Life of Merchant fan

ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

So I am Skull Merchant supporter, I play her going hard stealth even though it makes my games much less consistent, but I'm not hung up on getting a ton of wins as long as I get enough bp to make my time worth it. I try to avoid three genning and I don't even have any slowdown in my build. I simply make people put up with me not having a terror radius half the time to they can feel truly hunted. I also perma run lightborn cause I love watching survivors with their lights feeding me more info in the form of legal wallhacks. I chase and drone more on strong loops and structures rather than on top of gens. I feel as if I hit all the points folks want out of Skull Merchant and my games don't last for an hour.

My reward for playing healthy games? A ddos. On team legit just outright plays like lemmings and throws super hard and they ddos me. I love this game and the people who play it sometimes.
