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General Discussions

Visual Terror Radius is a major buff

Member Posts: 1,514
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

This thing is basically a better Spine Chill. You know the split second the Killer’s Terror Radius appears. People keep saying it’s not a buff. Seriously no one else listens to stuff in the background, gets distracted, or has a distant terror radius drowned out by other sounds?

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 658

    I only say it as buff when it comes to one killer and that is Sadako...since they added the aura for lullabies it has completely taken away the stealth part from her kit. The other night I was playing her for the first time since they added the visual terror radius and could clearly tell it has affected her a great deal. Before I could sneak up on ppl easily and get a surprise attack but now I can't at all no matter how hard I try. Every time I got close to a gen, while trying to keep out of the line of sights, the survivors were already running away.

    Overall no I don't think visual terror radius is a major buff but I do think they should remove Sadako's lullaby completely and allow her to be a stealth killer like wraith.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Actually it also works against Dredge. I played against one last night with the visual heartbeat turned on and saw the heart during his nightfall.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    To be fair considering survivors are supposed to hear a lullaby it wouldn't be normal to not show it. However I do think if they don't delete her Lullaby they should make its radius way bigger (for the accessibility setting only) so it's more difficult to tell if she's coming your way, just like it's difficult to hear because it's quite faint.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited May 2023

    Should hearing impaired people not get access to the same kind of information just because they are playing killer?

    How about people who get motion sickness and have to use shadowborn? Are they stuck to using 3 perks too? When are killers going to get some accessibility issues addressed on their side?

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited May 2023

    It is an accessibility option AND a buff. If it was only accessibility why is it that almost every survivor I see is running it? I would love to see the adoption stats/use of something like the color blind feature vs the adoption statst/use of the visual terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2023

    omg just re-read my previous replies, killers not hearing well during chases is an intended mechanic, if an accessibility setting is implemented (which of course would be a good thing), it would reflect that.

    Also what are you trying to argue rn (genuinely) ? bc it sure sounds like you're using disabled ppl as an argument against an accessibility setting, which I'm sure you understand is a very backwards thing.

    Accessibility isn't an us v them thing, stop trying to make it be. If your issue is actually the lack of accessibility for killers, then go advocate about that instead of arguing about how unfair an accessibility setting bc it came sooner for one side and agreeing about people who claim it's a buff.

    Edit: Just noticed your edit about shadowborn: you do know HoH & deaf people relied on Spine Chill before the accessibility setting was implemented ? And now you're complaining against the thing that fixed this problem bc the same problem exists on the killer side ? Like what ? I genuinely can't tell if you believe I don't want accessibility settings for killers (in which case I assure you I do) or if you just use accessibility & disabilities to fight about "us v them" when it's clearly not the place or time.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Really? I didn't know that. That sucks for dredge. Honestly I think only one killer in the game needs a lullaby and that's huntress. I don't understand why other killers have one.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    I was looking forward to such a thread as I was wondering if people use it even if they are not hearing impaired.

    It helps tremendously when there are other sounds effects. Plus, the animation looks great.

    And the heart appears just a split second before the radius is heard.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Why are people like this?

    yes the visual lullaby is maybe a little bit nerfing Sadakos stealth ability - but maybe the problem lies within the lullaby existing the way it does in the first place?

    Dredges nightfall should definitely have no TR and therefor no visual heartbeat. It’s a bug. Can we not pretend like those are rare in this game?

    as to why so many use it despite not being hard of hearing - I can only speak for myself but I love the design and think it fits the game greatly! I actually despised the mobile visual heartbeat and always thought it looked ugly and never expected to ever use it if it came over to the main game. But here I am. And I dont have the same info as spine chill at all? I only see the heartbeat when I hear it..

    And i really want to see people that praise this feature but are against an FoV slider for killer players? Like… are you sure these people exist?

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I absolutely agree killers should get accessibility settings and I also think people who say they shouldn't get any bc of balance are wrong. But I still don't understand how you think complaining against the implementation of an accessibility setting and claiming it's a buff is going to be any help for the implementation of other accessibility settings which people are against because they think it'd be a buff.

    (Also the heartbeat is absolutely not a very obvious buff except against Sadako btw, I invite you to try it out yourself)

    In any case, I'm glad (and sorry) I misunderstood your point, I thought you were simply and purely against the setting bc it was for survivors. Considering we basically agree and it's getting late for me I'm gonna go now, so have a good night / day / whatever suit your timezone :).

  • Member Posts: 443

    Not really. The visual TR is just the three layers of the TR music/heartbeat in visual form. Spine Chill is a gradient that shows you exactly how far in the TR you are.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Its an objective buff. Realistically you don't hear the terror radius in any capacity until you're about 5-6 meters in then it starts faintly showing itself. The visual TR just ruins any sort of stealth weak killers like Sadako already lack making her other form useless for anything other than tunneling or teleporting, and it was just not a good design choice tbh

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Absolutely. I have always been in favour of a FoV slider.

    Spirit is a slightly different issue. Her power IS heavily reliant on sound, and I don't see any way of resolving that without completely changing her power, she literally loses her sight. She will simply have to be a very audio-reliant killer and therefore likely off-limits to those who are hard of hearing. But similarly, there are killers such as Huntress, Nurse and Trickster that I find unplayable due to playing on console. I simply don't play them, there are other killers available.

    If this affects game balance on any measurable level (which I'm doubtful is the case), then it's affecting things that should not have been a part of the game balance in the first place. Killers that have quieter terror radii shouldn't be a thing, that shouldn't be something that offers that killer an advantage. If a killer is supposed to be more stealthy, that should be reflected by a smaller terror radius or an undetectable mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Just got back on the forums after a while, is this NoHookDC guy the new Sluzzy?

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Well you’re clearly not aware that hitting perfect skill checks on wiggling doesn’t speed up the timer anymore and hasn’t for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I'm glad that you expected me to have a reasonable and not delusional opinion.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    That last part is a bit questionable. In your opinion these things shouldn't affect game balance, fair enough, but they do. Meaning the outcome doesn't change. For example: If Huntress' hatchets all stopped midair due to a bug she would still be considerably weaker, even though that shouldn't affect her balance in the first place.

    This is why any quality of life change must be considered in a bigger picture. What else could come with that? How would people use it? Which side affects, that we didn't have to consider before will this cause? How does it affect different killers? These are questions that should be asked and answered when introducing a change to the base mechanics of the game.

    How much of an impact the visual TR does have I cannot say. But I do think it has an impact.

  • Member Posts: 234
  • Member Posts: 159

    Sure buddy. This post reminded me of how stupid my flashlight post was.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    You can't actually against something that can level the playing field for hard of hearing people. I can't hear very well. It's part of what holds me back as killer. If anything there should be more things like this to help killers as well.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Was this only while you were in chase or was it outside of chase too?

    If it was in chase then that's normal because it always shows the heartbeat visual while being chased if you have that option enabled, but if it was outside of chase then that's not right.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Please explain how the visual terror radius helps someone with no hearing problems.

    Because i can explain how a higher fov helps killers that have no motion sickness.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    you gave the answer yourself, and you chose to ignore it. Nothing more to say.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    By this logic how about if a single pixel of a survivor is out of cover in a killers FOV they get highlighted in bright red? That's just using the same tools that you could see with your eye previously but perhaps due to a disability or eye problem someone could have problems identifying it. It's not giving any extra info that wasn't already present and someone with a sharper eye might have seen.

    Obviously such an idea would be dumb and almost assuredly every killer player would turn on such a feature because it provides a huge advantage. If you can discern every audio sound, level, and split those out amongst the TR, chase music, survivor ambient noise, environment ambient noise, and gen sounds I'll be very impressed. There are scenarios where the visual TR gives you a much better heads up vs being able to identify the TR via audio. It is a buff in those scenarios. That said, I do think it's an overall good addition to the game and helps bridge a gap but pretending it's not a buff is silly in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I think it's a more effective/less ambiguous way to detect the terror radius -- but I'm also okay with that. This is neither here nor there, but I used to feel crazy trying to listen for Huntress' lullaby, but now I have a binary visual cue for whether I'm actually hearing it or not and that's a nice QOL for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,219
    edited May 2023

    Only the bright red light also gives an advantage to the killer with no disability. The terror radius does not. At least, for me, that is. I tried it out, and since i hear the terror radius clear anyway, the visual clue gives no help to me, and i guess many other healthy survivors.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I didn't know that. That's probably it. I just thought it was weird to see the heart during Nightfall.

  • Member Posts: 761

    I do think that the lullaby radius shows that Trickster and Sadako need to lose their lullabys. I don't understand the need for Trickster to have one. As for Sadoko, her having a lullaby, visual or audio, completely defeats the entire purpose of being a stealth killer. If they know you're in the area, stealth is no longer a thing

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