
Hello everyone, I'm really curious about something from the killer perspective of this game. Is it just me, or is anyone from the killer side accused of hacking every now and then? and is hacking in this game all that common? I know it happens from both sides of course, but I would hope not THAT frequently haha. To shed some light, while playing killers such as spirit, or nurse, accusations are thrown out because they are confused as to how or why I know just where to find them at times. My answer: Headphones, full volume. Or perhaps sometimes I notice odd movement in an area. I don't know if it's bait, but with how I've been told this quite a few times, it's so hard to be sure. Does this mean that I'm a pretty solid killer? That would be crazy seeing as I play survivor 70% of the time. Well, I hope you all have a very amazing day, I just wanted to know if hacking is common, and if so what types?
Killers definitely have a rough time when it comes to cheating accusations.
There really aren't that many cheaters, I've only ever encountered 1 in 400h of play.
I think a lot of the accusations come from the different perspectives, especialy if those people play little to no killer. I always play with a friend, and he will very often be like "HOW DID HE FIND ME? It's literally impossible and he does not have aura perks !" when the answer is pretty clearly either power-related KI, crows, or general game sense.
We've since played a few custom games with me as the killer to show him how I, who do not have cheats, can find him, and since then he's been disgruntled but accepting.
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It's genuinely pretty hard to tell. I don't have the link at hand, but either Hens or someone else did an experiment where very capable content creators were asked to tell who had a subtle speed boost during the match and it was absolutely not obvious.
You don't really see hackers flying across the map anymore, most cheaters just give themselves constant bloodlust 1-2 or haste effects, plus the occasional survivor that runs you to the edge of the map and then just magically disappear behind a rock (aura reading perks are really handy for that).
I'd say about 20-30% of high MMR matches have a subtle cheater, but again, I don't keep count and it's not quite as obvious as it might seem at first glance.
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I've been accused of hacking from both sides.
People need an excuse when they don't do well, be it camping, tunneling, SWF or cheating.
I'm sure there is subtle hacking that goes on but you only tend to notice it when its really overt, which makes it pretty uncommon in my experience.
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well no cheat protection in dead by daylight. So yes its really common
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In my experience hacking has become far less prevalent in recent months although there was a time when hacking when playing at higher "MMR" was far more common. Typically it is very rare across all time periods I've played in that you'll get a hacking killer. Survivors seem to be the culprits more often than not which makes sense as there are more survivors than killers. I have faced one killer in the past 6 months that I believe was hacking but there is no 100% evidence for that so I'd say it is extremely uncommon to see a hacking killer nowadays. Of course this is purely based on my experiences and others may have very different ones. However on the accusation front I completely get what you mean. I'm a console player that somehow still gets accused of hacking occasionally even though its physically impossible 😂. Essentially you are probably doing so much better than the survivors that they can't handle it and jump on hacking or they don't quite understand the game or have lots of experiences with hackers and are paranoid about them. Either way it probably stems from a good play from you.
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i just use aura reading builds and love finding people in lockers
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You have to get used to that. Hacking/cheating is really common as there is no cheat protection in dead by daylight.
I regularly reported with the official support ticket reports + video evidence of cheaters who flew, completed 3 generators within 10 seconds of starting the game and after 1 month came across the same player account still not banned.
If you're a known Twitch streamer, there's a good chance the player will get banned. Other than that, I wish you the best of luck, but I wouldn't hope for it.
I have now stopped the reports because it usually took 30 minutes to process the video evidence, collect information and create tickets. Even if this player was banned, he would have a new account in less time.
Sad but a fact.
Just as a measure: A faced obvious cheaters in 7 different games within the last month. So every 20th game in average for me.
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I've been accused if cheating many times. Usually by clueless survivors who have no game sense whatsoever.
One of the funniest occurrences is when a survivor has no idea, beside hacking, as why I would open the locker they were in ... as Huntress.
Geniuses, all of them.
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Yes you do, i had 2 survivors in one match that not only healed themself up time and again, they also flew out of range of the killer, teleported and stuff. The killer was pretty angry, and came at me when he saw me, but once he realized i was not one of the hackers, he just left me alone.
Sadly, i cant record videos at the moment, so i didnt even report those 2, since it has no consequenses anyway.
The next match, i had a killer using some kind of wallhack, because i lay on the ground, and he would follow the movement of survivors behind walls with his eyes (i could see, because i always run bond, i saw them, and the red stain were always shining in their direction, even they they constantly changed position). And no, he didint have aura perks. They were not injured, so not much to hear either.
But usually, you dont get (obvious) hackers that often. Most accusations come from people which no clue of whats going on, on both sides.
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I use Chili + Lethal on Legion to get into chases quickly, and the other day some survivor must have messed up their Chili timing because I clearly saw them get into a locker on the other side of the map after I hooked their teammate.
It was very funny walking up to them like hellooooo
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thx 4 the idea