im sick of stealhy survivors...

as survivor or killer doesnt matter. i hate it.
2 survivors left? no worries lets go and hide somewhere ...
please bhvr do something about that its so annoying.
and thats why i love these toxic survivors just want to get chased and are not hiding 24/7
how is this even fun.
survivors who are not doing anything for 60 seconds should get revealed to the killer simple.
i cant be the only one who is sick of that playstyle
do something or just leave the match seriously. do you prefer to hide for 20min instead of going to the next match?
like dude... come on
I definitely agree it turns the game into a walking Sim. I've been noticing it alot more lately as well as alot more pre running.
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I enjoy the game of cat and mouse.
If survivors are hiding scared it means you are doing something right as killer.
Cocky survivors whom get in your face is fine too but it can be so un-immersive.
This game shines when it resembles a genuine survival horror and that requires survivors to be running scared for the most part.
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You can run whispers to help with this, it's not exact but you should get a rough idea of what "quadrant" of the map a survivor is hiding in. Aura perks are sometimes tied to specific activation conditions or can be countered by distortion or hiding behind gens but whispers will always give you a heads up
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I prefer to strategically reveal myself to the killer; initiate chase on my terms, knowing where on the map I am and what resources I have around me. So I play stealthy 80% of the match - Distortion helps a lot with that.
But what you're talking about isn't playing stealthy. It's ignoring objectives/actions that in some way advance the match. And that should not be a thing - like so many other things. Technically a survivor not doing anything already does give you notifications after ...45? seconds. It's the afk timer. The issue I see with including walking/crouching is that there are many occasions where hiding for a prolonged time is the right play that allows you to advance the game.
Is the two-survs-left-dance fun for anyone involved? No. I despise it. But I do think there needs to be an additional match stage that accounts for that kind of impossible situation. Idk what it looks like. Somewhere was an idea floating around that hatch spawns closed at two survs left and the last two have to collect pieces of a key. Once they got all the pieces they can open hatch. That way the two last survs have a reason to continue to traverse the map so the killer has a fair chance at finding, chasing and hooking them - while they also have a shot at getting out. In principle I like that idea; when it's down to two survs it's every surv for themselves.
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If BHVR decides to address 2 hiding survivors then they need to address tunneling and camping too
Otherwise survivor will be miserable
Tunnel 2 survivors out as quick as possible and the match becomes even more easy mode than never
15 -
The contrast amongst Killers who complain about loopers, then complain about Survivors who play stealthy gives me a headache. How about we all just play statutes & let the Killers win?
Even then I feel there will be complaints.
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Run whisper or Doc to find them
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I don't see any Killer complaining, must be a Survivor main in disguise trying to ditch the good side of the DBD community.
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And whose fault is that?
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I would agree as well. It just sucks because if I take those chases as most killers I'm literally throwing the game
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Sorry buddy, I love playing sneaky boy. My favorite matches are ones where the killer never sees me. I feel like there are already too many anti stealth perks
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More attacks. God you're so predictable
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Hiding from killer is actually fun as survivor...
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No shade, but you just got to the forums last year. You shouldn’t speak as if you’ve seen all that needs to be seen.
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And what did I miss?
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Exactly what I stated in my first reply.
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Hmm... I don't know, still doubt this guy is a Killer Main.
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Just like survivors experience things they hate from killer players, the same goes for killer. The onus is on you to come prepared for it or ignore it.
Plenty of Aura perks as well as Aura add-ons with Wraith and Myers. Doctor with Whispers and Iron Maiden is also an option.
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Funny. im actually a survivor main who plays also killer but i consider myself a survivor main.
im not saying just stand still and give the killer a free kill BUT there is no need at extending a match, you have an objective and thats repairing gens and if i check the last 3 gens for the next 10 minutes and nobody touched them... that is just wasting everyones time.
AND imagine im someone who is giving pretty much every game the hatch to someone but do your stupid objective that cant be so hard? Dbd is not a hide and seek game so let us not turn it into something like that.
im not complaining about stealthy plays to waste the killers time but im against that type of play when nobody is doing anything for the next 10 minutes.
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I must have missed where it was required to main a side in order for what you have to say count.
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Didn't say it didn't count, but what's funny is that like always, I WAS RIGHT HAHAHAHA!
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yea the amount of teammates i get that act super scared and barely do anything all match is infuriating, especially when they hide until theyre the last survivor and get hatch for free, it blows
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Whispers for a F2P perk, Nowhere to Hide for a P2W perk, but at least NtH is Iri Shardable. Overall if there are fewer players in the match, players are less willing to risk themselves. Killing people early can make this a natural consequence. Some people do it out of a "I don't want to die", some others like "The Killer didn't want us to have fun, so I'll make sure they have as little fun as we are".
Get to know the tactics to finding Survs. Kick gens, and if they don't progress it for 10 minutes, that is considered 'holding the game hostage' and bannable. (I might be mistaken on the time, last I was aware it was 10 mins.) If they are doing that, record them and report them afterward. If they are simply outplaying you in terms of stealth, while still progressing gens, then figure out how to find them. Fake rotating gens, but double back instead. (Eg. Gen 1->Gen 2-> Gen 3 -> Gen 1 and repeating to instead be Gen 1-> Gen 2-> Gen 1-> Gen 2 -> Gen 3 -> Gen 2.) Look for crows or distant scratch marks. Check a couple lockers in the immediate vicinity. All of those (among more tactics) can eventually lead to finding Survs.
Also just because someone hopped on the forums more recently, doesn't mean they weren't playing the game longer. Some people wait 'till they have a solid grasp on the game before commenting. That being said, if the first post/discussion was the equivalent of a 'what is this perk that has existed since release' post then sure, they may be new.
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I only have 80 hours into the game, and most of it is just the game on in background while I watch NobodyNameGost and things like that.
So yeah.
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I saw you make an assumption that was not confirmed. Not sure how that makes you right.
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Ryz said he is indeed a Survivor main, and it was previsible since no Killer main would spit on Survivors that fear you and cower in terror.
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this has nothing to do with someones hours in game. Re-read the exchange please.
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I did miss that then. However you are absolutely wrong. Killers hate stealth plays. Especially if most of the survivors play that way. It's boring to them and makes it hard on the players that don't want to tunnel.
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Well I disagree, Stealth is the best way of playing for me, it makes DBD like an actual horror game.
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I'm not understanding what you are trying to direct my attention towards. If the time spent on forums is the issue, that still doesn't show someone's experience across the internet at large, contributing to understanding trolls/bad faith arguments/internet sarcasm/and other internet behaviors. OP's post (no offense) comes across as a 'new player' post, and instead of responding 'skill dif git gud scrub' I tried to respond in the same vein, but more approachable. I'm still saying 'git gud' if you break it down, but I'm giving avenues to do so. Something about more flies with honey than vinegar. I can hope by helping, that I reduce the amount of those posts, instead of merely complaining about them (understandably being annoyed at the repetition, to be fair).
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I didn't say it was a bad way to play. Most killer players hate it though.
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I have no idea what you’re on about. My response was towards the individual who stated they don’t ever see Killers complaining about Survivors play-style (looping & stealth). That wasn’t directed at OP.
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Hello, my name is Cynwale, glad to meet you!
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I mean if you haven't preformed a conspicuous action for 60 seconds then your aura should be straight up revealed. I really don't think there's a valid argument for why that shouldn't exist. Crows can be easily circumvented. Imagine if the killer could stand still and all gens would be blocked during that time.
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That would be easy to dodge. Tap a gen and walk away. You could tap cleanse a totem indefinitely.
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Gotcha, I read their post in saying they don't see the OP specifically as a Killer complaining, (I read that they asserted OP was a Surv main) not a generalized statement for the forums at large. At least that's how my brain processed it. I do agree with the original meta post that was your first message on this thread.
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60 seconds is a little short, hell sometimes I've had to hide that long while killer searches around the gen I was working on
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When I play killer, I only run Aura-Reading perks on Oni.
As a result, when I'm playing anyone else, stealth players are very boring.
The worst is when I can't find anyone so I go back to the hook to try and predict an unhook and force a chase, and by the time I get there all I see is the unhooked person.
Forces me to tunnel them back on the hook and try again, which is annoying because most people don't play well when being tunneled and the whole reason I play killer is to get better at chase.
When I play Survivor, stealth players go from boring to frustraiting.
They don't do gens, they don't take aggro, they don't unhook. Especially when it's nearing the end of the game, you can count on them to wait for you to die to try and get their movie-moment during the hatch 1v1.
Its extremely satisfying ratting them out to an understanding killer and watching them get sacrificed, but I wish the game had a forced anti-stealth mechanic.
Maybe something like: If you haven't done at least 10% of a gen in the last 2 minutes, you become exposed and your aura is revealed until you do so.
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Stop circling the gens for a couple minutes, and let them come out from hiding.
Why start working on a gen if the killer is coming back in 30 seconds?
Their sitting behind a rock or tree watching.
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or Whispers and Doc.
More seriously if this is a significant issue and it won't hurt your build too much, Whispers can help loads.
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Having repair speed dependant on generators AND survivor left may solve few issues including "2survivors hidin" situation and bring more balanced games.
- 5gen, 4surv = 100% speed (basic)
- 5gen, 3surv = 115% speed
- 5 gen, 2 surv = 130% speed
- 4gen, 4surv = 100% speed (same as 5gen, 5surv)
- 3gen, 4 surv = 90% speed
- 2gen, 4 surv = 80% speed
- 1gen, 4 surv = 70% speed
Used numbers are just an example. Should be adjusted by testing to achieve the most balanced and fair results!
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So Dynamic Repair Speed could work following way :
- If the number of Gens exceeds the number of Survs by more than 1 THEN repair speed is incread by 15% for each.
- If the number of Survs exceeds the number of Gens THEN repair speed is decreased by 10% for each.
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No thanks, because this system assumes Survs are being super efficient on gens, I don't want to be punished with slower gen progress when I'm the only one doing a gen while everyone else is wasting time.
Making a system that punishes excessive hiding is way better than messing around with basekit gen timings. If gen-rushing is an issue, than they should nerf perks/items that are to blame.
Them touching base gen times was a mistake and I'd hate to see them do it again.
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Might wanna run THWACK. If there’s a random pallet you haven’t kicked yet, you may just be able to ping one.
It’s how I got my SM adept.
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Okay but tbh... I don't play survivor but pre running is a viable strategy
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Nearly holding the game hostage is different than to actually playing the game.
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I'm not saying it not viable it's just boring to play aginst because a killer can't take that chase because it would be throwing the game and now with pretty much no regression that gen stays at what it was. If you pre ran before ruin or overbrine would regress the gen. Now you just run early and come back to the gen at the same progress.
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well I wouldn't consider it un-immersive because the game is around Trials, there's horror but in a world where you know what's going on that this is some hunger games? and they're aware what happens and what to do? That's the kind of immersion I like, everything in the game is exactly what's in their world... (Like how Dark Souls has an excuse for every game mechanic in their lore?! THAT INCREDIBLE)
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Fair enough that's a good way to look at the more game familiar... play the mechanics kind of DBD game.
I'm a fan of 80's slasher flicks, being that they terrified me as a kid, and while DBD isn't really that scary you can feel that change between survivors who are trying to sink your time so others can complete the objective and survivors who a genuinely are just trying to get away from you because they don't want to die. The latter is when the game really shines as both killer and survivor.
I can use the killers time by playing the mechanics but I'd rather run from them because they are big and scary and I'll get eliminated if I don't.