Is anyone else sick of playing against Wesker?



  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,514

    For me and many other people, if it wasn't the case no one should complain about only facing certain killers, yet here we are.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,160
    edited May 2023

    Not at all. This is a special case. No killer has had the insanely high pick rate that Wesker has. None. Its not even a strength issue like you're suggesting.

    That's always been the case with Dbd since as far back as 2018 when they started showing us stats on killers' pick and kill rates. Many of the killers with popular pick rates are not even that good strength wise. Likewise some of the stronger killers have very low pick rates like Artist, Twins etc.

    Wesker comes from a mega popular game franchise, he can talk, and he's a decent killer. But first and foremost he's fun to play. That's what primarily dictates pick rates in this game. Whom people find fun. Its why you don't see many Artists, Twins, Hags......killers that have always been viewed as strong. But most people just don't find them fun to play. If a killer is not fun, regardless of their strength level, then people are not going to touch them. Hence their low pick rates.

    So I stand by what I said. Projecting that there is no reason to play most of the other killers because they're weak is your own preference.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    League players can ban 1 champion each (so 10 total) because there are 163 different champions. DBD definitely does not have the character count to be doing that. Also, certain killers would more than likely be banned 90+% of the time.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,104

    I'm okay with him. I do see him alot, but I usually just groan out loud and get on with it. It's better than the month he was released at any rate. I don't think I saw a different killer for 2 weeks straight lol

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,514

    As much as maybe I implied people do not choose the other killers because of their strength I never said it because there are other reason, you are comoletely right about the fun part. That still makes me think the same as I did before, why should I want to play someone like say trapper when 1. I will get clapped by any team that can count to 3 and also I cannot pull any skilled cool plays with my power, so little killers actually make their power intricate and cool to learn all the ins and outs that out of the 30 something killers why choose someone like trapper that literally does nothing when you can dedicate your time to learning things like rebounds, hug techs, flicks, etc.

    My main point is there is literally no reason to pick most killers from a strength, fun and potential for skill expression perspective.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    It would be more tolerable to play against him if he wasn't constantly talking. I wish we had the option to remove in-game spoken dialogue. He talks more than all other characters with voice lines combined. In ONE match.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Honestly, same OP. I don't really hate him, I'm just tired of seeing him. Maybe it's the server I'm in, but I see him back-to-back some days, often four-five matches in a row. The first two times it's fine, like whatever right? But by the time the third Wesker makes an appearance in the game I start getting annoyed, fourth and fifth I want out.

    Wesker himself is fun to play, but he also has a habit of attracting people who like to "cosplay" as him, by trying hard for that 4K because they "ARE" Albert Wesker. It's that type of Wesker I am tired of seeing.

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2023

    Im not entitled im a killer main but when i play survivor and there are 30 killers facing only one killer over and over no mater what it is gets boring not entitled when i speak the truth.. Its the same when i play killer and see same perks being used on all 4 surviors over and over again.. Look up what boring means lol and also look up how people get bored.. Doing the same thing over and over gets boring no need to throw insults XD For ban killer option i think all 4 surviors should vote not to go against just one killer whoever gets most votes is who they dont go against but in same i think killer should be able tto choose one perk they dont want to see in their games and also be the only one that can have map offerings. But I wont waste my breath on it any more as you are obviously here just to throw insults instead of trying to discuss an issue @ProfessorDunwich

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    I wouldnt say that... more like

    Im sick of facing "vpn" /"laggy" weskers.

    his dash literally becomes BS as f*** when they are playing at a higher ping , they can literally grab you from miles away specially after and while vaulting windows.