Survivors: Do you enjoy the "Hit & Run" playstyle?
I personally find it to be extremely unfun to play vs, especially in an uncoordinated team. And I've hated it even during the gen-kick meta. But I've seen several praises for it so I thought I'd have a directed conversation about it.
Before the dead-hard nerf, anti-healing builds centered around this playstyle were tolerable because if I had good timing I could force a 2-healthstate chase anyways. I know how to play injured and can usually hold my own even without DH.
After the nerf though, on certain maps, it feels so tiresome having a 0.1s window to react to a silent bell wraith 1-tapping you from around the corner. And its gotten to the point where I usually just go next after they hook me.
The only counter and probably the reason why the strat isn't viable in a competitive setting is just to have all 4 survivors spread out and communicate when they see the killer. This obviously rarely ever happens in solo-queue. And its super frustrating to just watch a team bleed-out from everyone being too scared to touch gens.
I do think the strategy should be nerfed, but only after killers are given an alternative meta. Which at present there isn't one, so I'm very understanding.
No I don't, it's incredibly lazy and involves barely any chasing. The only reason it even exists or gets any praise at all is because many tiles are way too strong, so you often just can't commit to chases. I wish the community would advocate for maps to be made less strong/safe as opposed to encouraging the lazy playstyle that is hit and run
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I usually don't mind it. Only killer where I find it extremely annoying is bell-sound-addon wraith.
And now that I think about it; it's indeed another middle finger mainly to soloQ.
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Nah it’s boring especially if you are solo its just annoying
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No i very much hate it. The one redeeming part about old coh was that it killed hit and run so despite how op i thought it was i miss it everyday.
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It doesn’t bother me and imo it’s a perfectly valid strategy. You just have to be smarter about how you play when you’re injured. I had already quit using DH again long before this update so I already wasn’t relying on it and was doing fine. Self-healing being nerfed was really the only thing that changed for me as a survivor.
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Neutral. I doubt there is a single person that would take gen-kick meta over this.
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It made me much better at looping, but as someone who plays solo q, I find it not as enjoyable.
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I don’t mind it. Better than the Eruption meta.
I do have to ask though, what play style do people want to play against? I can’t think of a single play style that wouldn’t get complaints, from both sides, so… what do people actually want to play against?
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Every playstyle would garner complaints since everyone is different, but for me, I'd like a chase-oriented meta since I haven't seen one since I started playing and chase is my favorite part of the game. I try my best to chase as much as possible when I play killer because I truly feel being good at chase opens the door to becoming a solid DBD player.
There are a few reasons why killers are discouraged from chasing though, and it mainly has to deal with any chase longer than 30+ seconds is effectively a lost game vs good players, and after enough times getting burned killers will eventually take preventative measures and drop chase early to avoid this issue.
My solution is to move away from kills being the sole metric of winning and move to winning chases and getting hook-states being the bulk of pips/bp's. Kills should just be a reward for playing super well.
This should also come with buffing chase perks as well, naturally.
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Honest question, is there any playstyle that survivors won't label as "unfun"? Because I've yet to see a playstyle that forum survivors don't hate outside of "loop simulator."
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no, the fun part of the match is being chased and interacting w the killer, being hit then just abandoned instantly is no fun plus the teammates who are terrified to touch a gen when injured but at least ill get resilience value i guess
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I don't like hit and run because i like to be chased after being found or making the killer loose me.
Having the killer say hi and leaving immeadiatly gets really boring. Thats probably the reason why i hate going against legion even more than the mending.
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I don't see any hit and run playstyle in my games.
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It's better than getting tunneled at 5 gens, isn't it? Also isn't it more a surv skill issue if you allow to get hit so many times like, for free? Use the reassurces, most maps are full of pallets. And maybe don't bodyblock that hook for no reason when it's just 5m away. And even than, it's your decision if you keep beeing injured rushing gens or get healed. There're still strong medkits builds available or team aura perks like Bond and Kindred.
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No. It's 100% reliant on the weak-link matchmaking SBMM loves so much. One or two survivors in that lobby are going to position so poorly and be so unproductive that it'll be viable. It's a way for killers that aren't good at chasing to make up for it, but it feels like complete BS for the survivors in the lobby who don't have any issues dealing with it and also lose because of it at the same time. It's a gimmick that shouldn't work, but it does because matchmaking often sucks.
"Let's heal under hook through Sloppy while we're both injured! The killer surely won't come right back to the hook."
Killer: immediately returns to hook
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Here are your options:
1) Hit & Run Killer
2) Tunneling Killer
3) 3-gen Killer
4) Slugging Killer
Idk about you, but I much prefer option 1 over all the others.
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Consider stealth killers? Not to mention, if you crutch on hit and run that's infinitely more of a killer skill issue than losing to hit and run bc of the lack of communication is
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#5 just playing like a normal person
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I went through a spell of running Bond as one of my perks, but it got to the point where I'd had enough of watching team mates doing absolutely nothing of any use, even when fully healed around the edges of the map against hit and run!
I don't mind facing it, pretty much anything is ok really apart from any Skull Merchant (and occasional Knight) game that goes on forever, particularly on a two floor map, or a condemned Sadako with Ring Drawing add on where you spend all game either slugged or running up and down the map doing video tapes. Games like that are literal hell!
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Tell that to *grabs list* Clown, Spirit, Nurse, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Doctor (unless he causes you physical discomfort; can't fault you there), Slinger, Blight, Artist, Twins, and Trickster.
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I'd much rather go against a chasing CSNPHNDSBATT than a tunneling or hnr one
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Tragically you don't really have a decision on what playstyle your opponent goes for, and playing for fun instead of sweating to win is unheard of apparently, so out of all of the options hit n run is the most preferable by a landslide
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Quite tragic indeed also damn bro 21k posts that's crazy
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ive been here coming up to 5 years and shitpost a lot
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Ideally, the killer should be able to and utilise multiple strategies in a given game, in response to how the survivors play.
Hit and Run has to be a viable option, because 'chases' aren't always a viable option for the killer. While survivors might enjoy the 5 minute chase that completely wastes the killers time, that's not something the killer can afford to indulge in. The killer has to assert pressure on survivors to slow them down in their main objective, in order to have the time to devote to chases. Which means using hit and run, maybe some slugging, in between chases, where most effective.
Healing and recovering from dying exist for a reason, and not solely for regrouping in safety after an unhook. So I'm sorry if you hate having to stop what you're doing to heal up and would love to just run around a jungle gym 500 times, but you have to take part in the former in order to make the latter possible, otherwise the killer is just going to give up and camp.
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Honestly it's fine. Hit and run usually means no hard tunnel and camping for pressure and requires the killer to go out of their way to make it work. The only annoying part is map offerings but that's a separate issue
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I'm gonna repost something i posted before
1. Camping is the most boring thing
2. Ruin+Undying is the most boring thing
3. Slugging is the most boring
4. Anti-loop killers are the most boring
5. Tunneling is the most boring thing
6. 3-gens are the most boring
7. Hit and run is the most boring <----------------- you are here.
8. Killers Pressuring gens is boring
9. Anti-Healing is boring
10. Killers even playing the game is boring
Exactly what kind of "play style" should killers do, that is a viable way to win, that isn't boring to you? Because at this point, it seems the only acceptable way to play as killer is to:
- Play a standard m1 killer
- Pick a single survivor, and chase only them, making sure to never use your power.
- Don't use any perks
- Once you down and hook that survivor, you need to immediately start running to the survivor that is the absolute furthest away from the hooked survivor.
- Then you repeat.
- But make sure after you hook the second survivor, that the 3rd survivor you chase, is not the one that saved the unhooked person (they might still be healing) but the 4th guy who has only been on gens.
- Repeat, making sure you do them in order, so nobody is eliminated from the game. Then if you actually make it to endgame, you can't camp the hook during endgame, you have to open the exit gates
- Then you have to let the other survivors save and body block, so all 4 escape, and then you have to let them teabbag you at the gate, you can't just run to the other end of the map and stare at a wall. You have to make sure you specifically WATCH them teabag.
- Also don't hit them to force them out, you need to let them teabag you for the full 2 minute timer.
- Also make sure you say: "man i suck really bad" and agree with them when they say "gg baby killer ez"
At some point, i think you need to examine yourself, and decide what it is you really want out of this game. Because there i so much conflicting information about what survivors want from:
- You need to chase more people
- You need to chase less
- Let us do gens
- Stop camping hooks
- Stop camping gens
- Stop proxy camping
- Don't defend hex totems (yes i heard this once)
- Pressure gens better
- Don't tunnel
- Camping in endgame is boring
- GG EZ killer couldn't get kills
Like for real, what the actual ######### do you want?
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I dont mind it as long as any other killer but wraith does it. Ghost face to an extent. Unless you're next to a pallet, have SB, or get healed before wraith runs into you, your screwed. At least other killers tend to have a constant terror radius to give you a head start.
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As a survivor, Wraith hasn't been a problem for me, simply call when he is uncloaking (Almost guaranteed if you are at a pallet or window) and gain distance. He'll catch up quickly, but you just negated his speed boost, not allowing him to hit and run.
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Boring as heck. Give a chase.
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Giant wall of text that could've been avoided if you read the posts in the thread instead of assuming my desire is for killers to have nothing.
I understand and have outlined why killers would not want to chase for a long time or why they would employ a strategy. There is a reason I titled the thread for Survivors. I am interested in hearing Survivor opinions about a Killer playstyle because I've seen differing opinions and have my own opinion on the playstyle as well.
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Since when is hit and run a sign of a low skilled killer? It's just another valid strategy, COH basically killed it but now it's doable again. It was my usual way to play hag for example, before hour of the witch. Knowing which chases to take and those to drop takes experience and a bit of knowledge, rather than mindlessly running after the clicky clicky nea or 99'd sb feng for example.
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You also forgot "commit to any chase you have started until you knock the survivor down or until the match ends". Because apparently that's what some survivors want.
To survivors asking that killers commit to chases wholly... hahaha good luck winning any games doing this as killer. This is a rather disadventageous stance for the killer to adopt because while 1 person is busy being chased, the other 3 are doing gens. When you're the killer, you usually will want every survivor doing anything but gens. Long chases do not accomplish that. They might be fun, but they're a prime invite for killer to lose because they're spending time they don't have.
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Bc many killers will just brainlessly drop chase the moment they get an injure
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If you don't know when to drop a chase your only real options left are tunneling and/or camping. Otherwise, there's no gen pressure and you're looking at a 4E. Learning when to drop a chase and when to commit is one of the most important meta Killer skills. If newer players don't practice dropping they won't learn that skill.
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Dropping chase every time you get an injure is not good practice lol
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A year ago I wouldn't have cared about hit and run.
But after nearly a year of killers dropping chase to kick gens, patrol gens, hold their 3 gen with a death grip, or just simply ignoring you 5 feet away to apply Eruption before going back to hook, I'm pretty burned out on the play style of dropping every chase in under 2 seconds.
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No, but if they don't try they won't learn. Learning when to drop and when to commit is important to moving to a more chase based and gen pressure playstyle.
I'm not saying everyone you run across is doing it for that reason but some will be. In the beginning of a match, I usually injure then drop unless I can get a quick down, keep up pressure until I have enough room to keep survivors off of gens, and then start downing. I feel out the match but that only comes with practice.
Just blindly committing to a chase only leaves the other survivors to work on gens and get enough pressure going that a 3E or 4E will happen. On the meta level, DbD is a time management game where the side that's most effective at wasting the other side's time while accomplishing their goals wins. If the survivors can keep one hand on gens with one in chase, one healing or rescuing with one being healed or rescued the balance favours the survivors unless the Killer's chase ability is much higher than the survivors.
That's why tunneling is so effective. If it becomes one in need of rescue or healing, one in chase, and one either rescuing or healing gen progress is almost halted. If you're not going to tunnel the choices are either camp, hit and run or slug. If not, the balance of the game is shifted to the survivors and the Killer will have to be a lot better at Killer than the Survivors are at being Survivors to win.
You can't ask Killers to just accept no chance of winning and move on (especially since so many survivors like teabagging and gloating at the gates). Both sides need a chance to win and, outside of newbie levels, that means Killers need to create pressure. Hit and run does create pressure as does tunneling, camping, slugging, the previous Erupting Call of Overbrine combo, etc. But you can't call it brain dead when all the Killer is trying to do is play the game and the mechanics push the Killer to such strategies.
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Certain killers are literally designed around hit and run and don't function properly when they can't do it. Wraith was always meant to be a speedy stealth based hit and run killer. It is how he generates map pressure and when he can't do that he is pretty limited. Samething with Legion whose power is literally built around the concept of hit and run. When they can't do it, they just sort of fall apart. You may not enjoy it, but there has to be limits to the amount you can dictate the way someone plays the game on their end. If a player or killer works better with hit and run gameplay they should have the space to do that. It isn't even like that in terms of kill rates, nebulous as that stat is, that it outperforms.
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People even have issues with hit and run now?
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It's lazy shrug
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The intentions w those killers' designs is dumb imo. Idc how the player themselves plays but hnr is not a strategy that should be encouraged
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A playstyle that shouldn't be encouraged?
Then what exactly do you think should be encouraged cause I doubt you like killers who do zoning, defensive, slug or tunnel playstyle either? Should they just unilaterally encourage running around terrain pieces endlessly and boringly? What playstyle do you see as objectively fun for everyone on both sides?
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Literally just playing normally and chasing like wow so out there
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Everyone wants chase, until theyre the only one being chased, then it becomes tunnelling which is not what they want, even though it quite literally is. Everyone wants to do gens in peace, until killer afks at hook, then it becomes camping which is naughty and not nice. Nobody wants hit and run, because its "lazy". Tf does that even mean. HnR requires constant presence, keeping track of gens, survivor rotation, is time dependant, pathing dependant, loses pressure easily, actually takes a decent amount of decision making and focus against decent teams.
I clearly disagree with some of the responses to this thread 😆
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Hit and run is playing normally especially when the killer is designed to thrive by doing it.
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No it's not lmao, actually comitting to chases is playing normally, dropping chase the moment u injure someone is definitely not playing normally
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It's extremely normal, so normal they've made perks and killers around the notion of doing it.