Myers needs something man

Myers is one of the worst killers in the game, maybe the worst. I'm really conflicted on whether he's the worst but it's a matter of personal opinion, but we all know he's horrible. He needs a host of buffs, or he needs a rework. Because as it is now, the ONLY thing this killer has is infinite tier 3 and the tombstone add-ons. If he did not have this add-ons he'd be the worst killer in the game no doubt about it, and it's sad he has to really on these add-ons to even function on higher levels of play.
Because as we all know, the tombstone add-ons are kind of not fun. Like at all, call me crazy but I don't think you should be rewarded a free kill for simply getting to tier 3. I love the Halloween movies, and it's a shame that one of the biggest horror movie icons out there is so horrible the game. He needs something, I'd prefer him to get a complete rework (that keeps his core concept of course) along with an addon rework because most of his add-ons are pretty bad other than the before mentioned infinite tier 3 and tombstone add-ons. Dead rabbit is pretty good though, and that green one that gives you more stalk if you're stalking the obsession. But other than that, rest of his add-ons are trash. I think that tombstone add-ons are pretty unhealthy for the game and should be removed and made into different add-ons altogether. I wouldn't know how to change him other than obviously making him a lot better (shocker right???), I'm not a game designer but if anyone has any ideas feel free to comment them. Till next time see ya
As a Myers main I can vouch that his add-ons need a rework and his base-kit power needs buff's desperately. I always run Tombstone piece as its one of the only effective ways of winning as Myers. As for a rework ideas or add-on changes we won't get them any time soon as the devs said in a stream that they were happy with how Myers is. As for a rework i cant think of anything, so buff's are the way forward tbh.
- Increased pallet breaking speed
- Reduced pallet stun time
- Increased FOV
- Maybe being immune to being blinded while in tier 3
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I agree with everything mentioned here and I have been a myers main since starting dbd. I also play about 50% survivor side.
I would suggest reworking the mori addons so that they do NOT involve insta-killing survivors and then buffing, perhaps, some items from this list: lunge length/stun time/vault speed/blind time/other.
Sadly, myers is the only killer that can run out of power to. This should be changed.
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Did they really? Which stream was this
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I would not want myers even to be reworked though just buffed. He should have normal lunge in tier 1 and probably 110% movement speed. To not make him have bit better start. That would also make playing mirror myers feel better. In tier 3 he should be stronger like the example you mentioned but also vaulting could be even quicker than now.
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I dont know but it was fairly recent. If you want proof watch otz new video about the problematic add-ons
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His tier-3 vault is fine in its current state.
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Yes. We are at it again. Meyers needs buffs. But he also has to loose his instakill addons (especialy piece)
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Just because you´re unable to counter it its not a problem of addon. As I mentioned before. Learn how to play against it and you will have much bigger succes. From my already 5k hours was 2K with Myers. I know exactly what I can afford against him which means that I´m ALWAYS expecting Tombstone and in a moment when he is near by me and its obvious that I would get hit... I´m jumping into the locker. Instakilling has a prize. If you´re bad enough then even Vanity mirror will be op for you.
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:D I played a lot as it and against it. Tombstone piece especially is almost free win. Take slowdowns and PWYF and you need to be vastly inferior to your survivors to loose. Don't take infinite or tombstones and you need to be way better to win
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At your level of survivor or kliller its surely devastating. But I´m talking about actual level of gameplay where gens are flying and killers are obliterated by survivors in a moment. Where survivors have actual knowledge about the game. You are well known as very low skilled player so if you´ll want I can teach you how to play against Tombstone Myers. Its not free win at all. But as I mentioned. At your level of gameplay and where you belong its surely devastating. But at your level of gameplay is even Pig or Freddy have huge killstreak.
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:D :D :D yes. Like as if there was no soft cap to MMR. I will tell you the secret. I am getting the same survivors you are getting. Also the same survivors lilith omen, otzdarva and supaalf are getting ;)
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Sure, my dear. I have no doubt that you believe that you have actual survivors against you. Yet your knowledge about this game displays otherwise. Only really bad player or begginer can consider Tombstone Myers as easy win or being unable to defeat. But continue. Show how little you know about this game.
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Don't believe me. Watch dev streams. MMR has low soft cap. We get all the same survivors.
Also again. If u consider tombstone piece games hard, you have yet to learn the game, because you are doing something very wrong. Winning with 130% (PWYF doesn't even loose stacks if played correctly) speed with quick 3v1 and then 2v1 is "hard" only for people that can't play without clutches.
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That’s the beautiful part, Myers goes from garbage to god depending on what add ons you use.
He’s fine and doesn’t need any changes, just run Tombstone Piece and you’ll win 90% of your matches.
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He can kill healthy survivors with 0 hooks he can down survivors with tier 3 and with new patch where DH was nerfed to oblivion he is bad 🌚 i believe you 100% 🌚
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First of all I agree that he needs a buff and the Tombstone Piece needs a nerf.
I already posted 2 different ideas of how to buff him here ages ago (the last one was over 2 years ago). Here is the link:
I disagree on completely removing TS. And as I remember, the TS was the condition of the license holders (if a dev reads this and I am wrong, please correct me) for DBD to get Myers. So removing it would not be possible anyway.
Some ideas for the purple TS:
1) cannot use J. Myers Memorial or similar addons (no quick stalk) and after Mori, you can't get EWIII anymore, or
2) increase stalk immensely, so it equals the stalk needed for double pink (3 survivors fully stalked) or
3) you can only mori people which have been hooked once (or twice)
The pink TS should not be changed as it usually takes 4 gens against a mediocre team to get off if combined with infinite EWIII. Although it should not be possible to use any quick stalk addons with it. Only a few people know that the +200% stalk only affects the first EWIII. After that it is normal 5 stalk points (~5s minimum) which can provide pretty dirty plays.
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-Remove myers max stalking on a survivor
- move base tier 3 into Judith tombstone only. only available as the add on
-buff tiers 1 and 2 movement speed and lunge significantly. Myers fluctuates between tier 1 and 2.
-limit instant kill to just last survivor in trial.
-add mirrors to basekit (although gaining stalk only in line of sight)
-change several addons to buff tiers 1 and 2 exclusively.
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Could still be quicker remember they removed vaulting perk speed stacking so I want tier 3 vaulting speed back to that max speed. It just would make Tier 3 more threatening.