Life of Merchant fan

So I am Skull Merchant supporter, I play her going hard stealth even though it makes my games much less consistent, but I'm not hung up on getting a ton of wins as long as I get enough bp to make my time worth it. I try to avoid three genning and I don't even have any slowdown in my build. I simply make people put up with me not having a terror radius half the time to they can feel truly hunted. I also perma run lightborn cause I love watching survivors with their lights feeding me more info in the form of legal wallhacks. I chase and drone more on strong loops and structures rather than on top of gens. I feel as if I hit all the points folks want out of Skull Merchant and my games don't last for an hour.
My reward for playing healthy games? A ddos. On team legit just outright plays like lemmings and throws super hard and they ddos me. I love this game and the people who play it sometimes.
Skull Merchant needs a completely re-work
She is the worst killer in the game right now
I'm sorry if you are getting DDOS just because you are playing as her. I think that is just an example of what people can do just because of a terrible designed killer
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Oh no, they'll do that for any Killer.
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I don't like playing against Twins a great deal and think their design is kinda trash, but I don't go outta my way to ddos a twins player if I get caught lacking. Skull Merchant could literally have the power to teleport you to the hook on frame one of the trial and it wouldn't be a reason to ddos.
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But thats my point
Skull Merchant is so bad that people are starting to do that
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I'm leaning towards SM being one of my mains, she makes Hexes viable again and having Survivors DC or give up early is a nice side bonus.
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I hate hate hate everything about the SM with a burning passion but regardless of that, this treatment you faced is just not right. Props to you for going out of your way and just enjoying what you like (regardless of how I hate hate hate and just can't stand the idea), hope you can still have your own fun in the game and don't have to face this kind of bullshit again.
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I get threats for playing as her but do I care? Nah. I'm still going to camp those three gens
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True dedication right there.
Oh I'm still gonna play here cause before that game I had one where at the end someone said I actually scared them which made my day.