Camping hooked survivors

Maskotti123 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

Maybe most annoying think in the game is when killer hooks survivor then just camps in close range till survivor dies, i think would be good if there would be blindness effect same kind what flashlight does if killer is too close by hooked survivor like 10 second or sum


  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 689

    The problem is that if anything that will make them stay at the hook. The sacrifice timer should be slowed down if not adding reassurance and/or kinship basekit.

  • Maskotti123
    Maskotti123 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    It should have higher possibility to unhook yourself, almost every game killer only camps survivors

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited May 2023

    Speaking for myself I've never minded camping nearly as much as tunneling.

    That said maybe a mix of Pyramid Head's cage mechanic and basekit Kindred. The Killer's Aura gets shown to survivors a after a set amount of time unless they leave the hook for a length of time or are in chase.

    To account for the one time most agree camping is legitimate, near endgame to secure a kill, the range at which this effect triggers decreases for each gen completed.

    Alternatively, go full Pyramid Head and force-move the Survivor to another hook if camped out of chase for too long.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    And when I get teams of survivors that swarm the hook should we just walk away and let them get the unhook? Sometimes camping is the smart thing to do and shouldn't be punished. Some of the suggested changes are fine but make them work only if there are no survivors within a certain distance from the hook. I had a match yesterday as pyramid head where I hooked and before I even got five meters from the hook 2 other survivors were moving in. Should I just walk away or should I stay and defend?

  • Haven414
    Haven414 Member Posts: 97

    You must be new

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Funny thing just had that disgusting bubba in a match just now with the agi/irongrasp/indi/noed build. SERIOUSLY make Delieverance base kit easy fix, its sad that all bvhr will do is cater to these lame killers who dont know how to chase or play the game and stop making survivors depip cause of lame things like this, depipping needs to be removed off survivors. Safety pip fine or a pip but as a killer its so trash how they can pip by tunneling/camping/face camping even. Overall then people should stop complaining about people dcing when you have these lame bubbas with noed/insidious/iron grasp/agi build that does that disgusting play style and saying just do gens and do totems is NOT the fix, if anything he still can get away with a 3 or 4 k even . Anyone talking about just do gens are the must brain dead ignorant people ever.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Wrong I rather be tunneled because I dont mind getting chased, that is what makes the game more fun specially if am making the killer angry by looping em more and letting all the gens fly. Sitting on a hook for 4/5 mins is no way in hell fun.