I am done with the game

You rlly cant play killer casualy anymore. Every round the same genrush in to oblivion. Of course every round min two BNPs and for god's sake you forget the map offering. Its ######### misreble to play a casual killer game with a weaker killer and if you play myers with no addons and 2 slowdowns got send to the game of course the problem is that you start camping at on gen remaining after 100 predroped pallets. Playing Killer is ######### bullshit right now.
PS. I know solo que is also bullshit.
Well if every game you're get genrushed... then i'm sorry to say that you're getting gen rushed by those survivors which you said "have no brains". Maybe it's just an issue on your end 🤷♂️
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I don't think killer is meant to play casually you play agains't team of 4 all alone who try to win so you can't afford that if you want to win as well and you just don't have time to sit back and relax like survivors have.
If there would be more killers or less survivors then you could mess around and have fun while still winning. Now only if you get one quickly out and make the game 3vs1 then you can play more casually. I have no problem winning most my games because I play to win and use best stragedies.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Ok bye
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I mean.. fair enoug. yeah this game can be very frustrating regardless on which side you are playing. SoloQ/2-Man-SWF can be hell and I think at least pl killer side it’s usually not as consecutive hell-ish. But sure, frustrating matches still happen and can happen often.
but hey, there are some other games in this genre making their debut/re-release soon, so maybe look out for those? I know I will take a look at them (Texas Chainsaw game, HSH Online, Last Year, and pretty sure there are others?)
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I am all for the removal of snowballing on both sides.
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It's okay to not be good at a video game, no need to assign blame everywhere but yourself.
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100 pallets? lol
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u gotta account for all that any means necessary vaule
sorry to hear man. The game is definitely a strong map. A week break maybe would do the trick
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Texas will 3 killer vs 4 survivor
HSHS online reworked into 2 killer vs 5 survivor
Killer Klowns will 4 killer vs 5 survivor
Notice the fact, you wont get solo killer in these games, so all of them team based game rather than good asym
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Isn’t a 2v8 or similar an often requested new game mode for DbD as well?
and sure, they don’t need to try to copy DbD, still depends on the design and implementation of the games are worth it..
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well its your problem if you let survivors reset pallets. just break them.
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I am strictly killer main, if there are teammates, you are forced to play in SWF, or Kill With Friends, otherwise you are disadvantage.
In dbd, survivor only playable if you team up with very good players, while killer all you need is yourself, but wise choice needed, Nurse or Blight, anything else is bad
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I’m doing fine playing casually as Scratched Mirror Myers without even using map offerings. PWYF, Haunted Grounds, NoED and Franklins. Franklins is amazing with the current healing nerfs since it takes away Med Kits. It’s also fun to camp an item while hiding behind a wall, waiting for the survivor to come back for it.
Sure, I get my butt handed to me by people who know Myers weaknesses and how to loop, but it’s not that often and it’s nothing that a little bit of tunneling and proxy camping can’t help with in evening the odds.
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Every time I see a thread like this I think of Saitama from One Punch Man going "OK"
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Im hoping dbd getting 2vs4 or 2vs6 or even 2vs8. 2vs4 survivors would probably have to make lot faster but 2vs8 killers would kinda struggle. So I think 2vs6 would be best.
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yes I think 4 survs with offerings that work perfectly together are of course 4 solos. Also its rlly funny that they all are friends with each other on steam, but i guess its just a randomly happend.
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Of course I could tunnel yes, but every round the map + my killer are a complett mess. I had Trapper on iri. Myers on blood ludge, Myers on the game, Ghost face on iron works, with the most open gen spawns you could imagen etc. How the ######### could I do anything there.
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And i am wanting 5 vs 5 mod. Which means every team will have 4 survivors and 1 killer.
Teams will have blue and red lights. Objectives will be same except the gate part. If blue killer kill all red survivors before red killer or blue survivors finish all gens before red survivors, blue team will win.
And yeah, each team will have their own generators, hooks, totems etc. Maps will be bigger ofc.
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I dont say I play against elite swf squads. I would guess most of my games are two two mans ore one 3 man and one solo. But even if there are to survivors that are able to think the game can get very hard. When I play in a two man survivor I win like 60% of my game mostly because me and my friend do the right thinks when they are needed. Solo Survivors would win way more often if they would do gens, but most of the time they run behind the killer or do Boon, when they arent needed or straidup nothing. Thats why solos lose.
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If you play Trapper on high mmr against min 2 BNPs on iri I will see how you win this, if the survivors are playing safe. That hasnt to do with skill this is just survivors chose the playground and bring bullshit stuff.
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Yeah on the game arent that many, but if you bring windows or play a killer, which has a big problem with pallets you see what I want to say.
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The time it takes to break the pallets on the game (just the break animation) gives enough time for one survivor to do a full gen. If the killer is just running behind the survivor and break all the pallets he will lose.
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You do know that us Killers are not supposed to win every game, right?
Not every game is going to be an even match.
Just look at sports. Pro football. Imagine being a player on one of the worst teams any season. They get like 2 wins all year. Blown out almost every game.
Yes the game is unbalanced in many ways it it’s a lot better to play killer now than before.
Hell I got to Iri 1 as Twins AND survivors in 2 weeks time. That’s saying something and I’m not that great a player.
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Use better addons and more slowdowns. Alternatively just lobby dodge till you find a team with no toolboxes
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How the hell are you playing scratched mirror on outdoor maps? I wouldn't even be able to get a down lmao
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Yeah I guess that is really funny and so so random. Stop moaning and just play the game differently then. You're not getting 4 man swfs every single match. That just doesn't happen.
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Imagine not playing blight, nurse or spirit in this day and age. u wanna suffer?
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Spirit only good with addons.
I would say Nurse or Blight, every other killer is trash vs coordinated teams
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Luckily, you're only going to run into an actual good coordinated team maybe a couple of times a week.
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Are you actually picking the weakest killer in the game without any add-ons and complaining that you're not doing very well?
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It’s not easy, but I’m currently farming blood points to hoard indoor map offerings.
If I get Borgo or Garden if Pain I expect to get nothing accomplished. It’s so hard to sneak up on people on those maps.
Strategy is to try traveling along the edges of the map and approach from angles survivors don’t expect. Always walk with LOS blocked by objects. Always get three stacks of PWYF and save the obsession for last. Always run Franklins because they can’t heal and most of the time they go back to the item while I’m camping it.
If they’re t-bagging I proxy camp and tunnel or force a hook trade. If they get to two gens, I force them to get into second stage if I could.
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It sounds really fun...
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I've never thought about camping an item with franklins on scratched mirror. You're a genius😂. I love that idea.
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You’d be surprised how often they fall for it! It’s made some matches really fun. Sometimes I don’t even hide. I just stand there and when they approach I shake my head left and right to imply “No”. They point or beckon me to follow trying to distract me while their friend tries to be sneaky and steal it from me.
It’s also fun to trap their items with Trapper.
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I know we arent supposed to win every game, but how it can oke, that survivors are allowed to bring a map offering every game.
The worst players wouldnt be for ever the worst players. At some point they will become better.
Yes it is better playing killer nower days, but if you get a team that rlly want to genrush and are a little bit smarter than average you cant hold the gens.
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First I had a daily. Second I wouldnt be making that disguession, because of one game. I had a serie of games where I had basiclly the worst map for that killer all brough by the survivors.
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I know you dont get 4 man swfs every game, but if you get them matches can be rlly missreble.
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killers can bring map offerings as well and idk if this is true or not but I’ve heard they get priority. So if one survivor and one killer brings a map offering it favors the killer’s selection. Additionally killers are moving away from Gen pressure to chase/hook pressure. That is what you should focus on, not necessarily guarding gens. It’s easy to snowball as killer with just one down
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No the killer has no priority, if Survivors bring 4 Mapofferings and the killer one the killer has a 20% chance of getting to his map.
As Killer you only have on Offering slot so you cant bring a map and bp boosts at the same time. Survivors offten bring a map too easly win on that on and the others bring BP Offerings.
I have always focus on chase, but on some maps its not posable to down survivors fast enough to do so. Some Killers just cant win without looking at the gens as you descriepe.
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Hey man, if your feeling burnt out as a killer, I tend to rewatch a video that helps me greatly. It’s KillaWhales “how to have fun as a killer again” video.
if you don’t want to watch the whole thing, the main points are
- accepting there is stupid bullshit in the game you cannot deal wjth
- Don’t care about gens. Your kill rate will go down, but you will have a lot more fun games
- Dont ever go to the gates after a match. Self explanatory.
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You had a daily to use Myers with no add-ons?
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no, but I dont want to need more stalk for the tier ups. Also Myers is no dependend (exept 5 Addons) Killer Myers need good perks to conpensate.
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but I know these things. The first point is the only point that I rlly hate. I mean its a game where two sides play against each other. So how can it be posable, that you cant win when survivors bring some specific Items or get a map where you cant do anything? Just how?
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im literally frustrate right now, because, i like Trickster so much, but, i cant play him anymore, i cant do literally nothing without lose 2 gens. He and some killers are so painful to play now. If you want keep pressure, i need play Nurse, Blight, maybe spirit or SM tri gen. Other killer will be suffer.
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I would go to kill red killer if I was blue killer.
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True I think I will only play Nurse and blight from now on. Every killer under mid A tier is mostly unplayable or a gigantic struggle
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you cant play causually, or trying other stuffs, other strategies, other perks, if you do that, yeah, you can, but, u will lose all gen so quickly and u dont have time to try anything, or, survivor will be toxic. "wow, hes a baby killer". YOU CANT PLAY JUST FOR FUN in now days
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I've started to play killer so I can get some of those achievements, Myers feels ok, I don't have many perks...
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Set up a custom game and kill the custom game bots, pretty much none of what you are describing is present in a custom game against bots.
Don't like certain perks or items then customize your opponents
Don't like certain maps then remove them from the roster
Don't have enough BP's to buy the addons you want and run them, doesn't matter make any build you want for free.
Single best thing they added to DBD and if you are sitting there thinking "Ahhh playing killer online is miserable" then take a break or better yet... kill some bots.