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People really complaining about Billy now?

Member Posts: 2,649

Figured I'd play hillbilly as it's been a few months, almost every single match I did, the survivor where throwing hissy fits over how "op" he is. I mean seriously its freaking hillbilly. Anyways is this just me or are people forgetting that blight, spirit, nurse exist

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  • Member Posts: 1,298

    name one killer that a random survivor hasn't seethed about

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    There's always going to be someone who'll complain about something you did.

  • Member Posts: 614

    This. But also just in general, everyone in this community just complains about everything.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    people will use any excuse to account for loss.

  • Member Posts: 2,649
  • Member Posts: 5,347

    You get the wrong people at the right time and they'll tell you Trapper is op. Just people needing to take some responsibility for their own playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited May 2023

    thats just how bad the solo Q survivor average skill is...there is no surprise on that , doesnt matter what u play there is always 1 or 2 people killing themself or Dcing in 1 out of 4 matches.

    outside of that , feels soo bad that the people and devs are gonna let billy in a terrible state for another year it seems like because they said "hey guys we nerfed billy for the PTB" and them "hey guys we reverted back the nerf not at all the extra heat when sprinting is still there" and people are happier aparently or either they dont care about billy that much because of that...

    literally the basekit power has a lot of penalties + with how many junk and areas with questionable hitboxes there is on the reworked maps , makes you wonder , but hey maybe the killer has good addons to try something fresh...right?.

    uhhh wait only 3 to 4 are actually good , while the rest are just terrible ... like the ultrarares where if not used together are just jokes.the addons that rewards the killer for "OVERHEATING" are soo depressing and pretty much not fun to use either.

    and the bumping cooldown reduction addons...ohhh boy... that literally should be basekit like they did with legion when reworked or atleast the green one only.

    Mah face when trying to overheat on purpose just to get a 24 meters TR and slightly faster pallet breaking speed with 2 addons.

    Post edited by MB666 on
  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah its even worse when they start complaining about "you can only win because of instadown mechanics" meanwhile they get curved over and over not applying the 1 counterplay tactic of flairing outward.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I've seen people complain on me when I played battle Hag. Someone is always going to find a reason why X killer is 'completely unfair and uncounterable'.

    It's even funnier when they say things like "You're so bad at the game, noob." after getting curved without addons. It just goes to show how few people actually take the time to try and get better with Billy.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Personally I find Wraiths more oppressive than Billy currently. So that should say something.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    The most OP killer in the game is whichever one is outplaying me at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Set your rev button to "mouse wheel" then just spin that wheel for insta-overheat!

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    No, people do not forget the killers you mention because they are ever present in the game.

    Billy, on the other hand, is a rarity, hence the complaints. There was another thread about this but the killer was Demogorgon. It is rarely used which means you are probably great at using him. Take it as a compliment not a complaint.

    Nowadays, Twins are a rarity but should you encounter them you'll probably be sacrificed along with the rest of the team due to similar reasons.

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