoy your matches.
For the specific questions.
Heal speeds - they only heal fast with other Survs present, if you disrupt the healing you get 2 people in chase for the price of one. Set up a snowball, instead of relying on 1 injured Surv to be enough pressure. At the start of the match if you know where multiple people are, get the hit then swap targets.
Fast Gens - Figure out the why. Is it Hyperfocus Stakeout with toolboxes? Don't chase near people without actually going after them. It is 3 gens popping 90s into the match? Don't commit on that first chase as hard, do a bit of catch and release. Alternatively, try to corral the Survs towards other gens, in order to scare the other Survs off. Also if it is the multi gen pop that hurts, Deadlock is very effective at countering that.
Kicking - It sounds like you learned bad habits from OC/CoB, and had your kill rate inflated by using them if kicking a gen would ever be the first thought. You basically only want to kick things that won't lose you something else. If you have Eruption/Pop, it may be worth it to kick. If you just downed a Surv nearby, it may be worth it to kick. Otherwise it often isn't worth losing distance in chase. The sooner you start to chase, the sooner they go down, the sooner they are on hook, the sooner the Survs are pressured to respond.
Playing both sides is invaluable in understanding what the opposition will do. When you know your enemy, they likely won't be able to surprise you. This lets you know say the 0 hook Meg is most likely to go for the rescue in a normal match. You could plan on intercepting her, or going after one of the more hooked Survs. When you see someone cleansing dull totems or opening chests, they likely have a tome. That is basically free slowdown, so let them search/cleanse, as if they don't feel too pressured, they won't focus on gens instead. If that same 0 hook Meg plays gen jockey all game, she probably also has a gen tome, so focus fire her, she probably brought things to make gens go quicker.
3 -
Regarding the 90% insutling statement, some survivors (and its mostly survivors that fall prey to this) will always find a way to try diminish your performance or achivment in the match. Yesterday I went against a Twitch SWF that send me to "The Game" and this usually means that they got a plan and builds for it, and I was right, one guy had a dedicated "run the killer" build and tried to get instantly in my hair, together with Kindred and Open Handed, and everyone else was running Sabotage, DH, Breakout and either Adrenalin or Unbreakable. Pretty disgusting stuff.
So right from the start I knew that the gloves were off and when they sabotaged two times in a row in a way that I couldnt get any hooks, I started slugging and caging, as I was running Pyramid Head, and also did the famous one-two combo of running towards the cage and downing the survivor the moment they got uncaged. This way I could generate enough pressure to tunnel one out and slug the rest. The last two then hid in the corner of the map with no hooks and insisted on bleeding out and after the game I was getting the full broadside of trash killer getting boosted by perks and playing like in the old times before BT with that uncaging down and that I was extra toxic for slugging instead of hooking. Oh and of course, they talked about "haven destroyed me" because I broke off several chases, when I knew that they were pointless, which probably helped me win the game. But these kind of players are always so full of themselves, you probably need to win 100% of your chases to satisfy this guys, and even then you might be "sweating, while we just play for run".
Of course this is just one game, but it happens practically every game since the last update, where I get a leg up and not roll over and die: every little bit I do gets disected and used against me. And in not a small number of games the survivors plan actually bears fruit and I get reduced to a plaything. Killer has really become a chore again and it feels a lot like going back to pre-6.1 I can manage somewhat, but its bought with sweat, tears and getting insulted every half step of the way.
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That's when I recognize a true DBD experience, unlike Survivors who just straight up lie about them getting slugged for the usual "no reason".
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Yknow Im curious, are you just losing 99% of your matches instead?
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There is some great advice here to go through.
I think the main thing I need to change is my mindset toward the game. The only thing that makes it feel like a loss when you play to have fun or hooks is when they tbag you at the gate.
It makes you feel like they won, you lost and thats the message that gets across.
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Learn a top 3-4 Killer and sweat.
Or, accept that the game has nothing even close to resembling balance and manually adjust your MMR.
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Interesting thing, I play killer very OK, but as survivor every match is a excrutiating hell. Escaped last time probably 20 matches ago. As a killer... Lost once when didn't bring any perk and was fixing my conrols....
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With the way he constantly complains about killers being oppressed yeah i would believe it
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Perhaps the community have a different experience on the server they play at, but at South American servers I play both sides and I´m really giving up playing as killer, the genrush meta is real. Every match I see Prove Thyself and toolboxes and most gen regression perks are useless now.. they really need to work on toolboxes and perhaps make prove thyself 5% per player instead of 15%. As stated by OP, kicking gens most of the time serves no purpose, Overcharge is mostly useless against veterans and not sure about you guys, but I'm almost always facing SWF squads or at least a efficient trio.
There´s also map rng at work which varies a lot depending on which the killer you play. As survivor the solo queue experience is miserable but whenever I play with friends using voice chat we usually escape 3-4 per match.
Whenever I watch streams like Reds ou D3AD I wonder how they face certain groups that are really average because I rarely see tight matches as the ones I get daily. I often see 2-3 gens done in the first hook.
People can use Resilience (9%) which can combo with Friendly Competition (+5%), there´s Overzealous (+10%) and Prove Thyself (+15%) + toolboxes. So yea, neat.
I still get tunneled often and sometimes facecamped, but most of the times as survivor I can farm a ton more bps per game than as killer, even if I die. I don't care as much for a victory, but I wanted at least fun matches balanced for both sides.
I also don't see any difference regarding the rank, even if I play about 3 weeks after rank reset, I still get sweat matches as "Ash".
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How do you know it's a SWF?
PT is good for you as a Killer. It means Survivors aren't being efficient. As for players like D3AD, they are very good and make regular players look like babies.
These guys were all chill people and decent players. Even though I don't play Billy, I was still able to 4K despite the odds. I don't think it has much to do with the severs.
If people play to win, you've gotta play to win as well.
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This all of this!
You need to also remember this the internet and you can't believe everything you read. Just because these people are saying they are having easy games doesn't mean they are. I play both now yes gen rush is a thing and three greens are usually done before I even hang one person but in that time the pressure is on. So don't get nervous. Drop the chase after 10-15 seconds. Don't keep getting looped. I use whispers and the Knights perk about injured survivors. Don't camp because most of these 4k people on here are using sweaty tactics but won't admit it and don't compare yourself to anyone. MM is broken so you will lose some matches and that's OK. There are hackers so just tell yourself they have to cheat to actually do good. Don't freak when the gens pop off I have gotten more kills when there are 2 gens left. Since you play survivor think like a survivor too when play killer.
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I'm in the same boat. Gens are too easy to do and too quick as a result. I play 50/50 survivor/killer or close to it. I think most games as survivor 5 gens pop before the killer has secured more than 1 kill. For killer, I feel like if I don't have a very quick first 3 chases than the game is lost. The first 2 gens always go by instantly and the game is won or lost depending on if you can slow survivors enough for gens 3, 4 and 5 to take some time to do.
MMR has completely killed this game. The player base now has a mindset similar to that of a comp team. Are players as skilled as those from a comp team no. But I can see how similar the games are in terms of style. Gens go by very fast, killers are forced to tunnel 1 person, and it comes down to if the killer can win the game late.
If I bought this game today and played it for a week I would quit after a week. This game is not beginner friendly. I miss old DBD. I started near the end of the Pre-MMR era so I don't remember much about how those games went but they were so much better than the sweat infested games we have now. I want to play with meme builds and try goofy strategies to get kills. But you can't do that anymore. Now it's end chases in 20 sec or less and play as sweaty as possible or you will get destroyed.
Very sad to see what this game has become when it was so fun to start out.
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You’re supposed to start by not using high tier killer and no good add-ons. Give the first survivor a fun chase and eat at least 10 pallets before downing them. After hooking them, you have to immediately and as quickly as possible go to the furthest point on the map away from that survivor. Then you can start chasing someone else (and it cannot be the survivor you just hooked). Repeat this process until all the gens are done (making sure of course that you don’t hook someone for the 2nd time until everyone has been hooked first, but you won’t make it that far anyway). Once generators are done, if you hook someone, you need to go to a far-away corner of the map and hide until that person is unhooked and healed. Then, once the gates are open, you must present yourself to the survivors at the exit and quietly allow them to t-bag you for as long as they want.
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All I can suggest is that you play with your own objectives.
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Well, what do you want?
First you say you're not having fun. Then you're asking what do you have to do to win.
You want to have fun AND win? Without sweating??
Keep hoping... The Entity feeds on it.
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For real. I started out back when the Stranger Things chapter was announced to disappear and bought into the game, planning to become a Demo main. Back then I would often play "like I played with Devour Hope" as I explained it, ie get away from a hook asap and I would sometimes chase an unhooked survivor for fun, just to nod at them when cornered and break off.
And gens would go by much more one after another then like 3 after the first chase, if you made the slightest mistake, like it was "chase and down one survivor, then another, first gen pops", then the same till the second one popped etc. And this lead to a kill at 2 gens and then things got a bit more spicy. But the MMR system bread competition into everyones mind and nearly everyone was forced to sweat at some point, which lead to way more players to learn how to play efficient.
Now we can't put the genie back into the bottle, survivors know that slamming gens and splitting up wins gens, and killers know that tunneling one out early is often their only chance of slowing the game down enough, so this tactics wont go away, unless you hardcode them out of the game.
Imagine a player of today playing a match in DBD from 4 years back, people would think that they cheat.
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Also, another thing to remember is that sone people will claim they are always tunnelled or always have bad team mates or whatnot. There are other purposes for saying this, which are to try to force changes into the game to make things easier for themselves. It's quite a dishonest place, which is another reason to ignore what others say.
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I mean I was doing fine before I mained blight as a nemesis/ph/bubba/hag player with mid tier builds, even with how op the survivor meta was when I finally got good at killer. Current state of the game is far more friendly to killers than that was. Although if you are playing something like legion/wraith/freddy then realistically I don't know how you would be allowed to do very well.
Although, this playbase is terrible and as someone who actually went out of there way to learn and get better, I progressed far past average far faster than an embarrassing amount of players in this game did. I feel like a vast majority of this playerbase either doesn't go out of their way to learn from outside of the game or simply came into video games late and it takes them far too long to learn.
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Multi slug with knockout has been stopping the gen rush for me, then juggling slugs and hooks afterward. Gen completion speed breaches nutty levels too easily at the moment.
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Tunnel only if it's easy target but don't over do it. Early game you could try multiple targets/hooks and if good opportunity rises then tunnel. Camp if someone is about to reach second stage or about to die just try to take advantage of every survivor mistake. First chase has to be quick because if not gens will fly at lightspeed.
I personally use now pain res, pop, plaything on lot of my builds. I win most my games but get destroyed in games I lose often. There seems to be no middle ground for me I try to improve to be more consistent but things sometimes are just agains't you the game is still survivor sided.
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Most don't have good pc and many players play on old consoles. I think cross play should be turned off you would probably get better opponent's as result and I would be happy not to have to face pc killers or survivors. Pc right now has so many advantages over console. Tell me what should I do when I mindgamed and avoided 6 rushes of blight but he just get the hit with last rush when I run out of options to avoid it what could I do?
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This is the way.There is no one way to play killer,not due to playstyle preference ,but because not one strategy can be used over and over again to success.To succeed as killer you NEED to make a play happen. Whether that be constant pressure by having fast chases with little downtime,tunneling someone out of the game,camping when the opportunity arises,slugg to create pressure and threaten to end the game.
The most general advice that can be given is that you should prioritize killing someone as the game's dynamic changes entirely once in a 1 v 3.By chasing someone and having someone on a hook you have full slowdown as no one is doing gens.If you end the chase faster than the unhook happens,or you find them healing you can slug and threaten to end the whole game for example.
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It would be impossible to tell you anything without seeing a clip. If it's a 7 rush blight you typically have to play around his low turn rate and dodgeable flicks(assuming it's adrenaline vial), that means if you run out of resources to work with just do your best to deny a shoulder flick and bait a long range flick. If he has really solid collision all around the tile and the spaces are tight, there really isn't much you can do against adrenaline vial tbh.
I would be fine with crossplay off if pc queue times weren't so long with it off at the times I play.
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Nintendo switch player here lol
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Me when I hear that people are still toughing it out of Switch